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Unexplored Themes?


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There was a level set on an (apparently) moving flotilla of ships in 2048 Units of /vr/ recently that I thought was really impressive!

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I kinda see a SP/Coop Megawad in the style of the Cybercrime 3 Deathmatch wad

Cyberspace is a theme I haven't seen very much of

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I think something in the desert/egypt could make a few good levels. You could go into the base of a giant pyramid and fight your way up (or vice versa), or there could be multiple structures (maybe a Sphynx or a village, etc) that you would have to work through to get a keycard to access the next one

  On 9/27/2020 at 9:02 PM, DavidN said:

There was a level set on an (apparently) moving flotilla of ships in 2048 Units of /vr/ recently that I thought was really impressive!


At first I thought you meant airships, which made me realize that airship levels would be awesome too

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Cyberpunk/retrowave is rarely used...

Old greek/roman/mesopotamic themes are kind not used in doom mapping.

Underwater bases/ruins could see more love.



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  On 9/27/2020 at 9:26 PM, Misty said:

Cyberpunk/retrowave is rarely used...

Old greek/roman/mesopotamic themes are kind not used in doom mapping.

Underwater bases/ruins could see more love.




Check out Avactor for that second point.


Myself, I'd like to see more maps heavily featuring microwaves.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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  On 9/27/2020 at 9:33 PM, PeceMan said:



I'd like to see a map that takes place inside a giant microwave. The premise being, Satan keeps turning the microwave on from the outside, and you have to battle burnt demons while collecting hazmats to stay alive. The bottom of the map should have one of those spinning plate-thingies that microwaves have. Health pickups can be replaced by leftover popcorn kernels. Armor can be replaced with aluminum foil scraps.


@Big Ol Billy

Please use this as the theme for the next DBP Project so I can lay this dream to rest.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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Full flesh organic levels a la Salamander / Abadox

Something that uses some obscure / rarely used texture pack from Realm 667 or idgames

Musical genre or band inspired mapset, like Lilywhite Lilith


For gameplay options i'd like to see more cooperative oriented only maps or megawads, i've talked about this in a similar thread on another forum

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and i found out that this one isn't a well-known option for maps...

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I haven't seen any goofy space themes lately besides DBP24. I remember I first joined the forum, the only goofy space theme wads I played until now were Doomed In Space and Doomed Space Wars. I can now add DBP24 to that list. Someday, I'll make my own goofy space themed wad.

Doomer Board Projects seem to hit the "unexplored themes" in the head at all times. I didn't know I wanted to explore a cyberdemon's anal cavity until DBP16.

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You never see pre-historic maps. I mean, there are like the ones where you fight ancient beings, but never ones where your weapons are like spears and stones. That would make an excellent WAD in my opinion. Like Dinosaurs against a caveman. That's cool! Sorry for going a bit off topic there. I like to imagine cool things.

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  On 9/27/2020 at 10:39 PM, LiT_gam3r said:

You never see pre-historic maps. I mean, there are like the ones where you fight ancient beings, but never ones where your weapons are like spears and stones. That would make an excellent WAD in my opinion. Like Dinosaurs against a caveman. That's cool! Sorry for going a bit off topic there. I like to imagine cool things.


Eleven Zero is in beta and has an episode of prehistoric maps. Probably not to that extent, though.

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Miniature maps, as in the player is mini-fied by making the map an outrageously huge bedroom or something. I always loved these in games like Counterstrike.

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  On 9/27/2020 at 9:26 PM, Misty said:

Cyberpunk/retrowave is rarely used...

Old greek/roman/mesopotamic themes are kind not used in doom mapping.

Underwater bases/ruins could see more love.


Elaborating on that: Aztec/Mayan architecture has not been explored enough, however, recently, with the release of new projects, I have begun to see more and more stylized maps based on Mesoamerican culture, which I am quite happy about.


I would also say that there are not many maps that are in natural environments. Probably because of the limitations of the engine, but it is very rare to see maps that make use of mountains, forests, rivers, or things like that.


For the same reason, East Asian themes have not been used enough, mostly because curved architecture is a bit difficult to do.


Cyberpunk, despite being famous in video game culture, is not so famous in Doom.


In reality, all these styles are possible to recreate in one way or another, but they require a great deal of effort, experience and knowledge of such topics.

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Alternative versions of Hell. I know doing the classic Fire and Brimstone Hell in Doom is super easy, but I'd love to see more of Doom 3's "Void Hell" or incredibly bleak and dark Hell or something. 

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  On 9/27/2020 at 11:41 PM, Mr. Freeze said:

Alternative versions of Hell. I know doing the classic Fire and Brimstone Hell in Doom is super easy, but I'd love to see more of Doom 3's "Void Hell" or incredibly bleak and dark Hell or something. 


Hold my beer

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  On 9/27/2020 at 10:39 PM, LiT_gam3r said:

You never see pre-historic maps. I mean, there are like the ones where you fight ancient beings, but never ones where your weapons are like spears and stones. That would make an excellent WAD in my opinion. Like Dinosaurs against a caveman. That's cool! Sorry for going a bit off topic there. I like to imagine cool things.


Building on this, I fuckin' love the aesthetic of Turok, the mixing of the futuristic and the prehistoric, worlds steeped in advanced science and tribal mysticism. Cybernetic T-rexes prowling blood-soaked stone temples. Tech-bases built into cretaceous volcanos. Neanderthals swinging around vibro-axes and laser pistols. Just inject that shit into my veins, it gives me life.

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To add to uncharted hell themes, i would love to see version a medieval version of hell, by that i don't mean a hell that looks 'medieval' but rather a version close to how hell was pictured in medieval times, weird and abstract, like something straight from a bosch painting or a dante's inferno description instead of the usual 'red fire and brimstone'


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Edited by DMPhobos

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Cyberpunk cityscapes/cyberspace levels rarely get any love, with the latter in particular being relegated to mainly just secret levels and that’s it.

Additionally, orbital space stations haven’t been as popular as I’d thought they would be, and something like CC4’s MAP21 would be absolutely killer to see.


And with the rise of Doom Eternal, one would think that there’d be more concepts based on Cultist Base and Urdak but I still have yet to see evil-looking techbases deliberately covered in arcane-looking languages and Gigeresque landscapes all that much (though it’s only been a few months since Eternal was released and OTEX has been surprisingly good on delivering a “Cultist Base” aesthetic so there’s that).

Edited by Man of Doom

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  On 9/27/2020 at 10:18 PM, Swalzi said:

I haven't seen any goofy space themes lately besides DBP24. I remember I first joined the forum, the only goofy space theme wads I played until now were Doomed In Space and Doomed Space Wars. I can now add DBP24 to that list. Someday, I'll make my own goofy space themed wad.

Doomer Board Projects seem to hit the "unexplored themes" in the head at all times. I didn't know I wanted to explore a cyberdemon's anal cavity until DBP16.


Don't forget Alien Bastards, probably my favorite DBP of the entire collection:


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