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9 hours ago, Edward850 said:

You say that but the maintenance/benefit ratio for java edition is insanely bad, it's part of the reason why bedrock was held back for so longer because untangling everything was such a massive drag for them. 


Legit, Microsoft had every reason to just kill it and they didn't. Backlash would have been completely irrelevant. 


They would have done something already if the ratio was bad enough, especially if backlash would be irrelevant as they still can suck money out of Minecraft Realms that people use in java edition as well as new copies that people buy instead of bedrock edition. Microsoft is a company looking for money - java edition would be dead if it didn't bring any profit. However I'm confident that it still does, hence why they are keeping it alive. There will be a guaranteed massive backlash however once it dies.

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Welp, this... complicates things for me. I have sort of personal crusade to let as little of my money as possible seep to Microsoft, but it will own Doom franchize now. Oh well, if the next Doom game turns into Tomb-Raider-style tedious chore like Mario Eternal is, I won't have much incentive to spend money on it. And I still like Doom II the best anyway, so as long as people create new maps for it, I'm good.

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This news made me feel sick. I don't like the idea of any id software games being owned by microsoft, I do not trust them with Doom. I don't want Doom to be the next Halo or Gears of War

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31 minutes ago, Caleb13 said:

Welp, this... complicates things for me. I have sort of personal crusade to let as little of my money as possible seep to Microsoft.


Still have memories from 95 era? Yeah I feel you.

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18 minutes ago, rustygizzard said:

wow! yeah remember that time they turned minecraft into halo? this is such a negative view of this. microsoft does not micromanage their studios. microsoft has proven to give their studios creative control. nothing will change. why would they purposely micromanage a successful franchise that needs no micromanagement? corporations do not have the constant want to ruin things. believe it or not they actually would rather make money above all else.


How dare you sir! Please take your logic, common sense and knowledge of microsoft that's not a decade or more out date and leave. This is the internet! Boundless baseless outrage only, thank you!

Edited by Murdoch

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3 hours ago, NλDERADE said:

This news made me feel sick. I don't like the idea of any id software games being owned by microsoft, I do not trust them with Doom. I don't want Doom to be the next Halo or Gears of War

Personally, I honestly don’t know how they could ever make a new doom game worse than Eternal.

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33 minutes ago, JBerg said:

Personally, I honestly don’t know how they could ever make a new doom game worse than Eternal.

Well thank god Eternal was a actually great. 

Microsoft has to make something really good to top it. Though i doubt id will let anyone touch Doom at this point.

Edited by jazzmaster9

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On 9/21/2020 at 7:10 PM, TenenteZashu said:

So.... when are we gonna get this skin for Eternal?



Should be called "Trenchcoat Mafia" Bill.

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9 hours ago, seed said:

They may not be one's friend, fair enough, but these "ugly corporations" have surely put out something we all enjoy, whether we like to admit that or not is irrelevant. Funny how that works, doesn't it?

As someone still using Windows 7, whose primary pots of call for gaming are DosBox and my NES, and whose newest console is an Xbox 360.. I can safely say "it's been a while."

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My newest consoles are Wii and PS2, and I just got the PS2 in May 2019.    The console wars have just been uninteresting cannon fodder to me for a long time.


Now what would really be amazing is if that Xbox 360 of yours still works without being some frankenrepaired one.

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12 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

The point still stands, if your concern is a company being above id and stifling their creativity, you should have been angry since 2009 when Zenimax got their grubby hands on id. MS's history shows much less meddling than Zeni ever did. 

Here's the thing; because of these buyouts, any anti-consumer move Microsoft does that affects most if not all of their games will have a greater impact on the industry. Also, the less competitors Microsoft has (and I'm not just talking about console manufacturers), the less motivation they have to put out good games. The more independent companies there are, the more alternatives there is to fall back on, even though I wouldn't call Zenimax the ideal to begin with.


As you said, Microsoft isn't into much meddling right now; I already touched on that myself. However, a shakeup in management could change everything.


12 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

And no, the 20th Century Fox aquisition didn't bother me in the slightest because I don't care much for cinema. *shrugs*

You don't need to be a fan of movies to realize how to terrible this deal is. Many other people do care about the art of film and expressing apathy is accelerating the destruction of a medium that brought many people joy (ok, well, I'm exaggerating quite a bit, but you get what I mean). How can you not feel bad for them?


Hell, even before this merger, Disney took opportunities to abuse their power which are undoubtedly anti-consumer and anti-competitive.


12 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

Dude it's early days, they've done what's necessary to imply that exclusivity won't happen. I don't get why you and an irritatingly vocal handful of people want it written out in the clearest definition. Why not save yourself the stress and only be angry once there's something to genuinely be angry about? Currently MS's aquisition has done absolutely nothing to negatively affect your ability to enjoy these games and services, and honestly it's quite unlikely it ever will. 

I still don't see why this deal doesn't have uncertainty surrounding it. They shouldn't just imply things, they need to prove it. There's just isn't enough here to make this "worst-case scenario" implausible.


Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely love it if my concerns were proven incorrect. I'd love it if this deal really does benefit anyone. I think this has a lot of good that could come out of it. I just think that this shouldn't be celebrated over just yet.


By the way, this has nothing to do with me worrying about not being able to play future Bethesda games in the future. I play on PC primarily, and Microsoft has proven themselves committed to the platform. However, I feel empathy towards those that are potentially going to be faced with such a problem.

Edited by chemo

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2 hours ago, chemo said:

I still don't see why this deal doesn't have uncertainty surrounding it. They shouldn't just imply things, they need to prove it. There's just isn't enough here to make this "worst-case scenario" implausible.

Microsoft having good relationships with Nintendo makes it all more likely that Switch releases is unlikely to stop. However, I can see PlayStation releases no longer happening (which is a good thing).

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12 minutes ago, Cacodemon345 said:

Microsoft having good relationships with Nintendo makes it all more likely that Switch releases is unlikely to stop. However, I can see PlayStation releases no longer happening (which is a good thing).


How is that a good thing? 

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Just now, Cacodemon345 said:

Whether this is a good thing or not is highly subjective though.


No, it isn't. Bethesda games not seeing any further Playstation releases won't benefit consumers in any way. 

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I dunno man, a good number of the studios under Microsoft make games for most consoles, Obsidian, Double Fine, Mojang, Ninja Theory.. etc.
While yes, the plausible idea that they would cherrypick Bethesda's properties to make them xbox/microsoft exclusive is a daunting one, I'm pretty sure they realize what kind of backlash they would receive if Doom, Fallout, or Elder Scrolls were console-exclusive.
I guess what I'm saying is that they seem to have previously demonstrated that (as of late) they aren't entirely interested in scooping up 3rd party developers and shoehorning their IP's into xbox exclusives. (although I think Rare is still an exception?) 

I recognize the bias against Microsoft and Gates by extension, they have had contentious history with the open source community, which I would believe a lot of folks in the Doom community cross over with. Bad experiences. Also the concern of monopolization, especially when the parent company dedicates itself to proprietary hardware. 

Cautious optimism for me, I just hope that they put some fire under Bethesda's butt or dedicate resources to assist them with the quality of their games.

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I'm still waiting for a Facebook/Zynga buyout and see Doom reduced to a "Mafia Wars" kind of browser game.

Edited by Maes

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59 minutes ago, Maes said:

I'm still waiting for a Facebook/Zynga buyout and see Doom reduced to a "Mafia Wars" kind of browser game.


I'm still waiting for them to put out the Doom-themed Match 3 mobile game, you know, the one easter egg in Doom Eternal you can play that's practically a working prototype.




Edited by Biodegradable

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The corporate world is constantly changing. Back in the late 90s Google was the cool new kid and MS the evil corporation.

Not only did Id change, also Microsoft changed as did Google.


I'm not saying that in MS they are saints, but they are definitely more friendly with the community than they used to, for their very own sake they have had to change gears in several topics. And the videogame market is one where they are the counterbalance to giants like Sony which I'd rather not have them become a new gaming monopoly.


At least with MS they are committed to PC gaming (even Halo is now on PC), as long as a game is on PC and as long as PC keeps being an open platform I'd not consider that an exclusive. If you don't want to support exclusivity and walled gardens then you should be avoiding consoles anyway.


In fact, if you truly wanted to avoid big corporations then you probably should be gaming on Linux using only open source or indie games under some puri.sm hardware and avoiding AAA titles, so none of these big firm deals would be making a difference to you.

Edited by Ferk

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6 hours ago, Cacodemon345 said:

(which is a good thing).


5 hours ago, Cacodemon345 said:

Whether this is a good thing or not is highly subjective though.



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1 hour ago, Ferk said:

In fact, if you truly wanted to avoid big corporations then you probably should be gaming on Linux using only open source or indie games under some puri.sm hardware and avoiding AAA titles, so none of these big firm deals would be making a difference to you.

Or even adopt FreeBSD/OpenBSD if you hate Microsoft entering the Linux community and all you really want to do is just play id Software games for which full open-source releases are available. :p

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to add on to my previous comment that was made based on the unfounded fear of corporation as far as the doom series goes (not the slimy tactics or decisions that come from them), for now it looks good in the immediate to near future. things could change as other people in this thread have added, but there's no reason to panic at the moment. as far as the future, we'll just have to wait and see. but in my personal opinion, i would've rather had microsoft buy out bethesda than them inevitably going under.

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And for people wondering about the multiplaform issue, from the article:


Apart from a difference in development oversight, this could also have some effect on whether Bethesda games become Xbox exclusives - it may be that Bethesda is able to choose to continue releasing games across all platforms.


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15 hours ago, chemo said:

Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely love it if my concerns were proven incorrect. I'd love it if this deal really does benefit anyone. I think this has a lot of good that could come out of it. I just think that this shouldn't be celebrated over just yet.



I'm short of time so can't be spending what little spare I have writing mundane essays about this already drawn out debate - but this one part stood out to me. That's exactly my point, just flipped. You've taken the stance of being angry until given reason to be happy; just be apathetic towards it until either some good or some bad comes from the deal. No need to be all hot-headed on the interwebs just yet, eh?

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10 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

I'm still waiting for them to put out the Doom-themed Match 3 mobile game, you know, the one easter egg in DOOM '16 you can play that's practically a working prototype.



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15 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

I'm still waiting for them to put out the Doom-themed Match 3 mobile game

I don't program, but match 3 games are probably one of the easier games to program. It isn't like you're programming Pac-man, with monsters, lives, and collectables. I'm actually surprised there aren't mobile games yet. 

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