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music editing problem

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im making a doom level, and i want to add my own music to it. im using slade 3 to try to do this, and i want the song from the level from valiant "screams arent a crime.....yet(actually being the remastered version of the ROTT song goin down the fast way), but im having alot of pproblems with this, does anybody know what to do?

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That depends of the mapping format and the map number.






The easiest solution is to name your music track the same as the Doom music track for that map/level and insert into your pwad with Slade3. Most source ports support formats like mp3, ogg, etc. Original DOOM uses the MUS format.




Edited by Kappes Buur

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valiant uses the doom 2 names(because it uses doom 2). but i cant find the exact music file im looking for(because of the doom 2 names) and whenever i try to do anything, it always shows some error. some of the files are mus and others are midi, and i just am confused as all heck. can you even like, transfer a music file from a wad that you get off of the internet? is there any way to figure out what exactly the songs are?(the play button on the songs dont work for some reason) this is very hard. (and i cant find anywhere else to download the song, at least not in a correct format)

Edited by Deathclaw886

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1 hour ago, Deathclaw886 said:

i want the song from the level from valiant "screams arent a crime.....yet(actually being the remastered version of the ROTT song goin down the fast way)

You're talking about MAP15, so it should be the lump D_RUNNI2.

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