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Can Someone Send Me A zip Of All Doom 2 Textures?


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So a while back i posted something about how all the wads i played have blackened textures. So i gave up, then i got slade to edit a mod and i thought "i'll look at the textures in the doom 2 wad to see if that was the problem. Turns out, yes it was. It wasn't a problem of broken textures, the textures weren't even there, the files were, but the sprites contained nothing. So can someone please send me the Doom 2 textures? I beg of you

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I'm extremely confused. How did you end up with a DOOM2.WAD with no textures? Even if someone could give away the Doom 2 textures (it's copyrighted content and piracy is strictly against the rules around here), why don't you just download the IWAD again from wherever you bought it?

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  On 9/30/2020 at 1:22 AM, Excalibird said:

So a while back i posted something about how all the wads i played have blackened textures. So i gave up, then i got slade to edit a mod and i thought "i'll look at the textures in the doom 2 wad to see if that was the problem. Turns out, yes it was. It wasn't a problem of broken textures, the textures weren't even there, the files were, but the sprites contained nothing. So can someone please send me the Doom 2 textures? I beg of you


How the hell does that actually happen? Seems more likely that you opened the IWAD in SLADE, didn't know what you were doing and somehow corrupted the IWAD.

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  On 9/30/2020 at 2:29 AM, M_W said:

I'm extremely confused. How did you end up with a DOOM2.WAD with no textures? Even if someone could give away the Doom 2 textures (it's copyrighted content and piracy is strictly against the rules around here), why don't you just download the IWAD again from wherever you bought it?



Just change 1 pixel so Slade doesn't detect it as an iwad resource and boom, it's legal!

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This is the first time I've heard that kind of problem from someone. If you have non-original DooM wads, my question is. Is DooM or DooM 2, that pricy in your country or is it just you, don't want to buy original games ? For example, old DooM games are worth a chocolate bar, here. If it is about your pc. Most probably, you should gonna get to fix it by yourself, friend. Also, admins may ban you or erease this topic, cause of you want to pirate original game content. GOOD LUCK !

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I am stunned by what people do when trying their first hand at modding and only after the fact raise a thread.


If you don't know what you are doing and you just want to experiment (There is nothing wrong with that), ask if what you do is correct before you actually make the change.


That's far better to do than making the change eitherway, causing a mess up, and then create a thread.

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Download the TOR browser, you can use this to access the dark web, where you can buy and sell illicit drugs and guns, hire a hitman, purchase child slaves, watch live murder videos, and download a zip with all the Doom 2 textures.


If you fucked up the iwad, reinstall it on Steam or GOG or wherever you bought it from. If you downloaded Doom 2 and the texture files are missing, you pirated it. This topic makes no sense.


As others said, it seems more likely that you made a mess of the files yourself and now you want to fix it, but you don't own Doom. If someone can find a Doom 2 iwad on the internet with all the textures missing, I'll give you twenty dollars.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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  On 9/30/2020 at 8:10 PM, Redneckerz said:

I am stunned by what people do when trying their first hand at modding and only after the fact raise a thread.


If you don't know what you are doing and you just want to experiment (There is nothing wrong with that), ask if what you do is correct before you actually make the change.


That's far better to do than making the change eitherway, causing a mess up, and then create a thread.



Heh. You should have seen the olden days when XWE was the most popular WAD editor out there and it could corrupt a WAD simply by if you were browsing through the lumps.

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Either you deleted the textures somehow and are now asking people to break copyright law instead of reinstalling, or you were too cheap to pay $5 and got some bootleg copy off of Pirate's Bay

Edited by croc_rock

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Doomworld does not endorse the redistribution of Doom's IWADs. Please obtain them through legal means by purchasing them off Steam or equivalent services. If you already bought the games, try reinstalling 'em or validating the game cache to restore the files.

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