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The DWmegawad Club plays: Demonfear & 1000 Lines 2

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21 hours ago, Endless said:

(I can re vote, right?)


I'd appreciate it if you said what you were changing your vote from, just so I don't have to scour previous pages.


Get your votes in within the next 24 hours people.

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1 hour ago, dobu gabu maru said:


I'd appreciate it if you said what you were changing your vote from, just so I don't have to scour previous pages.


Get your votes in within the next 24 hours people.

Yes, of course, sorry about that.


Previous vote was for 180 Minutes Pour Vivre. Now because of the tie, I'll go with 3 Is a Crowd.

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MAP29: Marble Tombstone by Ben Mansell (Bauul)







A real tomb for those adventurers who are not prepared for this massacre. Following a slaughtermap scheme, this map presents us with a large number of enemies in open spaces available for different maneuvers and interesting attack approaches. The encounters are, despite being somewhat challenging, incredibly satisfying thanks to the good use of items scattered around the map and large and expansive spaces that entertain with dynamic combat as well as an interesting layout. The elevator part is quite fun and an excellent way to create an evolving arena of combat. Good map.


MAP30: Eldritch by RonnieJamesDiner




Yes, I still hate slaughtermpas. With the previous RJD map being a big final surprise, I was sure this one would deliver an even more challenging surprise with the final map. This is a map of great magnitude and a constant challenge at all times. IoS fight but with enough diversity in its layout to give it a more original and entertaining touch; as for its gameplay, it is, without a doubt, tedious at certain points. If we enter blind we will probably find it difficult to finish it under the limit of our patience, but the basic strategy is to run as fast as possible and get all the keys. The order doesn't matter but I believe that it is necessary to follow a certain order to have less difficulty, starting with the blue key. The map looks fantastic and has great visuals, but its design is undoubtedly made to frustrate us and give us a good beating. The ledges are a fall towards a sure death and the more we take, more annoying monsters will spawn, especially Lost-Souls, the worst thing that can be in this type of map. It's a good map really, with an original, creative and fun design, but I have zero patience when it comes to this kind of massacre, even so, we've reached the end and I can say that it's worthy.

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Wow, it’s cool and crazy to read that people actually enjoyed my MAP 26 for 1K Lines 2! Thank you for your reviews! If TMMC 1 is lucky enough to be chosen, I look forward to reading your thoughts on my *numerous* maps for that project. 

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MAP25 - “Metamorphism” by elend


green marble map with fiery red accents. as someone said, the meaner brother of map24. switches are small hexagons on the marble and can be overlooked - look out for the one that gives you the ssg, before the archvile is released. features 2 fights where one has to run in circles and shoot at a clot of monsters, of which #2 has those mancubi outside that should be taken out quickly because it's easy to run into their flames. the end looks a bit different than the rest, as you get into the open and there's much more free space to maneuver than in the rest of the map.




MAP26 - “Heavy Gauntlet” by LowGcifer


some setpieces where one must act fast. first is one with heavy firepower (mancs and revenants) on both edges of a trench. jump down, clear up what's found there (i ran in circles hitting the archvile whenever i could), then get up and kill everything on the edges. next step is a marble hall where several enemies pop up, of which a manc right in the exit door. last one: the bfg. it's here for a reason. fire it already when you step into the teleporter, right into an archvile's face or you're toast. i had no armor here, tbh i didn't look much for one. mop up a cacoswarm and some others, then jump down at some more revenants, and you're good to exit. i liked the pace of this one, the music fits perfectly.




MAP27 - “THUNDERBASTARD” by an_mutt


what a map for just 1000 lines! an intertwined complex in green marble and blood, and a few teleporters to carry one quicker through the whole place, it has a consistent design and a series of challenging fights, especially the one with the last (yellow?) key where you should free your way methodically instead of just high-tailing it. the end left me wandering the map in search for the exit. one of my favorites in the wad.




MAP28 - “The Halls of Reckoning” by Bridgeburner


definitely a reckoning. large-scale pompous architecture with precise geometric shapes is bridgeburner's trademark, and those halls are filled to the brim with monsters. it's slaughter time. first, run through the large hall, leaving everyone here to settle their business, and down to the right. here, everything can be put down quickly (the main problem were the cacos getting too near for me to use rockets safely). from here, the bfg room. oh man. the fight itself isn't overly complicated, but those fucking ditches, beautifully adorned with demonic script, were a pain in the ass. it's too easy to fall into one, and the next moment you catch your tail of revenant missiles, or one from the cow. so i avoided them as i could and used the bfg to clear the revenant rooms on the sides quickly. meanwhile, pretty much only the cows survived in the main hall. last part has the large outdoor stairs where one should rush the revenant box with the bfg before it's even open. the rest, cacos and knights, is slow and can be dealt with later. well, then 2-shot some cows and exit. impressive map that isn't as hard as it seems when you tackle it right, but the part with the bfg can be frustrating if some moron is on a bridge at the worst moment.




MAP29 - “Marble Tombstone” by Bauul


another grand-scale marble temple with several slaughterish setpieces:
1. chaingun humans down, then massacre imps with the ssg. some more baddies will come at you if you open the door to the hall serving as a hub.
2. the island fight gave me the most trouble because it's highly rng-dependent if some dumbass will get in your way while you're running around mostly on the outer rim of the island. plasma them down and hope to get the archvile quickly. the problem with such fights is that when they block your path and you have to turn, you'll likely to run into everyone following you.
3. the hall with the lowering walls releasing enemies successively. and ammo, but the better ammo is on the outside. again, run circles and hope to get the viles. once they're down, you can mop up the rest with ssg.
4. the manc & knight sandwich. use rockets to punch a hole into the manc front and get behind them (so you're not being shot at from both sides, and the mancs put out much more than the knights). if the knights close in, repeat this. there are plasma and rockets in their corner.
5. finale. 2 cows and a lot of fodder. there's a megasphere in the corner to the red door. spray plasma at everything while staying away from the cows until they're alone.
which leaves you with one more cow stuck in the exit to grind down. this was rather anti-climactic.



MAP30 - “Eldritch” by RonnieJamesDiner


thanks again @tmorrow but tbh i lost my patience with this map. it's slaughter with -respawn. it's imposing, it's difficult, as you have to stay on those narrow paths above the void regardless of what spawns in front of you. got all 3 keys (of which breaking out of the RK part seemed the most difficult one, as the way out was clogged when i got rid of the pinkies and viles), and it works when you know where to run and are not fumbling while the spawn cubes are coming down everywhere. 
i found the elevator to the icon early... only to be swarmed by cacos and pain elementals up here, and an angry cow blasting me with rockets while i could dodge... where? argh. whenever i focused on the cow, a soul or caco managed to creep up on me so the next rocket would hit it and kill me with splash damage.


edit: saw just now how @Soullessdid it right... impressive! one has to know the map, run it quickly, and use the bfg whenever possible.

i was far too slow, so that swarm of flyers had time to come up to the tower.

some surprisingly steep difficulty curves on the last maps, but nevertheless impressive and good pack overall.



edit: funny how i took a shot of this temple wall and then found the same image in the post of @Endless




Edited by Pirx

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2 hours ago, LowGcifer said:

Wow, it’s cool and crazy to read that people actually enjoyed my MAP 26 for 1K Lines 2! Thank you for your reviews! If TMMC 1 is lucky enough to be chosen, I look forward to reading your thoughts on my *numerous* maps for that project. 



i did. just played your map again (gzdoom with mouselook), and the fights are quick and punchy. 


the first part down in the hole with the vile can go wrong quickly if one of the revs gets in the way, but that's by design.


there was just one thing that could be improved imo, and that's the ledge on the way to the red key. you'll have 12 rockets at that point, enough to kill the second archvile that appears here, but most of the time, the rest of the gang from the red key area will gather here... and now? ride up, and take one to the face? or stay below and ssg them? which is safe and works, but it's rather time-consuming. might have been better to avoid this "siege" situation.


edit: maybe if i'm quicker at killing them with rockets, i could get up before they assemble and fight them at the door. might depend on how many see me and find the way to the door quick enough.


the next vile at the blue key is in a similar position, but he's alone and up close, 4-5x ssg and he's done. 




Edited by Pirx

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I usually don't post the secret/bonus maps cause I never find the secret exits in natural/vanilla terms and always have to resort to changemap command, but here it is!


MAP31: Crimson Complex by Joshua O'Sullivan (Dragonfly)






Extra detailed and with a tight layout, almost feeling urban in the sense of having a varied fight, moved and with a good dynamic that stays great thanks to a good progression. The progress between rocky exteriors and dark/industrial interiors creates a fantastic sense of adventure.


MAP32: Ephemeral by Aurelius

Puzzle and death-defying, this is the kind of map that undoubtedly takes the crown for being as complicated as it is intriguing, as well as fascinating. A great map of magnitude with an incredible design and a brutal style. So much so that it even has a ''Give up'' button at the start of the map. Interesting indeed.


MAP33: Boreas by Aquila Chrysaetos

Combining snow/ice style with industrial bases in dark caves and visual fantasies. This is a small map with a quite personal closeness where the encounters become as intimate as intense. Personally, I quite like this style of maps that take advantage of their limitations to create detailed and fast maps that are, despite short, super fun and balanced.


MAP34: Horseshoe of Death by Diego Villarroel (DJV)

Darkness dominates this medium sized map with a good number of different paths and a variety of depths. Challenging encounters thanks to the use of light and good positioning force us to pay more attention to every corner. Good map in terms of its underground presentation and good challenge.



Final words: 1000 Lines 2 is a fantastic community project that improves every single thing from the previous entry, delivering some really awesome, fantastic, intuitive, fun and good-looking maps that are fast, solidly challenging while being balanced and just really good regarding layout design. All in all, a thousand lines has never been so good. Had a great time.

My final review here. <3


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MAP34 was a map inspired by MAP11 clearly, maybe too gimmicky to be in the main maplist. Just for the name, but well, in the past iteration of 1K Lines there were a pair of maps pretty much based on IWAD maps, but well.

Important note to add: Map was designed without having in mind the Underground tech-base theme at first, it was reskinned by @Dragonfly, who did an amazing job, sadly, I does not worth that much as, again is not in the main maplist. Anyways I really appreciate his help.
I don't know why he is not credited, by the way.

Mixed feelings about this map, I enjoyed doing it, but meh.

Edited by DJVCardMaster

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i let myself fall behind more than anticipated.  i don't see myself rushing out maps at the last second and doing write ups, so here are my demos and screenshots for the maps i could finish. 


1k lines cp 2 is a wad i can see myself replaying in the future. good work everyone, and another good month for dwmc!














1k lines 2 cp demos 24-33.7z

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Big thank you to everyone who played 1k2 this month, so much good feedback for the 1k team which has gone down really well on the 1k discord.


I've also picked up on a few things.. 1k3 will have a little less slaughter :-P

On the note of Map34, Dragonfly did do a few bits to the map, but has no interest in being credited. He was just being a top bloke and helping out a newer mapper.


The 1k team is really proud of 1k2 and are glad people are enjoying it.   

Edited by Liberation

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41 minutes ago, golbeeze said:

I lost track of what vote was winning


I think it's 3 is a crowd, especially after endless changed his vote. 

3iac is totally fine for me. 

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Dobu will post the thread sometime soon.  Like Pirx, I think it is 3iaC (which I checked out the first few maps of - it's not my thing, but I'm sure it will be more to other people's tastes).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just finished 1000 lines 2, so I thought I'd post about it here. I'm not going to go into much detail on any map, but if anyone specifically wants feedback on their map or is fishing for compliments, I can write about a few. Overall it was quite good, lots of fun maps with good linedef economy, and nothing that I really didn't like... other than MAP30 which was a little over the top IMO, but I never like IOS type maps. At least there wasn't a moving platform you had to shoot rockets from, and visually it was quite nice. On the other hand I didn't mind the slaughter bits and found the end of MAP20 pretty fun.


I liked the ice episode the best. Favourite maps in each episode: MAP05, MAP19, MAP25. MAP32 was cool overall but those revenant rocket acrobatics were overly difficult.

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