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What's your favourite pistols in games?


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Well, like the title says, what's your favourite pistols in games?


Here's my favourites in order of appearance:
Wolfenstein 3D: Walther P38
Duke Nukem 3D: Pistol
Half-Life: Glock 17
Soldier Of Fortune: The Black Panther 9mm
Deus Ex: 10mm Pistol


I think I like these because of the sound they make and don't feel completely useless after finding more weapons. Sure the Wolf3D pistol becomes a bit obsolete after finding the machinegun, but was still pretty good weapon in the first levels of the episodes.


Most of them also seem to be based on Glock 17 or something similar. Maybe I like that look too.

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I used the like any game's depiction of the Desert Eagle, now I prefer Beretta 92FS/M9 more.

Still would get the former's airsoft model someday. the latter next.

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My Favorite Pistols in Games are:

  • Doom and Doom II Pistol
  • Doom III Pistol
  • Doom (2016) Pistol
  • Duke Nukem Pistol
  • Resident Evil 4 Pistol (Leon)
  • Metal Gear Solid SOCOM pistol
  • Goldeneye pp7 pistol
  • Goldeneye DD44 pistol


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  • The DNF 1911 (simply because I like the way it looks and animations).
  • The Darkness II 1911.
  • Duke 3D's pistol.
  • Half-Life 2's .357
  • Opposing Force's Desert Eagle.
  • CS:S Desert Eagle.
Edited by seed

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Well, from olders to newers, we have:

  • Half Life Revolver .356 (Any one, really, but the Black Mesa and Half Life 1 it's on my tastes)
  • Halo Magnum (1, 3, the 2 not)
  • Killing Floor 1 MK.USP but Dual Weild.
  • Killing Floor Deagles.
  • Black Ops Ray Gun.
  • Black Ops Saga M1911.
  • Black Ops Saga 5-7
  • CS-GO CZ-Auto.
  • Ultrakill Revolver.

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I usually don't really like any pistols in games, but the ones that stand out are the silenced pistol from some of Medal of Honor Allied Assault stealth missions, and the Night Hawk .50C from CS 1.6 even though i hate desert eagles with a passion


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Duke Nukem 3D's pistol will always be my favorite, is useful through most of the game and it's very fun to use.


I also enjoyed Far Cry 3's magnum a lot.

Edited by Danzer

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All time best pistol in games is the Red 9 from Resident Evil 4, but some honorable mentions are:

-The pistol from Half-Life 2 (I'm a sucker for anything I can spam as fast as I can hit the button, and I ended up using it more often than the SMG, even by end game)

-Both the Plasma Pistol and Magnum from Halo. Magnum in CE especially. You can rock that thing through the whole game, almost, because of how much damage that fucker does.

-By extension, the Dual Magnums and Fusion Pistol from Marathon.

-Dual DD44s are fun in Goldeneye, their pretty beefy sounds help as well. Getting stealthy headshots with the PP7 is also pretty fun.

-The Deagle from HL OpFor is just too much fun to use.

-I'm not sure if it counts, but the Shotty from Quake fills the role of a pistol, and it's versatile and satisfying to use, and it's also one of the most precise shotguns in video games.

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Borderlands 2's Big Iron this was my best gun for most of the game but I made me feel like a badass cowboy I have a softspot for it

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34 minutes ago, TakenStew22 said:


The Super Shotgun of the Halo series.

I like this, but I always preferred the Halo 2 magnums despite how hilariously impractical they were, I loved dual wielding them.


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The Mk23 as depicted in Killing Floor and Action Quake 2 (not MGS, I hate stealth games and that ugly prototype lasersight). Powerful, accurate, reliable sidearms. I even fired the real steel deal at a gun range once. That was where I realized why those who are issued it would rather not carry it. It is a big, heavy pistol that does not play nice with smaller hands. But it's a cool gun nonetheless.


The AF2011A1 from Killing Floor 2. For when you need a pair of 1911s in one hand. That was my favorite out of all the Gunslinger weapons. Whenever I think about having an in-the-zone moment in a game, I think about firing a pair of these guns into some horrible roid-raged monster with meat-grinder forearms and hearing bells dinging as each pair of bullets slams into its skull.


The 92FS, the workhorse of an 80s/90s action hero. Just look at its curves! Special mention for the dual Berettas from beta 7.1-1.6. Those needlessly flashy draw and reload animations were top-notch, and even though the game dev never wanted them in the first place he clearly cared enough to make them look and feel so good.


The Enforcer from UT99. Oh, that was such an awesome starter gun, especially when you're lucky enough to pick up a second one. Gunning someone down while holding it sideways made it feel good to be a gangsta. I just wish the player model showed you holding both Enforcers (or maybe it's to trick enemies into letting down their guard?).


I despise the Desert Eagle in any game because if there's a selection of pistols, it almost always ends up being the Power pistol and thus chosen by most players. Large, loud, flashy, obnoxious and wholly impractical for most uses, and yet it boggles my mind that Duke Nukem gave up his spirit gun in Forever.


I never cared much for the Glock in games. Boxy and ubiquitous and almost always full-auto with an extended mag.

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Double Enforcers from UT because it feels so badass in comparison to the minigun.


Pistol from Halo 1 because it's OP and satisfying to use, especially on a Hunter.


Any dual pistols in Tomb Raider just because.

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I'm surprised to be typing this as it's a game with notoriously shitty weapons, but I remember really enjoying the stealth pistol from Deus Ex on my numerous playthroughs. Once upgraded to the point where you're not flapping it around like a dipsomaniac with Parkinson's anyway.


Other than that, an old Q3 mod called Urban Terror had a fantastic Desert Eagle that was not accurate at all and on top of that told absolutely everyone where you were but was like force-feeding people dynamite close range.


Love love love the .357 in Half Life and Half Life 2. The awesome feedback combined with, in HL1's case at least, early-ish instance of the headshot. FPS magic.


Dishonored's pistol was awesome. Didn't feel the same way in the sequel, oddly.

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For some reason I loved the DD44 from GoldenEye. Not a very good pistol, but I fondly remember the sound and feedback was great.

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I like the .44 in HL2, and the magnum addon for Brutal Doom I've been using is pretty nifty. I also like the pistol replacement in Valiant. Various Resident Evil guns have been good too.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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