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[WIP] Last Rites weapon mod (mini-mod)


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Last Rites is an obscure '97 Post-Apocalyptic/Zombie/Sci-Fi shooter developed by Ocean.


The resources of the game are difficult to extract, many have tried. Thanks to the talent of Diodeus and torridGristle, we at the least have partial rips including all of the HUD weapons. And the weapons is the focus here. I like the weapon design (hell, there's a gun with the words "F.O.A.D." spraypainted on the back of it), I wanted to see them ported to DOOM. Unfortunaly, there is still loads of sprites unaccounted for and the game did not use sprites for items. The continuing work on this mod is depended on wether that issue can be resolved or not and if there is any overall interest.


For now atleast, I have ported all eight weapons and tried to mimmick their behaviour based on memory and watching gameplay footage. There is however a lot of placeholder sprites due to reasons mentioned earlier, this includes weapon and ammo pickups and weapon projectiles. I do own the game, but have not played it for years and frankly it is not an enjoyable game thanks in large to the bad and repetive level design.





Charging up the plasma blaster for a more damaging shot
The Torch Technologies Inferno in action
Scavenger rocket launcher
New addition, dual handguns
Auto-Shotty in action


For EDGE 1.35 Final or later
Download (WIP): http://www.mediafire.com/file/wtcalo3344pebip/lr_guns_wip.wad/file



Edited by CeeJay

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If someone could rip all the textures and monster sprites, I'd be down for working on a TC of this game for GZDoom. I think the most complex feature this game has is slopes, which GZDoom can easily do.

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Possible ammo pickup replacements
From left to right: Uzi clip, Uzi clips, shells, rocket, rocket pack, fuel, plasma charger and nuke grenades


Anyone have any better ideas, just let me know.

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Slow and steady wins the race...



New HUD. Not a 1:1 replica but rather "inspired" by. The one in LR took up a little too much space and was cetainly more complicated than it needed to be anyways. Snatched most of the gfx from old screenshots of the game.

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EDGE's modding capabilities has always been its best quality (documentation, no so much). The DDF is a little limited by todays standard but very user friendly and easy for anyone to pick up. And if you dare to experiment a little you will often find that you can do a lot more than you would think at first glance. I know I've pushed the engine near the breaking point several times.

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1 minute ago, Biodegradable said:

Will this mod work on GZDoom as well, or are you making it just for EDGE specifically?

GZDoom and EDGE have very different content definition languages. So yeah, this will only work for EDGE.

(Fun fact; too many EDGE mod makers have been asked to port their mods to (G)ZDoom.)

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