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Doom burnout - does this happen to anyone else?


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For a few months i've been on a doom burnout, like. not even wanting to touch Doom or related games within doom's engine


now for some random reason i'm now playing through doom 1... twice. one on my laptop with keyboard controls, one on my desktop with ultraviolence.

(although i did beat episode 1 on ultraviolence back in.. early febuaury? but my gzdoom save got wiped from an update, so i'm using crispy doom nowadays)


maybe i'll go through doom 2 ultraviolence and heretic (Stopped because Gzdoom update also wiped my save AAAA)


like damn, 2 weeks ago i thought i would never play doom again for a while, but no i'm playing it a shitload.


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Sure, last time I had a burnout it lasted four years but that was because of work eating way too much of my time and energy. I've been tinkering with modding here and there in the past month and it's been refreshing just smashing away at doing balance tweaks and other fixes. Here's to the next burnout going longer and stronger!

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Absolutely! I seem to go in circles :-P


For instance, I might play nothing but doom for 4 months, then get board and switch to playing nothing but fallout for the next 4 months! After that it usually goes into another 4 months of playing new games / random old games before the cycle repeats :-P

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Just now, I'm in a Doom burnout. I haven't played for more than a week. It usually happens after two or three megawads in a short time, and I stop playing for one or two weeks and then I get hooked again.

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I'm probably heading for some burnout at some point. I haven't stopped playing since I joined the forum back in late May, but so far I haven't gotten even remotely sick of it.

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  On 9/25/2020 at 2:02 PM, Biodegradable said:

I'm probably heading for some burnout at some point. I haven't stopped playing since I joined the forum back in late May, but so far I haven't gotten even remotely sick of it.



I've gone through spurts in and out for the last 20 years


but since I've been playing here and testing people's maps on the YouTube I've been having a great time

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  On 9/25/2020 at 2:07 PM, Clippy said:

since I've been playing here and testing people's maps on the YouTube I've been having a great time



We out here providing a service to the community, fam. Somebody's gotta play all these maps, so it might as well be us hehe.

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offfff yes, this happen to me. when im bored of doom i dont touch it for min one month :/

And when i dont play doom im playing some shmup :)

Edited by URROVA

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I do suffer burn out now and again. In recent times even if I'm not mapping or playing, there tends to be something Doom related bubbling away in the background.

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Holy shit, it's @deathz0r! (I suppose an "OMG" would be more appropriate)


As to the topic at hand... Burnout is probably common in the Doom community, which is why you have old hands disappearing for years at a time, but often eventually returning (you never really leave). Real life usually plays a role, I suspect. My two year near-absence coincided with a brief stint in the army, and I drop off for a month or two every now and then because I've either Doomed too hard or work has ramped up. Going off on a lengthy sulk due to forum warnings and/or depression isn't unheard of, either...


As a mapper, I found deleting all of my WIP projects tended to shift my sense of burnout, but I'm trying not to do that anymore, as I've lost some decent work over the years that way, some of which I'd like to have back.

Edited by Phobus

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Feeling the burnout all the time... Probably I shouldn't set my goal for a certain max run too high...


Whenever I got to so close to my goal and I need another week to actually grind for a good enough run is bad, but heh, I did those anyway.

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  On 9/25/2020 at 3:19 PM, Phobus said:

As a mapper, I found deleting all of my WIP projects tended to shift my sense of burnout, but I'm trying not to do that anymore, as I've lost some decent work over the years that way, some of which I'd like to have back.



Oooh, yeah, please drop this nasty habit, pal. Your maps are awesome and deserve better!

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All the time. Doom is an intense game that require a lot of focus, I cant play it too much in one burst, or I'll burn out and do other things, potentially for months.

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If I ever get burnt out from it, I just back off until I feel the urge again.  There are certain times of year when I get the urge more then others.  Funny how that is for me at least

Edited by BlueThunder

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A lot lately because I'm working on a mod so I have to constantly check if that part of the map works properly, if the dehacked patch doesn't fuck up other aspects of the game and most importantly if the sprites are placed well so levels like entryway, underhalls and the map 1 from my mod have became boring and almost annoying, in fact I think the majority of the time I play classic doom is to test stuff from my mod rather than actually playing.

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Oh yeah, I stop playing Doom every so often. Usually to get back into the flow, I play the original 4 games to refamiliarise myself before tackling any of the fan made WADs, or doing any new demos. 

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Experiencing pretty major burnout right now actually. Sucks too, because I was finally catching up on all the amazing projects that have dropped over the past decade :/

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  On 9/25/2020 at 3:19 PM, Phobus said:

Holy shit, it's @deathz0r! (I suppose an "OMG" would be more appropriate)


As to the topic at hand... Burnout is probably common in the Doom community, which is why you have old hands disappearing for years at a time, but often eventually returning (you never really leave). Real life usually plays a role, I suspect. My two year near-absence coincided with a brief stint in the army, and I drop off for a month or two every now and then because I've either Doomed too hard or work has ramped up. Going off on a lengthy sulk due to forum warnings and/or depression isn't unheard of, either...


As a mapper, I found deleting all of my WIP projects tended to shift my sense of burnout, but I'm trying not to do that anymore, as I've lost some decent work over the years that way, some of which I'd like to have back.


sorry, kinda new to the community. (doom fan for over 5-6 years now, joined the forum last year.) what did deathz0r do?

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  On 9/25/2020 at 5:14 PM, SilverMiner said:

My burnout had been looking like this for half a year I think:



THIS, THISSSSSS.. i had a doom map that i was supposed to finish back in may, but then i got burned out and now it's almost october and i still haven't touched it.

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Not saying you shouldn't have made this thread, but I think this one is pretty much the same thing and gives some answers from different people :)

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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I usually get burned out of Doom every now and then, possibly to focus on other games or to focus on my personal life. But I usually do return to playing Doom eventually (Doom is a childhood favorite of mine.)

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Always burnt out, but always craving more..


when I was working full time and married I had a lot to keep up with in the real world so there was less burnout for sure (though I would still make maps every couple weeks).


These days I’m single and working part-time, so with more freedom has come a fuckovalot more Doom content, be it wads, videos, updating Doomshack servers, or god forbid just playing the damn game (usually in deathmatch).


I think I expose my eyeballs to too much Doom per minute.. but all the shit one can do related to Doom makes it a fun as hell hobby! You can go 3 weeks without even playing and still do so much entertaining Doom related shit. It’s bizarre, but I love it.

Edited by Doomkid

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