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What's your favourite pistols in games?


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The Halo: CE pistol, hands down. Even better when using a modded version for zero spread. It's a shame it doesn't work properly in MCC.

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Halo 1 Magnum is like a sniper rifle in a can and I love it.  Some realistic shooters tend to do pistols well like the 3rd burst pistol from Black Ops 2, or one of my recent favorites the Reichsrevolver from Verdun even if it takes a year to load it hits hard and sounds awesome.

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Man, this is a tough one since I've found most pistols to be pretty lacklustre. I guess the ones from Duke Nukem 3D, Half-Life: Opposing ForceBioShock and Fallout: New Vegas come to mind, but honestly I'm having a hard time pinning down any others. If we're allowed to include mods, then I'd say the Desert Eagle from Hellrider. That's really all I can think of.

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I’m a bit of a weirdo with pistols as usually go with either stealthy suppressed or as big of a bore / as high power as possible :-P


Some of my favourites include:


CS = K&M .45 Tactical aka USP

Fallout 4 = Deliverer

Multiple games = 1911 and deagle (are usually my go to pistols in games)


Rifles are usually the same thing :-P It’s always gonna be a high precision suppressed bolt action to quietly take out everyone before they know I’m there or a .50 BMG so I can line 5 guys up before taking them all out with a single shot XP


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15 hours ago, Gaia74 said:



Gun Jesus made a video on that thing :-P It’s soooo cute OwO



P.s. I am now a “Boney member” *giggles* penis *giggle*

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The laser pistols used by the Commissars in Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Winter Assault and onwards to execute a Guardsman from the unit they're attached to "pour encourager les autres" has such a hilariously overdone cocking and firing sound (followed by the frantic increase in firing speed and morale/fear of the unit) that it's got to be the winner for me.


To actually use? Hard to say, to be honest. I like the pistols that fire as fast as you can click that turn up in a lot of games, but I also like ones from stuff like Mass Effect and Borderlands where you can end up with one-hit killing explosive rounds from a sci-fi revolver/pistol that often are accompanied by a big bang and Noisy Cricket style recoil.

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  • Loverboy from Ion Fury
  • Blood's flare gun (I don't know if this should count as pistol)
  • M6D Magnum from Halo series
  • .357 Magnum from Half Life 2
  • Enforcer from UT99
  • Desert Eagle from Counter-strike
Edited by ReaperAA

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This is a hard one. I find most pistols not very memorable.


  • Quake 2 Blaster
  • Fallout 3 10mm
  • Half-Life 2 USP Match / 9mm pistol
  • No Man's Sky Multi Tool
  • Prey - PPN-8 Personal Defense Sidearm / silenced pistol

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The Enforcer in UT99 is definitely my favorite, hands down (the one in the original Unreal game is good too). I ESPECIALLY love when you wield 2 of them! It's very effective. I hated what we got in UT2004 lol so weak (I forget if 2003 was weaker or not).

Edited by Kokoro Hane

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13 hours ago, ReaperAA said:

Loverboy from Ion Fury


I am deeply ashamed for so quickly forgetting about Loverboy. Thank you, Reaper. Definitely a fucking awesome pistol.

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@Kokoro Hane The Enforcer's spread is vile; and it's worse with the alt-fire. I guess it's kinda realistic, short barrel handguns and whatnot. I still felt like the original Unreal's Automag was good enough. I don't care if it reloads, that's part of the tactical challenge, that's part of the fun!


At least they got the damage right. They're not peashooters like Doom's pistol, and they got a fine firing rate, but they're not absurdly strong, like... ahem, the Desert Eagle in Counter-Strike 1.6. (I do really like that gun, despite it being overpowered - probably just oomph factor!)


Both are nice pistols, but only so close to being favorites. Heck, even the Revolver in Unreal 4Ever Tournament, which had a reload mechanism and a headshot type thing, I think feels better to use than either the Automag and the Enforcer.

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The first one i thought of was the Duke 3D pistol followed by the pistol from Halo: Combat Evolved. But pretty much anything but the Doom pistol is fine by me lol.

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Hand Cannons and Sidearms in the Destiny games are some of the only times I've actually chosen a pistol as my main weapon.  So I'll go with those.

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I like beefy futuristic pistols.



1. The Lawgiver in Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death (has several powerful firemodes)



2. The Automag in Unreal



3. The pistol in SiN

Edited by Tetzlaff

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Walther P38 - Wolfenstein 3D
Flare pistol - Blood
Automag / Enforcer(s) - Unreal / Unreal Tournament

Magnum(s) - SiN (dual-wieldable w/ expansion)

M6G Magnum - Halo
Silver Talon - Soldier of Fortune
Colt Python - Half-Life 1-2
Red9 - Resident Evil 4

AT-14 Pistol(s) - F.E.A.R.

Loverboy - Ion Fury

Extra: Any auto loaders in Call of Duty series, too numerous to count!

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Half life 1&2:357 r
Gta 4:Desert eagle

Call of duty black ops 3:RK5

Battlefield 1:Tiny gun

Halo 1&3:pistol
Doom 4:Pistol 

Killing floor 1:Magnum 

Edited by Xcalibur344

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I've always had a soft spot for the Luger in Return to Castle Wolfenstein, its firing sound is nice and meaty and while it isn't great for large firefights, the silencer makes it a great stealth weapon before you get the Sten.


I'm also quite fond of the pistol from Bioshock Infinite, which I'm pretty sure was modeled after a Mauser. Seems I have a thing for old German handguns.


Other favourites include the Loverboy from Ion MaidenFury, the Static Pistol from Doom (2016), Maria from Fallout: New Vegas, the Automag from Unreal and any suitably powerful revolver featured in any game (especially those with a fixed magazine where each round must be loaded/unloaded individually, I'm not a fan of fast-loading revolvers).

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M1911 in RE7 is a beast with enhanced ammo although not the most beefy sounding. Pretty much any pistol from the RE games are great.


Honorable mentions:

-Pistol from HL2. Shoots fast and is actually useful the entire game.

-PP7 from Goldeneye. Sounds great and shoots better.

-Eagle from RE3. Semi auto and has the chance to critical shot. It sounds beefy as well.

-G19 with modulator from RE3R. Insanely good with perfect dodges.

-Silenced USP in CSGO or the Five-Seven.

-System Shock 2 pistol. Armor piercing rounds are no joke.

-Wildweasel has some of the best pistols in ww-diaz. No, really.

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I prefer pistols that are useful throughout the game over pistols that are only used as a last resort weapon. 

my favorite game pistol is the one from DN3D, which isn’t based on any real handgun but it functions similar to a Glock, which is my favorite handguns in real life. 

I also really like the Silverballers in Hitman Blood Money 

Edited by Gerolf

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+1 for the FEAR pistol, something about sniping hapless guys in the back of the head with it never got old for me, and once you get two it pretty quickly turns into a game directed by John Woo.

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