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Doom burnout - does this happen to anyone else?


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  On 9/25/2020 at 11:26 PM, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

but I think this one is pretty much the same thing 


Not really. taking a break is taking a break, maybe you don't have time, or kind of just forgot about it, then found it again in your files. This is asking if you are ever tired of DOOM for a bit, and then take a break. 


To answer the question, yes. Whenever I get a new game, I lay off of DOOM for a bit, or I get interested in one of my other games. Usually what brings me back is a new add-on for the Unity Port. Right now, I'm in the middle of episode 3 of REKKR. When I'm done with that, I'm going to finally get around to playing God of War 3 (I didn't play the first 2, so I'm reading the novelization of them to get caught up. I'm actually in a burnout with reading. I haven't read GoW 2 in like a week, and I probably should). When a new Add-on is added for the Unity port in a month or so (Hope it's Struggle - Antaresian Legacy!), then I will get back to playing it. I don't think I'll stop playing it forever at one point. It is one of the best games of all time.

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  On 9/26/2020 at 1:12 AM, LiT_gam3r said:

Not really. taking a break is taking a break, maybe you don't have time, or kind of just forgot about it, then found it again in your files. This is asking if you are ever tired of DOOM for a bit, and then take a break. 


To answer the question, yes. Whenever I get a new game, I lay off of DOOM for a bit, or I get interested in one of my other games. Usually what brings me back is a new add-on for the Unity Port. Right now, I'm in the middle of episode 3 of REKKR. When I'm done with that, I'm going to finally get around to playing God of War 3 (I didn't play the first 2, so I'm reading the novelization of them to get caught up. I'm actually in a burnout with reading. I haven't read GoW 2 in like a week, and I probably should). When a new Add-on is added for the Unity port in a month or so (Hope it's Struggle - Antaresian Legacy!), then I will get back to playing it. I don't think I'll stop playing it forever at one point. It is one of the best games of all time.


Fair enough, but most of the responses in that thread talk specifically about burnout. I was just linking the thread because many of the replies are relevant. And most people seemed to take the term "taking a break" as meaning the same thing as burnout.

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I have a mapping burnout. Every day i open level editor and hopelessly trying to start or finish one of dozen unfinished maps from my HDD. -_-

Edited by Chainie

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@TheMagicMushroomMan you don't have to quote the whole post. Just quote what you're responding to. I'm not mad at you or anything, I did it too. Just in the future, save space by highlighting the part of the post you want to quote, then underneath it, a new box will appear that says Quote Selection. Click that and it will shorten the post. Or, you can just delete some of my post when quoting to shorten it. 

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  On 9/25/2020 at 11:19 PM, Boomslang said:

sorry, kinda new to the community. (doom fan for over 5-6 years now, joined the forum last year.) what did deathz0r do?


He was a very prominent member when I first joined back in the mid-2000s, was part of the rotating cast of the /newstuff chronicles reviewers  (back when that was a thing) and made some of the earliest DECORATE game play mods in OMGWEAPONS and OMGMONSTERS (the names were squashed into the 8 character limit IIRC). He then disappeared for ages, apparently coming back a few months ago, but that was the first post I've seen by him. Obviously he's done more than just what I've listed, but that's off the top of my head.

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Not actually burnout, but i haven't touched pure vanilla Doom or Doom II in quite some time. Last week i played some maps, maybe three or four maps per episode of Doom, and thought to myself, what a great game Doom still is. Even after all these years, and even though some maps aren't really the pinnacle of map crafting, gameplay is still king. I realized again why this game is still so strong, and still gather new fans.

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but then some big discovery gets me hooked again


this time its the secrets of using MD3 models and using the surface skin properties in gzdoom


I already imported a ton of quake 3 player models to use as monsters in a project Im working on


it is quite exciting

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  On 9/26/2020 at 1:07 AM, Voltcom said:

Yeah I gotta agree...


I have had a feeling of Doom fatigue which has spanned since the 2019 NanowadMo. As much as I enjoy the game and really loving playing it, modding it, and mapping for it. It can sometimes feel completely exhausting. I've honestly hardly been able to map since. 


I feel some of the feeling of burnout stems from the feeling of creating something really great, then borderline nobody plays it. Kinda fizzles any ambition to release further work to the community.


Anyways, yeah I genuinely believe in Doom burnout.


Id say


do the mods and maps you like, how you like and try to not give a damn about what others think or want


also mods that are different are often more interesting to create than 'run of the mill' mods


atleast that has been my experience since I returned to doom

Edited by CBM

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Not with Doom but with WoW back in the day.

I downloaded it in 2007 and was massively obsessed with it for about 2 years.

I got tired of it then but by that point I'd gotten my family into it so I tried to keep playing to spend time with them but I just grew to hate it more and more.

I've tried several times to get back into it but as Ron Swanson says: "[World of Warcraft] is my blonde chicken"


Since that time I feel like I've gotten better at realizing whether I'm doing something for fun, or because I feel like I 'need' to.

The latter never ends well. But it's hard to realize when your identity gets wrapped up in such a thing.

Of course I'm coming off a several year stint of not touching neither Doom nor any other game, sometimes life etc. happens, but as Phobus said:

  On 9/25/2020 at 3:19 PM, Phobus said:

(you never really leave)



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Doom Eternal burnt me out...

After finishing the campaign I was exhausted. That game commands your 100% undivided attention because of it's pace and gameplay. You can't scratch that itch on your nose mid-battle or you're dead. That cooked me.

Classic Doom burns me out too at times but nowhere near as fast.

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I get doom burnout all the time. You can probably track my off-months by my forum participation. Hopefully my current Doom-kick will keep up long enough for me to finish the map I'm working on.

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  On 9/27/2020 at 12:57 AM, CBM said:

this time its the secrets of using MD3 models and using the surface skin properties in gzdoom


I already imported a ton of quake 3 player models to use as monsters in a project Im working on


it is quite exciting


That sounds awesome! Do you have a development thread for your mod?

Edited by Tetzlaff

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  On 9/27/2020 at 7:24 AM, Tetzlaff said:

That sounds awesome! Do you have a development thread for your mod?


sure.. it is still.. very much WIP though


here is my latest work on the project.... undead and sergeant variations of the marine


however, I might need to mess a little more around with the placement of the heads




zdoom thread



Edited by CBM

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Thanks for the link, I 'll keep an eye on your project. Sounds ambitious, but really fun.

Edited by Tetzlaff

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  On 9/27/2020 at 10:48 AM, Tetzlaff said:

Thanks for the link, I 'll keep an eye on your project. Sounds ambitious, but really fun.


Thanks. I hope it will be good. I'm not able to disclose any dates yet though :D


updated the dead space marine ... now he got a cranium from a revenant model instead



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