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Doom Modpacks (or wads combining gameplay changes and maps)


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I've been mixing and matching a lot of map and gameplay wads recently, but the experience is all over the place with difficulty, ammo, monster encounters... In one recent encounter I had to godmode myself out of it after 10 resurrects where a baron of hell an 2 hell knights (with Brutal Doom Schism mechanics), in a thigh room, pounded my face into the ground again and again. (It was a trap in Doom 2 Dark World map05 if you're wondering).


The most memorable good experience I had was with antares031's fantastic Antaresian Reliquary, where I fell in love with the dehacked weapons, how responsive they are, and the careful balance were put into them, and how well antares031 combined them with the maps.

So I've wondered how can I find more map wads with gameplay changes, and if there are modpacks that combined and refined gameplay changes with existing maps. I've looked for the word "modpacks" and couldn't find any. Are there any easy ways to combine separate wads and custom configurations for public distribution? I know of Complex doom addons that pretty well fit my description, but I don't think it's distributed as a modpack.


Please recommend me wads that combine gameplay+map changes like Valiant or Antaresian Reliquary, or how to find more of these.

Is there a website for wads that you can search with tags?


Edit: I debated posting this on WADs & Mods, but everything there were submissions of new wads so I felt it didn't fit.

Edited by Maldito

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Ultimate Torment and Torture

Golden Souls 1&2

Adventures of Square

Jazz Jackrabbit Doom


Pirate Doom


Threshold of Pain 1&2


Void and Rainbow

City of the Damned Apocalypse

Maskim Xul

Action Doom 1&2



Winter's Fury

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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To aide in your hunt, most people call these "Partial Conversions" or PCs (or, at least they did back in the old days..)


I'll be that guy and recommend some of my own community projects/mapsets, since they're pretty much all PCs, though the mapping is much more in line with E1 of Doom1 for example:


Rowdy Rudy 1 and 2 (2, aka Powertrip, is 95% complete so should still be fun)

Doomed in Space


You should also check out many of the DBPs such as Alien Bastards, City of the Damned Children or most of them, really. I think some early ones may have vanilla enemies but they largely consist of Boom-compat PCs!

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My personal favorite is:


Project Brutality 3.0 (with the chaotic random spawn preset)

Maps of Chaos (If you want to play on any of Final Doom's episode disable it)

Cat's Visors

Project Brutality mutators

Doom HD Texturepack

Doom Metal Vol.5


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Thanks everybody so much! I'll be checking everyone's suggestions!


Still, it's a shame there doesn't seem to be any way to share wad setups and custom configs short of zipping an entire gzdoom with its .cfg file (for wads that let you tweek its settigs).

I've got to know Minecraft's mod launchers and modpacks and I feel that Doom modding is lacking in that department.


Also I never expected famous people (:P) like DoomKid and antares031 to notice this. Thanks for the videos and maps! I enjoy them a lot!

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Tons of great suggestions already.  One not mentioned yet that immediately springs to mind is Tango's Paradise. A great marriage of gameplay changes and maps designed around them.  Perhaps not quite a PC, but the changes reach quite deep imo.


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