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Made a YT channel, and I'll play your mods, guys!


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I've been absent from the doom community for a while, and a week ago I decided to make a youtube channel.

Here are some playthroughs I've done


I will review any doom wads you post on this forum, too.

Edited by GoosebumpsFan

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On 9/22/2020 at 1:15 AM, Pseudonaut said:

What the hell kind of level are you trying to get me to play here?

This one is just insane!

I can't even play through the thing for like ten seconds without me dying!

Imma make a compilation video of my deaths in the mod

anyway imma head out for the night

Edited by GoosebumpsFan

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44 minutes ago, GoosebumpsFan said:

What the hell kind of level are you trying to get me to play here?

This one is just insane!

I can't even play through the thing for like ten seconds without me dying!


Lol don't worry about it, the only maps in this wad that I've beaten are 16 and 28 (the latter is supposed to be done without taking damage). Just thought it would be funny to post it, at least for me. I don't know if it'll make you feel any better, but I recorded a quick attempt (failure) of the first map:




Also, with the video you posted, I think longer clips would be better and more entertaining. With the way it's edited now, it's a little hard to follow.

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Hey @GoosebumpsFan, it's cool that you've made a channel.


I've got a few tips for you


1. If you are doing playthroughs of wads that people post you should rename your thread to reflect that "Made a YT channel and I'll play your wads!"


2. The framerate is pretty fucked. It's unwatchable for me, I imagine the only people who would watch this would be mappers whose maps you're playing. You definitely need to fix your framerate. 60fps if you're using GZDoom.


3. In the OP (first post in this thread) you need to elaborate about playing people's wads. Are you just doing an FDA and quitting after you die X amount of times? Why are you playing the maps? I think if you play someones map you should try to finish it unless it's some ridiculous slaughter map.


4. Make a playlist for the maps you've played that people have posted.


5. Is a mic out of the question? It's not necessary but having some commentary while trying maps makes a big difference.


It's awesome that you're making Doom content but I think you need to clean everything up a bit.

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Yeah, what the above post said. Also I'll add that personally speaking, I don't find gameplay videos where a player is bumbling around clumsily to be all that entertaining. Anyone can slap together easy gameplay videos like that.


Anyway, I don't want to sound overly harsh. Everyone starts somewhere. Best of luck finding a direction for your channel.

Edited by amackert

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7 minutes ago, amackert said:

Also I'll add that personally speaking, I don't find gameplay videos where a player is bumbling around clumsily to be all that entertaining.


In my opinion, something like that could be pretty entertaining with the right commentary.

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14 hours ago, Pseudonaut said:


In my opinion, something like that could be pretty entertaining with the right commentary.


Yeah, agreed. With commentary it can be a different story.

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Are you using Dosbox?


If you need a good port to play vanilla, you could try out Eternity Engine or PrBoom+. Both of these are vanilla in their gameplay while allowing higher resolution. Would make the videos more clear and enjoyable to watch IMO.


Of course, this is just my personnal opinion. I'm sure there's people out there that are fine watching videos from Dosbox/Chocolate. Subbing for support.

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12 minutes ago, Thermal Lance said:

Are you using Dosbox?


If you need a good port to play vanilla, you could try out Eternity Engine or PrBoom+. Both of these are vanilla in their gameplay while allowing higher resolution. Would make the videos more clear and enjoyable to watch IMO.


Of course, this is just my personnal opinion. I'm sure there's people out there that are fine watching videos from Dosbox/Chocolate. Subbing for support.

I mainly use PRBooM+ and GZDooM, but no vanilla.


I used GZDooM for the custom maps because I assumed they needed GZDooM.

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Ah, here are my most important mods, if you want to review them:


FURDEMON (FURDEMON.wad): A 5 maps DOOM mod with furries. Runs with GZDoom.  Freelook/jumping and OpenGL recommended.

Link: https://urrova.itch.io/furdemon


Dimensional Weirdness (DIMWEIRD.pk3): A remake of a terrywad, SIGTAGNY.wad. 3 maps. OpenGL recommended, but no jumping or crouching (blocked via MAPINFO)

Link: https://urrova.itch.io/dimensional-weirdness

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I like to use GZDoom for most of my Doom videos because it has the widest appeal visually. It looks """""""""""""better""""""""""""" than prboom for people unfamiliar with Doom or just general Doom viewers.

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11 minutes ago, GoosebumpsFan said:

I mainly use PRBooM+ and GZDooM, but no vanilla.


I used GZDooM for the custom maps because I assumed they needed GZDooM.

Then you probably have an issue on the recording side of things. Video is kind of choppy. Which software are you using?

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Please play my Hell Frontier WAD:

The first link is the valid one, the other is just archive. You are also welcome to try out maps from spoiler I'm making for the next batch, but they all await revisions.

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26 minutes ago, URROVA said:

Ah, here are my most important mods, if you want to review them:


FURDEMON (FURDEMON.wad): A 5 maps DOOM mod with furries. Runs with GZDoom.  Freelook/jumping and OpenGL recommended.

Link: https://urrova.itch.io/furdemon


Dimensional Weirdness (DIMWEIRD.pk3): A remake of a terrywad, SIGTAGNY.wad. 3 maps. OpenGL recommended, but no jumping or crouching (blocked via MAPINFO)

Link: https://urrova.itch.io/dimensional-weirdness

Playing your maps now!

They'll be uploaded to YT in about an hour!


Also be sure to like and subscribe :)


EDIT: sry about the double post

Edited by GoosebumpsFan

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4 hours ago, GoosebumpsFan said:

Also @PeterMoro i can't seem to get the red keycard to lower, or a blue keycard. Any advise for your level?

Sorry to hear you got stuck. Look for a switch near the red door ; )

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hey m8!

I am about to publish my megawad which is in beta now, but i still need somebody to properly test map 29, i know it's weird to play last map from the wad but i really need it, if you want this is the link to the wad

https://www.dropbox.com/s/zornokws9ktl6vq/Happy 32 0.1.wad?dl=1


only map 29 please. It will be slightly tough, maybe :) and thanks!

play in Gzdoom



and this is the link to the topic for any information needed





Edited by Zolgia108

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On 9/24/2020 at 6:00 AM, Zolgia108 said:

hey m8!

I am about to publish my megawad which is in beta now, but i still need somebody to properly test map 29, i know it's weird to play last map from the wad but i really need it, if you want this is the link to the wad

https://www.dropbox.com/s/zornokws9ktl6vq/Happy 32 0.1.wad?dl=1


only map 29 please. It will be slightly tough, maybe :) and thanks!

play in Gzdoom



and this is the link to the topic for any information needed




Sure thing!



It will be slightly tough, maybe :)


One Archvile and like maybe three revenants and chaingunners and cyberdemons and mancubi and arachnotrons and maybe just four cacodemons and archviles

and like six more archviles.


Yeah it could be like maybe slightly tough, maybe :)


Just a smidgen toughness

Edited by GoosebumpsFan

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Alright you know what...

I just seriously think this is an absolute TROLL WAD and heres why:


Usually playing doom is fun and (sort of) relaxing.

When I played your wad, the sheer number of monsters and the neon color scheme that quite frankly looks awful and distracts me from the dark brown imps and black revenants just gives me a headache. The sheer amount of revenants is just plain cringeworthy and of course the small amount of weapons and health packs. Sure the map looks nice but it plays like a clogged toilet. With the SSG trap, why is there 15 fucking revenants and four pinkys biting me in the ass in a crouched space, not to mention the two chaingunners and NO COVER AT ALL, then to add icing to the cake just throw in an archvile behind bars to incinerate me. And then to not have a single health bonus in the room, you gotta have big balls to do that shit. Okay... what if you avoid that trap?

That'll send you to a golden platform FILLED TO THE TOP with goddamn revenants. Like why why why? Then you get pelted by some ignorable shit-colored imps. Okay maybe you escaped... NO!!!! You go into another area with shitty cacos and archviles!


The plutionia expiriment is easier on Ultra Violence then this trash level.

I don't even think you can beat it with a pistol start at all.


Also don't you make anyone else play this plain garbage map ever.



I'll be glad to delete this rubbish.





Probably the only reason you had me play this is because nobody else would.

Edited by GoosebumpsFan

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5 hours ago, GoosebumpsFan said:

Alright you know what...

I just seriously think this is an absolute TROLL WAD and heres why:


Usually playing doom is fun and (sort of) relaxing.

When I played your wad, the sheer number of monsters and the neon color scheme that quite frankly looks awful and distracts me from the dark brown imps and black revenants just gives me a headache. The sheer amount of revenants is just plain cringeworthy and of course the small amount of weapons and health packs. Sure the map looks nice but it plays like a clogged toilet. With the SSG trap, why is there 15 fucking revenants and four pinkys biting me in the ass in a crouched space, not to mention the two chaingunners and NO COVER AT ALL, then to add icing to the cake just throw in an archvile behind bars to incinerate me. And then to not have a single health bonus in the room, you gotta have big balls to do that shit. Okay... what if you avoid that trap?

That'll send you to a golden platform FILLED TO THE TOP with goddamn revenants. Like why why why? Then you get pelted by some ignorable shit-colored imps. Okay maybe you escaped... NO!!!! You go into another area with shitty cacos and archviles!


The plutionia expiriment is easier on Ultra Violence then this trash level.

I don't even think you can beat it with a pistol start at all.


Also don't you make anyone else play this plain garbage map ever.



I'll be glad to delete this rubbish.




Probably the only reason you had me play this is because nobody else would.


Well, uh, that sure is a review. I wasn't interested before, but after seeing a post like this, I decided to play it. I realize no one asked for my opinion, but I'm posting it anyway. Here's a video of my second playthrough with saves (including many deaths):



I considered doing it saveless, but it's kinda hard. Would require practice and a lot of attempts. I didn't notice until around 2:50 in the video, but I had infinitely tall actors turned off, and it shows. It kinda felt like cheating, but this is a GZDoom wad so it's probably not a big deal. Anyway, this is a map that starts hard and gets easier as it goes on, especially if you know the secrets. The big fight at the beginning is by far the hardest, and I don't really like it. The most reliable strategy I could find was to let infighting take its course for a while to save ammo; a little cheesy, but I'm not sure what the intended strategy is. For me, placing significantly more BFG ammo would cut down on the tedium, but also maybe trivialize it a bit. I wonder what a skilled player could do with this fight as is.


Aside from that, this is a pretty good map. Saving my BFG ammo paid off as I had some good opportunities to spam it and quickly murder arch-viles and cyberdemons up close. Those telefraggable cyberdemons are pretty cool. I enjoyed the map overall.



Edited by Pseudonaut

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9 hours ago, GoosebumpsFan said:

Alright you know what...

I just seriously think this is an absolute TROLL WAD and heres why:


Usually playing doom is fun and (sort of) relaxing.

When I played your wad, the sheer number of monsters and the neon color scheme that quite frankly looks awful and distracts me from the dark brown imps and black revenants just gives me a headache. The sheer amount of revenants is just plain cringeworthy and of course the small amount of weapons and health packs. Sure the map looks nice but it plays like a clogged toilet. With the SSG trap, why is there 15 fucking revenants and four pinkys biting me in the ass in a crouched space, not to mention the two chaingunners and NO COVER AT ALL, then to add icing to the cake just throw in an archvile behind bars to incinerate me. And then to not have a single health bonus in the room, you gotta have big balls to do that shit. Okay... what if you avoid that trap?

That'll send you to a golden platform FILLED TO THE TOP with goddamn revenants. Like why why why? Then you get pelted by some ignorable shit-colored imps. Okay maybe you escaped... NO!!!! You go into another area with shitty cacos and archviles!


The plutionia expiriment is easier on Ultra Violence then this trash level.

I don't even think you can beat it with a pistol start at all.


Also don't you make anyone else play this plain garbage map ever.



I'll be glad to delete this rubbish.





Probably the only reason you had me play this is because nobody else would.

i think you should calm down a bit. A lot of people are playing the megawad, this is map 29, i am sorry i didnt know you were a frustrated person, next time please don't offer your help with playtesting. I really couldn't imagine you were such a mean guy. I'm glad that you are going to delete this rubbish, and please don't even try to play what is really hard, cause this is not.


About your edit: no. not true, this map was played, you are the only one that actually went into rage mode, and you should be ashamed of your behaviour. I played a lot of rubbish in this community from new mappers and such and i never even thought about being this arrogant. Now please go frick yourself.


3 hours ago, Pseudonaut said:


Well, uh, that sure is a review. I wasn't interested before, but after seeing a post like this, I decided to play it. I realize no one asked for my opinion, but I'm posting it anyway. Here's a video of my second playthrough with saves (including many deaths):



I considered doing it saveless, but it's kinda hard. Would require practice and a lot of attempts. I didn't notice until around 2:50 in the video, but I had infinitely tall actors turned off, and it shows. It kinda felt like cheating, but this is a GZDoom wad so it's probably not a big deal. Anyway, this is a map that starts hard and gets easier as it goes on, especially if you know the secrets. The big fight at the beginning is by far the hardest, and I don't really like it. The most reliable strategy I could find was to let infighting take its course for a while to save ammo; a little cheesy, but I'm not sure what the intended strategy is. For me, placing significantly more BFG ammo would cut down on the tedium, but also maybe trivialize it a bit. I wonder what a skilled player could do with this fight as is.


Aside from that, this is a pretty good map. Saving my BFG ammo paid off as I had some good opportunities to spam it and quickly murder arch-viles and cyberdemons up close. Those telefraggable cyberdemons are pretty cool. I enjoyed the map overall.



thanks for playing the map, if you want there is another review in the main topic, Lucky Edie found this map quite easy, so it really depends on the player, then there should be a video of El_inf playing it but i am not sure if he sent me in private or in public. Anyway, right now i feel slighlty bad for what just happened, i didn't think that a person in this community could actually be that mean, if you want to talk about the wad we can go in the topic. I don't think that psychopath here would be "happy" otherwise.




EDIT: i would have answered singularly to your ramblings, but i realized that it would have had no use, and since you treated me like that i don't really think you are up the task of testing maps and running a youtube channel.

Edited by Zolgia108

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6 hours ago, GoosebumpsFan said:

Alright you know what...

I just seriously think this is an absolute TROLL WAD and heres why:


Usually playing doom is fun and (sort of) relaxing.

When I played your wad, the sheer number of monsters and the neon color scheme that quite frankly looks awful and distracts me from the dark brown imps and black revenants just gives me a headache. The sheer amount of revenants is just plain cringeworthy and of course the small amount of weapons and health packs. Sure the map looks nice but it plays like a clogged toilet. With the SSG trap, why is there 15 fucking revenants and four pinkys biting me in the ass in a crouched space, not to mention the two chaingunners and NO COVER AT ALL, then to add icing to the cake just throw in an archvile behind bars to incinerate me. And then to not have a single health bonus in the room, you gotta have big balls to do that shit. Okay... what if you avoid that trap?

That'll send you to a golden platform FILLED TO THE TOP with goddamn revenants. Like why why why? Then you get pelted by some ignorable shit-colored imps. Okay maybe you escaped... NO!!!! You go into another area with shitty cacos and archviles!


The plutionia expiriment is easier on Ultra Violence then this trash level.

I don't even think you can beat it with a pistol start at all.


Also don't you make anyone else play this plain garbage map ever.



I'll be glad to delete this rubbish.





Probably the only reason you had me play this is because nobody else would.


This is an excellent way to destroy what little credibility you have in this community as a playtester. Pack it in with the Angry Video Game Nerd routine and try being more constructive. I'm not one for sugarcoating things myself, but you've got to practice some restraint with your feedback because the bullshit you've written here is a sure-fire way to dissuade any other mapper from taking your contributions seriously. You can be honest and polite about it, mate.

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