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Bourgeois Megawad, 30 Maps targeting Unity Port - NOW ON IDGAMES!

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I know some of these map issues were already mentioned, but I might as well list em off here as a checklist of known issues. Sorry for the spam.

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That’s fine, by all means help us find these bugs. The only things that will go unfixed will be visplane-caused HOMs. All the tutti frutti is great for us to know about so we can fix it!

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Basically as long as it doesn't crash the vanilla engine, we're content, because the maps would need too much of the soul stripped away to meet the "No HOMs" limit, which is often like 100 measly visplanes, hardly enough to work with, and since 99% of people will be using a port it's not too big a deal. We still want vanilla DMers to have a crash-free experience though of course

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been slowly chipping away, only a couple maps remain, literally.


Broken Format






Delineated Light







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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone, we're nearly at the release point for this project - all we need is extra playtesting and to iron out some small kinks!


RELEASE CANDIDATE 1 DOWNLOAD: (old link removed)


We've recently made it to the 30 map mark, and have implemented some fun new features:

  • Pistol, Shotgun and Chaingun all have an increased ROF!
  • The HURRICANE FISTS from Rowdy Rudy II make their return here!
  • Rockets and Plasma projectiles travel at a faster speed!
  • New textures, graphics and other visual details!
  • Single Player and Coop now implemented! (No one to frag with? Try on the demons for size in these little "challenge arenas!")


It would be amazing if any of you out there could help us testing both the deathmatch and single-player/coop aspect of this wad. Expect to find some small bugs, and when you do, please report them to us. We want to have this out the door in a bug free and fun-for-deathmatching state as soon as we practically can, and with your help that can be a reality!


Edited by Doomkid

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It's also worth noting the single player versions are not simply populating dm maps for the most part, there have been some structural changes to make them more.... SP-ish. Anyway, some additional screenshots






















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Just wanted to update this with the latest beta - we're SO CLOSE to the finish line!


(old link removed)

Edited by Doomkid

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Hey everyone, here's the FINAL release candidate! If no bugs are found soonish, this will be the version that makes it's way to /idgames.


Download it here: (old link removed)


Any last minute feedback greatly appreciated, as always!

Edited by Doomkid

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On 1/2/2021 at 8:38 PM, Doomkid said:

Hey everyone, here's the FINAL release candidate! If no bugs are found soonish, this will be the version that makes it's way to /idgames.


Download it here: https://doomshack.org/uploads/bourgdm_rc_2.zip


Music & MAPINFO packs for the Z ports: https://doomshack.org/uploads/bourgdm_mus.zip


Any last minute feedback greatly appreciated, as always!

Hosting this today. If there are issues, hopefully someone can provide some feedback :)

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All in all seemed real good. We played with the custom music and some of the songs were SUPER loud compared to the others. With regards to the maps, there were a couple of HOM noticed. Map 15 on the SS waterfall

and on map 26 on the elevator wall

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OK one other thing that I noticed when looking through some screenshots was some oddities on the stairs in map08. I am not familiar with mapping, but the explosion sprite clipping through the stairs seemed odd. Maybe it's normal? idk... but it was noticed in 2 places.



And then HERE:

It also seemed like at this one spot my rockets when through the wall (where the bullet hole is) and then the textures on the wall seemed a little off too, just to the left of the bullet mark.


Edited by Lil_Ruff

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Thanks a TON for all the feedback, info and screens, @Lil_Ruff. That is super helpful. Also I'm really glad to hear you had fun with it, Captain Toenail!

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Not only is the wad great fun in deathmatch but the singleplayer/coop part can easily hold its own. I played the maps in singleplayer + did some automated analysis so here are the issues I found. Sorry for this meticulous report at a time when you're already packing things up but ultimately it's up to you if you want to ignore any non-essential issues.


- death exits
    I assume all the death exits are there to force pistol starts. There are 2 issues with that:
    - In ZDoom-based ports you can press the exit switches "through" the teleporting linedefs easily avoiding the death exits. You would need to remove the normal exit actions in all maps to solve this problem.
    - Only the player that exits gets killed so in coop all others keep their inventory. In ZDaemon this can be solved with sv_resetinventory but for vanilla coop you would have to make the death exits kill a voodoo doll to kill all players.
- secrets
    Secrets seem to be placed pretty randomly so I assume they are mostly for the 100% on intermission screen. If that's the case it's of note that MAP02 and MAP25 don't have any secrets unlike the rest. I mention the MAP03 and MAP07 secrets in the per map report. I imagine you don't want to muck about with this but perhaps just as a note for the future: the secrets in most of the rest of the maps are placed pretty randomly but if you want to place a secret just for the sake of 100% on intermission it's generally best to just mark the sector in which the player is spawned to avoid any confusion.
- projectiles consumed by walls
    This is the standard bug when 2 neighboring sectors with different ceiling heights both use sky texture on the ceiling. I mention MAP02 and MAP07 in the per map report but I didn't really test this much. It's an issue only in vanilla-compatible exes but it might be worth giving this some attention since it's especially bad in deathmatch when you want to use a wall for splash damage and the rocket just disappears.
- linedefs with an action but with tag 0
    I mention this in the per map report. Most of these are really unlikely to be pressed by any player but since the consequence of doing so is a completely broken map if you play in a vanilla-compatible exe I think it's worth fixing. Just remove the action specials to solve the issue.



per map:


    - disappearing projectiles on walls of sector 57 and 182
    - the secret (sector 186) is placed in such a way that it's easy to miss. Maybe shift it to the sector with the bfg (sector 143) or the spawn sector (sector 199)
    - the monster-blocking line at the blue bars (line 568) feels weird and superfluous
    - this might be intentional but the secret can become inaccessible because the action to open it on line 413 is S1 (and another thing that's very likely intentional is that the secret is hard to find because it's not marked in any way)
    - linedef with action but with tag 0: line 1074
    - Boom damage flags on sectors 41, 157, 222, 338
    - linedefs with action but with tag 0: line 833 and 1983
    - Boom damage flags on 18 sectors. I'm guessing these are all outside the playing area since I don't thinke thera are any accessible damaging floors. But if you still want to find them they are all type 80 (that is type 16 + the Boom 10% damage flag).
    - the secret (sector 111) is placed in such a way that it's easy to miss. Maybe shift it to the sector with the bfg (sector 143), the soulsphere (sector 115) or the spawn sector (sector 119)
    - disappearing projectiles on walls of sector 2 and 80
    - linedefs with action but with tag 0: line 374 and 814
    - 2 player 2 starts and 0 player 3 starts (this results in a voodoo doll in coop)
    - linedef with action but with tag 0: line 980
    - linedefs with action but with tag 0: line 310 and 486
    - only 17 out of 69 items are available in singleplayer because the rest is in the deathmatch area of the map and not marked as multiplayer-only
    - the red bars and red key seem superfluous since you can access both sides without the key
    - the monster-blocking lines around the chaingunners (things 194-197) seem unnecessary and mess with the movement of lost souls there
    - misalignment on line 224 and the corresponding area in the deathmatch area (line 1265)
    - linedefs with Boom actions: lines 1220, 1239, 1536 and 1609. The actions can be safely removed, they don't do anything.
    - superfluous player 1-4 starts (things 60-63) in the deathmatch area
    - a revenant (thing 161) on a platform is stuck and unable to attack until you shoot him or lower the platform
    - 4 armor bonuses in the exit room (sector 79) inaccessible since they are behind the teleporting lines. I would either remove them or change them to items that don't count towards item %, like stimpacks.
    - the archvile from the exit room often gets stuck in the door, I would either make the ceiling higher so he can easily get out or put a monster-blocking line there so he can't
    - small misalignments in the area with the soulsphere (thing 233)
    - HOMs in sectors 473 and 476 if using PrBoom+/GLBoom+ with OpenGL rendering
    - linedefs with action but with tag 0: line 195 and 837
    - linedefs with action but with tag 0: line 576 and 812

Edited by Keyboard_Doomer

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Congrats on bringing all this work to bear; it's great to read that y'all are so close to release! Maybe I'll see y'all in a dm on these some time :)

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Thank you so, so much for the detailed report, KD. This is exactly what we needed. I spent the last few days out of town so I’ll harass Decay later and we’ll get stuck into these final fixes. And thank you for the kind words Fonze, hope to DM with you here soon!

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13 hours ago, Doomkid said:



Here's the new RC3 after taking lots of feedback from ZDS and USQC into account:




We're still looking for more testers on the single player front, so please don't hesitate to boot this up and take the demons on for size. Every map has difficulty settings thoroughly implemented. Even though we'd previously stated RC2 to be the "final" RC, due to the lack of feedback between RC1 and RC2 I'm posting RC3 which has a huge amount of quality control and general fixes from RC2, mainly on the SP side of things, particularly with balancing the skill levels!


If you're running it in zan/zdoom/gzdoom, grab the additional mus pack, and same for odamex/zdaemon - they are in the zip as well. If running a port that requires .DEH files to be loaded separately, please remember to do so as there are slight behavioral changes.

Is there a changelog for RC3?

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We haven’t really been keeping a changelog, just been reacting to feedback and bug reports as they come in. It’s pretty much been entirely down to fixing tutti frutti and altering the various difficulty settings to make them more thorough. KD’s post above has been taken fully into account between RC2 and RC3 though, there were only minor changes outside of that.

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Hi, I gave the first 10 maps a go this evening - had a very good time for the most part!


I really liked the length of the maps and how they were all basically one continuous fight for the entire thing - it's the sort of thing I've been wanting more of since I played Swift Death a few months ago. The layouts were really fluid and were pretty good at directing me to the objectives - I got slightly lost on Maps 3 and 8 if I remember correctly, but they're so small that it's not a massive deal.


I was surprised how well they played since they were slightly converted deathmatch maps, though on reflection it makes sense that deathmatch arenas would be equally suited to fighting demons. The difficulty of the maps felt pretty good to me - maybe a bit easy though I haven't played the other levels yet - with Maps 1 and 2 causing me the most trouble by far. I felt that there was plenty of health too so the abundance of hitscanners didn't bother me at all (I really love massive packs of zombiemen, they're great) but it does force you to play fast. I liked the modifications to the weapons too, they helped tear through the hitscanners + imps - the chaingun is very fun especially! The BFG costing 80 cells to fire did throw me a bit at first (my first attempt at Map02 ended with me wondering where all my cells went) but I think it makes sense with the monster placement in mind.


The maps look absolutely fantastic, I really like the style of them - they feel nicely detailed without being visually overwhelming. The new textures fit in really well with the standard Doom 2 texture set - I only really noticed them on Map08. I really love the orange sky in these maps too, not really sure why I've just really liked orange sunset-y skies since playing Doom E4 and Alien Vendetta E1.


The cyberdemons felt a bit tacked on - they mostly felt like giant sacks of HP to chew through and weren't too threatening. A lot of the time I was just left shooting them from below as they auto-aimed into the ground or peek-shooting them from around a corner. I think the ones in Maps 5 and 6 were most guilty of this. That being said, I really like the cyberdemon in Map02 because of the line of sight it has into the main corridors which caught me out a couple of times!


I didn't find any bugs that I can remember, so any which may be there didn't interrupt my playthroughs at all.


I've attached demos for Maps 1 - 10 here, I hope they help (Maps 3 and onwards are FDAs, I played Map1 and 2 before deciding to do that): BDM_M1-10_finnks.zip

They were recorded using Crispy Doom, so they should playback fine.

I'll probably end up playing more tomorrow.

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Thank you so much for the detailed feedback, this is invaluable to us. Glad you liked the style and felt the modified textures blended well, and also pleased to hear that despite a little bit of difficulty inconsistency it was fun overall. Looking forward to hearing your further thoughts as you play!

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