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Do any of you believe in the theory that all wads are canon?

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With Doom 2016 and Eternal, I've heard alot of people talk about how all wads are canon, even custom ones, personally, for me it depends on the wad, I don't believe something like /pol/.wad is canon, but something like plutonia 2 or hell on earth starter pack could be possible for canon, but what do you all think?

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The series is woefully inconsistent given its real lack of a coherent narrative from most of its installments, so it's like Schrödinger's cat: Everything is canon and also nothing is canon.

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i wouldnt believe that punch out doom and seinfeld doom would be canon to the original, so my answer is no, for heavily modified wads. now something like valiant and or scythe would be believable, as there is nothing really out of the ordinary there.

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I like to think of all the megawads, projects and conversions as a giant Doom-ass multiverse, all going on in parallel dimensions with different versions of Doomguy.  I even like to think that whenever you die in a game, then reload a save from previously, that's like a 'time fork' with an alternate timeline of the same guy.  

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I find canon with a game like this doesn't really matter much.  I just go with my own headcanon based on the small amounts of story we are given and go from there.  As to WADs? I think about it even less so.

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Yes. They are actually planning on rewriting the DOOM novels to include every single WAD ever made, to clear up any loop holes or confusion. 


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  On 9/30/2020 at 3:02 AM, Mayomancer said:

Everything after DOOM episode 1 is just a dream, Doomguy didn't survive the shareware version



This is kinda how I always saw it, or more-so that doomguy went to hell and thus is trapped in an eternal cycle since hell never plays fair and all that, thus also fitting with the narrative that all pwads could be canon. Personally, I like the idea that all wads are canon, even if some are of questionable nature; I guess hell doesnt play fair on our beliefs/morals either.

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  On 9/30/2020 at 3:10 AM, Fonze said:


This is kinda how I always saw it, or more-so that doomguy went to hell and thus is trapped in an eternal cycle since hell never plays fair and all that, thus also fitting with the narrative that all pwads could be canon.


It would make sense considering the death exit. And even though a lot of pwads may not be 'canon' in the same universe it makes it so any wad could be happening in the same line of events from original doom i guess? I'm not even sure it changes anything since people have been creating wads with alternate story lines and continuations since forever, and most don't even have a story. It's fun imagining Ray Mohawk being a prequel, though?

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Despite what any new lore might say, I don't really think of the new and old games as being connected.

Edited by Smouths

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