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The worst/most useless secrets in Doom

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Every one of the stairs in this area of Plutonia Map15 is accidentally tagged as a secret. This makes for six secret sectors that are completely worthless.


Not to mention both the switch that opens the secret area and the area itself are tagged as secrets in their own right, making 8 total secrets for a megasphere.



Edited by Spie812

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25 minutes ago, Lila Feuer said:

The Bloodfalls one always irked me since I UV-only the IWADs.


Think Shawn could have at least stuffed a health bonus or SOMETHING in there.

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Another bad secret is the door that closes after a few seconds in map 27. If you get there too late, then it will never open again.


Also, that one secret in map 15 that can only be obtained by some trickery involving a pain elemental. Only recently did someone actually get it without resorting to cheating.

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I like how a few secrets in TNT Evilution are as much of a punishment as a reward. That teleporter straight into the archvile/hitscan room in Map 03 comes to mind, not to mention the Hell Baron room to get the SSG in Map 02.

Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of maps that hide monsters in their secrets, especially if its a major affect on the final kill count or results in a situation that makes getting the secret more of a hassle than it might otherwise be worth. That's a bad secret to me.

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E4M3 is the poster child for worst secrets. Two inaccessible sectors with torches on them (without noclip) and an entire staircase-worth of secrets when there are only two legitimate ones.

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  • Secrets that are simply alternate routes to areas (like the two unnecessary doors that lead to that room with the pentagonal nukage pool in E2M3)
  • Regular rooms/hallways/whatever that are tagged as secrets for no reason (that bigass hallway in TNT map 20 comes to mind)
  • Mandatory secrets (especially HIDING GODDAMN KEYS IN SECRET ROOMS)
  • And of course the inverse, when you have for example a small room, hidden by a door camouflaged as a wall (but slightly misaligned), containing some bonus items, that ISN'T tagged as a secret.  

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16 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

^ The scars Maximum Doom leaves never truly fade...


Sometimes things exist to serve as an example of why they shouldn't...

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