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DOOM2 - Dark Dimension -----> Single Map <-----

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Welcome to this thread here is some things for this map

You can try it here http://www.mediafire.com/file/2ous2a8v1jklvhe/DarkDimension+by+Pezl.rar/file

This map contains custom music and my level

Screenshots here --> https://imgur.com/a/vLssAsx

Replaces Map 1 in IWAD Doom 2

Works with GZDoom ZDoom LZDoom and more

A lot of monsters and secrets

Give try to my map please not long map :)


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@Biodegradable Thanks a lot for playing my map, I'm glad you made a video where I can see, for example, that I accidentally put a GR on all the switches, I wanted to try something new, otherwise I wanted to make a map within 6 hours
maybe you liked the map. :)

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Guys if you want custom music just grab both files in the rar file, song is not needed just if you want.

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6 hours ago, Clippy said:


Thanks a lot for playing and recording, hope you enjoyed my map, i see here's only switches with "GR". Next map will be bigger with more monsters more secrets and i dont know what. Thanks :)

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Hey, how are you?, PadrecitoCholo here with something new to tell, and that is that, again receiving news of a new map created by the great @Pezl, I was practically forced to know what that Wad that he had created was about, for that reason, I downloaded the map and tried it, without knowing anything at all, and the truth is, I quite liked the structure of the level, with certain varieties that took it away from the monotonous that certain wads created by users regularly became in the community, although the best would also be the way the secrets were positioned for the player, being that in this case, it was not difficult at all to have achieved them all, I really liked that implemented, the variety of enemies is decent and acceptable, to just keep you in sight of anything that moves without the need for you to get quite stressed in an area, really the Wad is quite enjoyable without any complaint, although... I would only complain nothing more By adding the infamous "Archvile surprise" in the output, but knowing that you have the BFG 9000 found in one of the secrets, the fight does not become difficult at all, so, in this case, I will make an exception for such unexpected ending surprise as usual. In conclusion, a very good map to play, it is entertaining, nothing stressful and you really enjoy every place you go and come as long as you have all the keys to leave, in that case, excellent work that you have done in this Wad companion Pezl, well done without a doubt.


Edited by ElPadrecitoCholo

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@ElPadrecitoCholo In first thanks for playing, thank you so much for this very positive comment i appriciate that. Im glad you like my map, definitly iam speedmaper. I can make map like in 2 days. ;) Thanks a lot

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2 hours ago, Pezl said:

In first thanks for playing, thank you so much for this very positive comment i appriciate that. Im glad you like my map, definitly iam speedmaper. I can make map like in 2 days. ;) Thanks a lot

You're welcome my brother, the fact that I want to make maps for Doom really catches my attention, although I should take my time to achieve it, seeing the structure of each of your created maps, along with the placement of enemies and secrets, would serve me a lot of inspiration. For future maps that I get to make partner, in addition to the fact that you are a Speedmapping it makes you even more interesting for me, just thinking about what kind of maps you will make in the not too distant future colleague :-]

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@ElPadrecitoCholoIam can say my next map will be somenthing special, iam inspirating from original doom 1,2 & Final. Because thoose levels are legendary with a lot of inspirations.

Edited by Pezl

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23 minutes ago, Pezl said:

Iam can say my next map will be somenthing special, iam inspirating from original doom 1,2 & Final. Because thoose levels are legendary with a lot of inspirations.

I'll be watching for when you have it published, I'm really looking forward to seeing what that wad was about, mate

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7 hours ago, ViolentBeetle said:

You scheduled video to go live in 16 hours, I assume you didn't mean to.

I did that so that I can get the most of the viewership (because most people are on YouTube usually at about noon so I schedule the upload a couple of hours before it). It also gives viewers time to donate via Super Chat if they want to donate via Super Chat (I also take PayPal donations if they want to do it that way).

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8 hours ago, mArt1And00m3r11339 said:

I did that so that I can get the most of the viewership (because most people are on YouTube usually at about noon so I schedule the upload a couple of hours before it). It also gives viewers time to donate via Super Chat if they want to donate via Super Chat (I also take PayPal donations if they want to do it that way).

Makes sense. I just thought you made a mistake.

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Yeaah @mArt1And00m3r11339 thank you so much for your gameplay with commentary, i appriciate it a lot, hope you enjoyed my map iam just speedmapping :) @ViolentBeetle i was prepaired on it :) I missed live iam stupid but still :)

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Nice map overall. The level design was decent. I don't why you have to shoot switches to open secrets. The exist area was kinda Cruel imo. Fighting that archvile at the end wasn't fun at all, especially after the battle that was from the teleporter near the exit. But I enjoyed it. Keep it up.

Edited by happy_mac

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6 hours ago, Pezl said:

Yeaah @mArt1And00m3r11339 thank you so much for your gameplay with commentary, i appriciate it a lot, hope you enjoyed my map iam just speedmapping :) @ViolentBeetle i was prepaired on it :) I missed live iam stupid but still :)

It's okay. I'm glad that you enjoyed it anyways.

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