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[Now on IdGames] Hellevator - 32 maps Community Project Boom Megawad

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Amazing! I'm gonna join the Discord server to only see progress, and one question, is this megawad being close to finish? I might join with a single speedmap.

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1 minute ago, AvadaKedavraWithQuadDamage said:

Amazing! I'm gonna join the Discord server to only see progress, and one question, is this megawad being close to finish? I might join with a single speedmap.

The megawad is in the final phase of testing, so unfortunately we do not accept new submissions, we just fix bugs right now before the final release. That being said, Blue Pineapple is hosting his own monthly speedmapping projects on this discord that you might be interested in participating.

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Despite the multiplayer issues and a few maps being a bit cramped for 25 players in-game the session was a great chaotic fun so thanks for the megawad. We played all maps in the end and I tried my best to keep track of and report all the issues we encountered. Some multiplayer problems may not have a graceful solution but I think in the worst case scenario adding a switch tele (line action 195 or 210) is a viable solution. I marked the issues that are not (necessarily) multiplayer-only in bold so you can prioritize those if you wish.



The DEHACKED contains three "Sprite number = 138" lines which seem to be unnecessary for the desired effect and caused an issue with one of our extra wads so it would be good if you could remove them.


    - players stuck at the start because of the raised obstacle (sectors 863-865)
    - players can get stuck because of sector 184 blocking progress
    - the scroller carrying the yellow key is very slow in ZDaemon. To fix this make the scroller linedef (line 1002) at least 22 map units long. (If there are other scrolling lines shorter than 22 units in the wad that may account for other bugs.)
    - map can get stuck because of the barrier blocking access to the room with the red key if all players in the room die
    - the tag 30 sectors can make players stuck after they are raised with a walk-over line (line 176) and several of them also produce large HOMs
    - players at/near the start can get stuck after sector 21 is raised
    - a door that closes (sector 393) can block progress for players stuck both inside and outside the room with the yellow key
    - players stuck at the start after a switch (line 409) is pressed
    - there was some issue with the blood sectors not raising and therefore players getting stuck in them but when I tested this in singleplayer it worked fine. Not sure what caused it.
    - players can get stuck because of bars (sector 144) blocking progress
    - players stuck at the start because of the raised floors (sectors 35 and 468)
    - players can get stuck in 2 of the sectors 23-25 (depending on which weapon is reached first)
    - we broke the map somehow. Not sure what happened but it was either line 2104 or 2230 (or both) that we needed to reach but couldn't because the bars didn't open.
    - the 1-person lift (sector 212) is really slow for online multiplayer so if it's not too objectionable it would be good to shoehorn in a switch tele or make the lift itself a teleporter
    - players stuck at the start because of sectors 2 and 3 blocking progress
    - players can get stuck in the area with the plasma gun after the burning barrels teleport to sectors 22 and 632. For multiplayer it would be good if they were there from the start (you could add multiplayer-only burning barrels there).
    - players can get stuck because of bars (sector 196) blocking progress
    - players stuck at the start because of the bars (sectors 625-628)
    - players can get stuck because of the bars (sector 722) blocking progress

Edited by Keyboard_Doomer

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Thanks for the extensive report. Some of that could probably be fixed. Teleport switch to exit the starting area seems like a sound plan.

A few comments:

The scroller should probably be enlarged to 32 units, I believe only divisible by 32 units is consistent.

Mapper for MAP17 says he fixed the issue, though I'm still not sure what it was.

You broke MAP22 by going into different rooms at once. The room is supposed to be built around picking the mix of enemies. I doubt it can be fixed in multiplayer, just don't go into multiple rooms at once.

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Version 0.4 is out. Hopefully this one would actually be the last one.


The primary purpose of it is to fix multiplayer softlocks by adding multiplayer-only teleports. If you play multiplayer and get stuck with your buddy on the other side, try using the obstacle or look for a switch in the wall nearby to teleport you. If you are stuck in the elevator, try interacting with the curb (Where the square tiles start) and you should get teleported out (Multiplayer only, again)


In addition MAP21 has some extra ammo for battle with cyberdemon and MAP28 has some extra for final battle as well. The credit lump now aknowledges the survival event organizers for their contribution into raising awareness of the wad.


Edit: I forgot bars on MAP32 and also a little bit on MAP05, but won't re-upload it right now, will be in next version (Hopefully the one on idgames).

Edited by ViolentBeetle

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Speaking of single player changes I also swapped few things around in map22
(namely both armor pickups and a backpack).


As was pointed from testers earlier the backpack in the secret room was pretty meh so I swapped it with green armor
(there is no "free" armor at the start).


Blue armor is now in the SSG extra supplies closet and with a small change in layout, it now can be accessed by any combination with SSG.
Blue armor was swapped with a backpack so choosing SSG first will still grant player the ability to horde shells and ammo from the start.

Map13 now has a darker outside area, this change is of course, purely cosmetic.

(Also quite a lot of MP changes)

Edited by Shawny

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/10/2020 at 6:52 AM, akolai said:

MAP27: The Slaughter Floor
Pretty much everything in this map comes down to one room - so let's talk about that room.
It's the quintessential slaughter experience - dying because the spider mastermind wouldn't shoot, because you sure as shit don't have enough ammo or room for all those revs. You also can't stay in the main area unless you like dodging 2 archviles and said spider mastermind with only a few pillars while focusing on a horde of enemies, so you're forced back into a small cubby hole, which increases you odds of the spider cucking you and not shooting. The hell kinght and caco ambush is interesting, since the knights have to filter in the left side of your hole while the cacos take up the rest of the space. Pressing the archvile-guarded switches in the wrong order adds some more viles to the knight horde, which just punishes players who aren't familiar with the level.
Maybe slaughters just aren't my style... but it feels like the idea of one is completely antithetical to most of this wad. Most maps have you shooting through obstacles, constantly moving forward. Here, you're locked in a corner until the ambush is over, and the fights aren't special enough to justify the discontinuity. 6/10 as an individual map, but 3/10 as a part of the set.


I'm playing through this (absolutely glorious) megawad right now, and will update once I've made a complete run of all maps, but just want to chime in about map27.


This was one of my favorites from the entire wad so far, maybe top 3.  I found it really clever and it forced me to come up with a good strategy; I can run it pretty reliably now that I have one.  E.g., I can reliably get the spider mastermind fighting pretty much all the revenants by sprinting straight to the bfg and then dodging/weaving after that; after that, i do a careful dodge-weave and hit the "throne" button first and accumulate the monsters sort of to one side and then make a dash for the bfg ammo and for the other switch, bfg the two viles and rush up the stairs, where a monster-blocking linedef keeps me safe.


this doesn't feel like a slaughter map to me to be honest, since after all this strategy I was only ever fighting a few enemies at once, and used a lot of infighting.


Anyway, cheers to the map creator, this was a wonderful map.


(It may take me a while to post comments about the full set; I am worried it will take me a long time to get a full run of map 28; I haven't found a good strategy for that cramped barron fight yet.)

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22 minutes ago, siege cunt said:

(It may take me a while to post comments about the full set; I am worried it will take me a long time to get a full run of map 28; I haven't found a good strategy for that cramped barron fight yet.)

What I did was thinning the area with a couple of bfg shots and then rocket them to death before they can reach the teleport. This is my favorite part of the map and it's also the one I found to be the easiest.

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v0.4 on map 23: it's possible to trigger linedef 933 while standing in sector 393. Seems like Doomguy has a long arm. Intentional?


On map 24: it's possible to go from sector 23 to the ledge sector 233/205, still able to press the switch (line 1515) and staying on the ledge 233/205 and gaining a little advantage over the incoming revenants. Intentional?


map 15 seems to be missing that northward window to the secret exit (it's a red-blue portal instead). Furthermore, I find the trigger for the secret is too difficult. Even tracking it in an editor was.. annoying.


map 14: from sector 204 it is possible to kill thing 87+86. Intentional?


map 11: If the player stands in sector 72/269, he can inhibit the closing of the column doors, and thus keep the "door" open, therefore bypassing the otherwise required gunshoot of linedef 240. Probably not intentional, but it's not a significant shortcut anyway I guess.


map 03 left the kebab boundary markers in, probably can remove those.


map 01: I really wished the player could visit the outside area.


Most disappointing map: 18.

Edited by Hirogen2
extend bugreport

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52 minutes ago, Hirogen2 said:

map 11: If the player stands in sector 72/269, he can inhibit the closing of the column doors, and thus keep the "door" open, therefore bypassing the otherwise required gunshoot of linedef 240. Probably not intentional, but it's not a significant shortcut anyway I guess. 

Thanks for your reports, some of should probably be fixed. Are you sure you gave the right number on this one though?

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17 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

What I did was thinning the area with a couple of bfg shots and then rocket them to death before they can reach the teleport. This is my favorite part of the map and it's also the one I found to be the easiest.


okay well i am shamed, i will make sure to make a good run of this map now =)  indeed what happened is i still don't have a good strategy for the starting area, and sort of ran out of steam on the later parts.  but i haven't finished up prior maps yet; i'm skipping around, and 27 was a standout for me, I just adored it =)  Beautiful work on this wad, I'm having tremendous fun.  Other highlights have included maps 14 and 29.

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10 hours ago, Hirogen2 said:

On map 24: it's possible to go from sector 23 to the ledge sector 233/205, still able to press the switch (line 1515) and staying on the ledge 233/205 and gaining a little advantage over the incoming revenants. Intentional?


Could you please provide a demo showing this? I'm not quite sure how to reproduce your issue so I can look for a fix.

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13 hours ago, Hirogen2 said:

map 01: I really wished the player could visit the outside area. 


Not in this wad, but I was thinking about doing a city map in my personal project that would revolve around the hellevator building.
It would be a nice nod to this project. The outside area would be playable and the builing itself would be a scenery.

Considering speed of my mapping these days that would probably take a while though.

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helv24nomo.lmp: that ledge issue

helv10door.lmp: sorry, that's MAP10 not MAP11 with the "column door"


New issues:

helv10yelkeyproblem.lmp: triggering linedef 1359 before sector 58 has completed its movement leads to an unfinishable map

helv10dm.lmp: Observed on MAP10, but seems to affect all maps in -deathmatch: the elevator doors never open; some maps have DM starts inside the elevator.

helv10door2.lmp: The column door mechanism does not work in -deathmatch. The rocket launcher seems strangely absent even though it's marked MP.

MAP09 singleplayer (no lmp): door sector 393 never opens in -nomonsters, leading to an unfinishable map. Reason: thing 382+369 do not exist and thus never trigger linedef 2306.



Edited by Hirogen2
more lmps

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11 hours ago, Hirogen2 said:

helv24nomo.lmp: that ledge issue


Thanks for the demo. I see what you meant there, although I honestly don't see how hoping on the ledge would be of any benefit to the player, if for a brief second to pump one rocket on a revenant, but that's doable from the ground as well, so unless there's something critical I think that'll stay intact.

Edited by galileo31dos01

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Okay I've done all maps from pistol start, single segment, either UV Max or missing some secrets as long as I get 100% kills.



I think this is a wonderful, high-quality wad with many interesting fights and other nice touches.  Anyone wanting a nice challenge to test the wad quickly can skip to maps 14, 24, and especially 28.  Here are some detailed comments:


9.  3 arachnotrons don't spawn in.  also, barrels don't fully kill the archviles.


10.  a few monsters (revenants?) didn't spawn in, but i wasn't able to get the radsuit secret which may be the cause...


11.  great map but ammo a tiny bit scarce at the start.


14.  absolutely amazing map; third most difficult map for me.  no bugs/suggestions to report.


15.  the secret exit solution isn't clear and is frustrating for people who play completely saveless, but unfortunately i can't think of a low-effort fix.  maybe the correct order could appear in one of the other secrets?


31.  the mechanism to activate secret exit here, by contrast, very clear.  and didn't take me long to figure out where to shoot twice to make it happen =)


32.  one of three spectres in a cluster did not teleport in.  had to clip up to him to jostle him to get him to teleport =(  it was my only remaining kill and i had all secrets.  prboom-dsda with no -complevel, just default.


18. Basically easiest map; wanna throw in some arch viles lol?


20. devious, fun map.  didn't find the secret which is a platform in the middle of conveyors with rockets and other goodies.


22. pretty easy if a good sequence is chosen (e.g. arch-viles first), which is cool.  a little buggy; in the last pairing, some of the first spawns before the other?


23. can hit central tower button with 3-chaingunner trap from below it, not intended?  also didn't figure out last secret (in the last/first room) but maybe is easy, didn't try super hard.


24. wow this one was tough, second hardest map for me.  I eventually developed pretty reliable strategy and it didn't feel too RNG, which was surprising to me; e.g., the spider mastermind "trap" in the middle can be somewhat reliable, to my surprise, due to the megasphere, and also surprisingly those thicker columns can actually guard from the spider demon.  some bugs: missing texture next to yellow door (really weird, fixes after opening); missing texture on the stairs near the plasma gun on a pillar near the entrance.


25. nice map, the sludge was a surprise!


27. brilliant map, i really had to make a strategy, and find "tricks", which I think were intended, like getting the spider mastermind to kill most of the revenants, and then running awand hiding up those stairs rather than facing everyone in the big arena (there was a monster-blocking linedef after all).  I've written about this map already.


28. incredible but over my skill level.  I'm a little worried this one is RNG-heavy even for people of much higher skill than me?  Most of my deaths came from the opening area.  Due to the small chance of passing the opening, I picked boring/conservative strategies for the rest of the map.  E.g., for rocketing the imps, I actually kill some and then hide within the secret!  This part is surprisingly nasty due to the teleporting revenants, whose appearance has some RNG effects.  The invulnerability not long after that is also a bit RNG for me; sometimes I just don't make it to it, and I'm curious if high skill players have a 100% success rate going from bars lowering to the invulnerability, or if it really is an RNG thing.  The final segement seems it should be easy but sometimes the level stresses me out and I die there; also one suggestion would be to be a little more forgiving with soul sphere placement; I tend to not pick the one provided there earlier until the end, and it's unpleasant having it in the middle.  @ViolentBeetle , going back to your comment, indeed the baron part is maybe the easiest; by focusing on the barons and just dodging the revenants, i can basically prevent all teleports behind me and reliably beat it and occasionally without a single BFG.  The Arch Vile crushing area is also reliable for me, I just burn two BFG shots on the first monster closet and am fine after that, those lion faces on the columns help me center myself to not get zapped (nice touch!).  Overall I think this is a brilliant map but would be curious if a very high skill player can check and make sure that indeed there are consistent strategies for all parts.


29. Tough but brilliant map.


30. Fun Icon =)


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@siege cunt Thanks for the feedback. It's too late to rebalance MAP18 not, since it's supposed to be a speedmap. I was considering moving it earlier, but didn't feel any other available spot would be better. Decided to just make a disclaimer regarding uneven difficulty.

Gonna take a look at missing monsters.

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10 hours ago, siege cunt said:

some bugs: missing texture next to yellow door (really weird, fixes after opening); missing texture on the stairs near the plasma gun on a pillar near the entrance.


The "missing" textures next to the YK door could be just the invisible sectors, if that's what you mean, they aren't supposed to be visible in prboom/glboom+ so unless it's a non-prboom source port thing that displayed boom fake floor/ceilings differently, or something else in your configuration, there're no other missing textures in that area that I can see, so a screenshot would be helpful if you could take a couple. Same thing in the other part you mentioned, I can see the textures in the editor and in glboom+


10 hours ago, siege cunt said:

and also surprisingly those thicker columns can actually guard from the spider demon


Out of curiosity, did you mean the wooden barriers, or the silver columns but you never used the wooden barriers?

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4 hours ago, galileo31dos01 said:


The "missing" textures next to the YK door could be just the invisible sectors, if that's what you mean, they aren't supposed to be visible in prboom/glboom+ so unless it's a non-prboom source port thing that displayed boom fake floor/ceilings differently, or something else in your configuration, there're no other missing textures in that area that I can see, so a screenshot would be helpful if you could take a couple. Same thing in the other part you mentioned, I can see the textures in the editor and in glboom+


I was using the software renderer in prboom; I switched to it due to some of the lighting tricks @Ribbiks uses in "wormwoood eu", and sort of never returned to glboom+.


4 hours ago, galileo31dos01 said:


Out of curiosity, did you mean the wooden barriers, or the silver columns but you never used the wooden barriers?


I mean the thicker silver columns at the boundaries of the wooden barriers, particularly the two main endpoints.


I stopped using the wooden barriers because they made it too complicated to guarantee infighting happens quickly.  Basically my "reliable strategy" for that part is to always have the spider mastermind firing and to always have many demons along the line of fire.  I do not kill any revenants or barons myself until the stairs have raised.


Anyway maybe I made it up, but it seemed there was a precise place i could camp at the corner (somewhat in front of the secret) and the spider does not shoot me.

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3 hours ago, galileo31dos01 said:

@siege cunt Okay thanks for the feedback. I'd still appreciate it if you could take screenshots of the places you saw missing textures.


Sorry for my delay, I have attached two screenshots.


Thanks for the great map.  At first I thought "no way" and was shocked to eventually find reliable strategies (the first time I got to the spider infighting part, I put the map away and beat a few others lol).  Also I like the style very much, it reminded me of some things I've seen in jpcp and not really anywhere else.


As I said, this is software renderer in prboom.  I'm using the DSDA v0.10 update, which afaik hasn't adjusted anything here.  (EDIT: I just checked regular prboom+, outcome is the same.)





Edited by siege cunt

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  • 2 weeks later...

Beta version 5.1 is being released, pinky swear the last one. It's mostly containing improvements for teleport closets to fix the monsters that sometimes fail to show up. The first demo seems to be desyncing right now, it will be fixed.


MAP09 underwent somewhat significant changes to make it work in no monsters mode. The changes are all under the hood, but some testing required.

Edited by ViolentBeetle

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Whle nobody was looking, I have uploaded the wad on idgames.


So now if you are "I'm not playing betas" kind of person, you are now going to be able to get over it.

There were no changes from version 0.5 except demos now work. I think I damaged the description file and lost a piece of text, I am currently figuring out what are my options to fix it.

Thanks for everyone who contributed their maps to the project and for everyone else for their support. I have discovered some really great mappers through it as well.


In a couple months, possibly in summer I am planning to organize a sequel event for this. It will be slightly more lenient in terms of time but will still revolve around a looped progression in a confined area. Stay tuned for "Skulltiverse".

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14 minutes ago, ViolentBeetle said:

Stay tuned for "Skulltiverse".

Just from the title I'm intrigued, is it a some sort of skulltag tribute?

Congratulations for the final release btw

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9 minutes ago, Walter confetti said:

Just from the title I'm intrigued, is it a some sort of skulltag tribute?

No, it's because instead of red key card, there will be blue skull key.

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