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Any Pro Tips on My Gameplay?


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Hello everyone. It has been a while since my last post so I figured why not. So here is a video of my game play of the "Cultist Base" master level on Ultra-Violence. As you may see, I am a very offensive and agressive player and I think I do alright but I just cannot win this shit on Nightmare. SO I was wondering. What are some things that people who are REALLY good at this game can tell me about how I play and how I might be able to get better. I eventually want to do an Ultra-Nightmare Extra Lives run. I was able to beat Doom 2016 on Nightmare 3 times so it's now time to conquer this one!


Edited by Dubbagdarrel

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I wrote down a list of notes as I watched the video. I have some specific tips based on the notes at the very end. Here are all my notes (in spoiler form):







1:39 - Spent too much time trying to remove the Revenant's cannons. You took some unnecessary damage here. Use Lock-On Burst to kill the Revenant.


1:46 - Looks like you panicked after taking a hit from the Cacodemon and missing the grenade shot. Use Arabalest shot to kill the Cacodemon.


2:58 - Stood too close to the Mancubus. Use the Ice Bomb to make it safe to Blood Punch him.


3:27 - Some avoidable Arachnotron damage if you maintained distance. You've been in this corner for a while and it's served you well enough so far, but it does mean you don't have much movement space to avoid attacks like this Arachnotron's.


3:34 - You didn't need to Blood Punch a single burning Possessed.


4:07 - Damaged by the Tyrant from mostly standing around for a bit too long. The Destroyer Blade lowering your move speed didn't help with that either. A heavy-duty weapon that maintained speed would've been useful here, like Lock-On Burst.


4:56 - You take some hits from the Tyrant from moving too much side-to-side. A weakness of the Tyrant is that it turns slowly, slow using your speed and dashes to move around the Tyrant would've likely helped you avoid more damage actually.


6:24 - You're moving a bit too close to Possessed and trying to melee them when you don't need to. A single Sticky Bomb is enough to stagger the Mecha Zombies, which you can safely do from a distance.


6:52 - Standing a bit too close to one area again, that's why the Mecha Zombies are able to land a number of hits on you. Try to be advancing in a direction at all times, if the situation allows it. You're less likely to get hit this way.

7:45 - Mancubi are basically walking turrets, so make sure to avoid walking up to them.


8:13 - Using the Full Auto on the Arachnotron got you hit again here. Use any weapon here that doesn't restrict your movement speed.


8:20 - Heavy Cannon isn't really the best weapon against Prowlers. A single Super Shotgun blast is enough to kill them. Taking a longer time with the Heavy Cannon meant the other Prowler was able to hit you multiple times.


9:32 - Same thing happens again when you use the Heavy Cannon against another two Prowlers.


11:00 - You take damage from a number of sources in the upcoming fight here. Mostly to do with staying in one area for too long or getting cornered accidently. You also take damage for the third and fourth time using the Full Auto against the Arachnotrons here.


12:13 - You take a lot of damage trying to glory kill the staggered Pain Elemental. Better to just Ballista shot it instead.


12:38 - You use the Ice Bomb on the Imp here but don't seem to follow up.


12:42 - You've been around this side of the arena since the start, so many of the monsters have congregated here and are able to hit you much easier.


12:50 - Definitely don't use movement-slowing weapon mods while at low health. The risk is too high.


13:03 - Nice Blood Punch + Flame Belch


13:40 - You end up taking a lot of damage from trying to use the Heavy Cannon and lining up Precision Shots.


13:50 - In general, you seem to go for melee a lot. Make sure you have Blood Punch charged beforehand. Otherwise, only melee once you see a staggered demon, not when you think a demon's about to stagger.


14:00 - A lot of damage from the Mancubus, mostly because you were moving too close to it. Maintain the distance when fighting the Mancubus, he has been buffed from his 2016 counterpart to punish more harshly at closer range.


14:32 - You end up taking damage from standing around the entrance too long. Keep advancing in a direction, staying around for too long will allow the demons to group up.


14:41 - You take a lot of damage from the Mancubus again for standing too close to it. You also try to melee it without Blood Punch charged.


15:10 - You take some damage while using the Mini Turret from various fireballs. While it's a good weapon mod to use against a frozen Baron, it's quite risky here since it reduces your move speed while a bunch of other demons are around and still active.


16:09 - You take some damage from a surprise Doom Hunter. You should've started dashing backwards immediately. He is able to land a few hits on you since he's so close to you, making it hard to avoid his rockets and melee. You get hit a bit later from standing too close to him as well.


19:17 - You take some damage from various Mecha Zombies here. Definitely clear out the room before focusing on the Marauder, since you need all the space you can get. Good handling on the Marauder otherwise. An optimal way to deal damage is to do Ballista -> Super Shotgun -> Ballista, which you can actually land all three hits in a single counter. It takes some practice, especially on console, but I believe consoles do have a "swap to previous weapon" button, which makes the combo easier.


20:17 - The sixth time you've been hit while using the Full Auto on an Arachnotron.


20:22 - You take some damage from trying to melee the other Arachnotron. You can check if Blood Punch is charged from the bottom left icon next to the Dash icon. You could avoid a lot of damage in this run just from hitting melees less often.


21:41 - End up taking some damage from a Revenant from staying in one location for a bit too long, allowing his rocket barrage to score multiple hits.


21:43 - You use the Heat Blast mod but there are no enemies nearby for it to deal any damage.


22:36 - While it did work out on the Cyber-Mancubus before this, getting too close meant you were more exposed to harm - and you take a lot of damage for it since there are other demons around as well. Use the Ice Bomb before approaching a Cyber-Mancubus.


22:52 - Too close to this Mancubus as well, so you end up taking a lot of damage.


23:58 - You stand too close to the Mancubus again and take a lot of damage for it.


24:29 - Using the Mini Turret caused you to get hit from the Tyrant as you were staying in one place for a bit too long.


25:53 - For the next bit, you take damage from a number of sources, mostly from positioning. I don't think you needed to return back to this corner, there isn't much room here to dodge attacks, so stray Imp fireballs are more likely to hit.


26:04 - Re-watched this a bunch of times because that's a ridiculous projectile and I had no idea it could change trajectory like that. Strange.


26:11 - In a tight corner like this, it'd be better to use the Ballista or Super Shotgun to get rid of the Prowler quickly. The Plasma Rifle took a bit too long and you ended up getting hit by the Prowler.


26:21 - As a general idea, chainsaw more often to avoid awkward situations where you're trying to hunt for fodder but there are hardly any.


26:48 - You end up taking damage while using the Mini Turret. Only use it if you know the coast is clear, otherwise you'll be a sitting target for the other demons in the arena.


27:32 - You stay around for a bit too long and the Tyrant is able to hit you using its fire wave.


30:15 - You take a bunch of damage from staying in one spot for a bit too long.


30:22 - Seems you threw the Ice Bomb by mistake since you try to melee the Pain Elemental, likely for the glory kill. This puts you in a bad spot and you get crowded by demons and take a lot of damage for it.


30:35 - Avoid using the Mini Turret while there are multiple dangerous enemies from multiple directions. The weapon mod's lowered move speed means you are more likely to get hit.


31:02 - There's a lot of back-and-forth before this during the fight. Your positioning means you take hits a few times but you often made up for it. But here you stand too close to the Revenant and take some damage for it.


32:09 - Seems there were a few enemies quite close to you for the sudden damage. You should use Dash to move out of danger immediately.


32:15 - The Mini Turret causes you to take hits again. While you did kill your Hell Knight target, some other enemies have now reached you and are able to hit you since using the Mini Turret means you were staying around for a bit too long.


32:28 - Your positioning led you to taking a lot of hits and you ended up going too close to a flamethrowing Mancubus too. Use Ice Bombs to clear a path.


32:39 - A lot of damage from the Mancubus, mostly from staying around in one spot too long. Also, this section is a lot easier if you're able to line up the Cueballs to hit the Heavy demons, since there are a lot of them in this area.


32:55 - The Mini Turret leads you to get hit from the Mancubus while you focus on the Revenant. Use raw Ballista shots and the Lock-On Bursts more often as an alternative for heavy damage.


32:58 - Too close to the Mancubus again.


33:15 - Mini Turret causes you to take a lot of damage again.


33:20 - Once Extra Life is triggered, you should be dashing out of there. It's pretty dangerous if it got you killed already.


33:34 - Pretty good resource recovery from here until 33:50


38:48 - You get hit from multiple sources, mostly from staying in one place for too long. But you recover your resources soon after so it's fine.


39:26 - Mini Turret causes you to take a hit from all three Lost Souls of the Pain Elemental. You take some more damage a little later on from also using the Mini Turret.


39:40 - A lot of damage from poor positioning, since you've been at this corner of the room for a bit and now the demons are converging here, meaning you're under fire a lot more.


40:06 - A lot of damage from the Tyrants. I would incorporate some jumping as well to avoid the constant laser blasts as well.


43:15 - You stood in the entrance area for a bit too long, allowing the Pain Elemental to hit you.


45:50 - You take some damage for getting a bit too close to the Whiplash. Lock-On Burst is a strong tool against them.It happens again later in this fight.


47:19 - You take some damage while using the Mini-Turret.


47:25 - You stood in the center are a second too long and took some damage for that.


47:30 - Some poor positioning here since the Whiplash cornered you. You also take some more damage from fireballs a little later on in the fight, mostly from standing in one area for a bit too long.


47:46 - Too close to the Cyber-Mancubus.


48:00 - Staying around for a bit too long made you take some damage. This corner is pretty bad too since the only way out is through, which is why you take a lot of damage over the next few seconds and triggers the Extra Life.


48:22 - You take some damage for standing around a bit too long. You were out of Chaingun ammo, so I imagined you were surprise.


48:53 - You take a lot of damage while using the Mini Turret. Again, a very high-risk weapon mod to be using in this situation. You continue to take damage most of the time you use this.


49:20 - Definitely check your Blood Punch meter.


48:26 - Also definitely avoid the Revenant's close range, you took some unnecessary damage there.


50:56 - You get close to the Mancubus and end up taking a lot of damage for it.


53:42 - Took some damage while focusing on the Pinky. Mostly because of the close-range Whiplash.


53:54 - Not sure what hit you but it was behind you.


53:58 - Avoid the laser blast by dashing in a direction. Just moving to the side won't be enough in most cases.


54:06 - Took some damage from the Prowler while trying to move in on it. I think you would've been fine if you just used the Ballista shot from a distance.


54:16 - You take some damage from mostly staying on one place.


54:33 - While there are a lot of dangerous enemies present, you do take some damage from some poor positioning. Try to use your Dash more often.


54:46 - Again, the Mini Turret causes you to take damage.


54:49 - Got a bit cornered there so you took some damage.


55:01 - A bit too close to the demons here, causing them to inflict some heavy damage.


55:07 - Using the Frag Grenade after the Ice Bomb is a pretty solid tactic. It looks like you got a bit lost there trying to figure out what weapon to use against that group.


55:10 - A bit awkwardly in one spot, so the Tyrant's attacks all hit you.


55:22 - Plasma Rifle is designed to destroy enemy shields. Going into full Mini-Turret mod was unnecessary here. And caused you to take some damage too.


55:30 - You take a lot of sudden damage from mostly staying in one spot for too long while you were trying to aim at the Tyrant.


56:04 - You take some damage from the Tyramt, using the Dash ability helps avoid many of their attacks.


56:25 - You take damage from moving too close to the Arch-Vile while it has its fiery circle. Best tactic against Arch-Vile is: Ice Bomb (+ vulnerability upgrade) -> two Lock-On Bursts -> dead Arch-Vile.


56:36 - Mini Turret was going good until a demon hit you while you were using it.







1. Always advance in a direction. A lot of damage taken is from staying around one spot for too long. It doesn't matter if you're strafing a bit in place, the demons will converge and overwhelm. Keep advancing and attacks are less likely to hit.


2. Don't try to melee so many demons. You often take a lot of damage from trying to melee a specific demon but dealing no damage because Blood Punch wasn't charged. Make sure Blood Punch is charged before going in.


3. You almost always took damage while using Full Auto or Mini Turret. These mods reduce your movement speed and in a packed arena, they are very risky to use. You're better off dealing damage another way (Lock-On Bursts, Ballista shots, etc.) while advancing in a direction.


4. Only move in to demons when going in for a glory kill. You took a lot of damage from Mancubi or other demons from trying to move closer to them while you were fighting. It's not worth it and you should keep fighting from a moderate distance.


5. Use burst weapons to inflict a lot of damage fast. For example: Lock-On Bursts, Super Shotgun, Ballista shots. Sometimes, you took too long to kill something like a Prowler or Tyrant because you were using a Plasma Rifle or Heavy Cannon, and that gives them a chance to hit you back.


6. I'm not sure if I wasn't paying attention, but you should definitely Dash a lot more in combat. It's noticeable near the end when you took a lot of hits from the Tyrant - many of their attacks are negated if you Dash to the side right before they go off.


7. You panic at a few points and toss out a lot of random things. Happens to everyone. But if you want to do Ultra-Nightmare, you need to learn to maintain composure even when things don't go your way. That makes a lot of difference in how players approach an overwhelming fight.


8. Try using the Super Shotgun <-> Ballista combo to inflict a lot of damage fast. I believe console controllers have a keybinding that lets them swap to their previous weapon, so that would help pull this off. Quick-swapping between the two weapons allows you to inflict a lot of damage in a short amount of time.


9. Try using the Ice Bomb more strategically. Most of the time, it felt like you activated it randomly. Against a Cyber-Mancubus, you start: Ice Bomb -> Blood Punch -> Super Shotgun = dead Cyber-Mancubus already. Or against an Arch-Vile: Ice Bomb -> two Lock-On Bursts = dead Arch-Vile already. And so on. The Ice Bomb is a very effective single-target tool.


10. Try to Chainsaw more often. While you demonstrate that you don't need it for long stretches of combat, it's definitely helpful in maintaining those stretches. Otherwise you get these awkward breaks in the middle of the action where you're looking for fodder to chainsaw or whatever.


11. If an Extra Life triggers, definitely begin Dashing out of there. If you stay there, you'll likely get killed again.


12. Watch other people's Ultra-Nightmare 100% speedruns to get an idea on the most optimized way to play. It's how I learned most of my techniques.




I hope that helps. Most learning is from practice, so keep at it and good luck in future runs.

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12 hours ago, AtimZarr1 said:

I wrote down a list of notes as I watched the video. I have some specific tips based on the notes at the very end. Here are all my notes (in spoiler form):



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1:39 - Spent too much time trying to remove the Revenant's cannons. You took some unnecessary damage here. Use Lock-On Burst to kill the Revenant.


1:46 - Looks like you panicked after taking a hit from the Cacodemon and missing the grenade shot. Use Arabalest shot to kill the Cacodemon.


2:58 - Stood too close to the Mancubus. Use the Ice Bomb to make it safe to Blood Punch him.


3:27 - Some avoidable Arachnotron damage if you maintained distance. You've been in this corner for a while and it's served you well enough so far, but it does mean you don't have much movement space to avoid attacks like this Arachnotron's.


3:34 - You didn't need to Blood Punch a single burning Possessed.


4:07 - Damaged by the Tyrant from mostly standing around for a bit too long. The Destroyer Blade lowering your move speed didn't help with that either. A heavy-duty weapon that maintained speed would've been useful here, like Lock-On Burst.


4:56 - You take some hits from the Tyrant from moving too much side-to-side. A weakness of the Tyrant is that it turns slowly, slow using your speed and dashes to move around the Tyrant would've likely helped you avoid more damage actually.


6:24 - You're moving a bit too close to Possessed and trying to melee them when you don't need to. A single Sticky Bomb is enough to stagger the Mecha Zombies, which you can safely do from a distance.


6:52 - Standing a bit too close to one area again, that's why the Mecha Zombies are able to land a number of hits on you. Try to be advancing in a direction at all times, if the situation allows it. You're less likely to get hit this way.

7:45 - Mancubi are basically walking turrets, so make sure to avoid walking up to them.


8:13 - Using the Full Auto on the Arachnotron got you hit again here. Use any weapon here that doesn't restrict your movement speed.


8:20 - Heavy Cannon isn't really the best weapon against Prowlers. A single Super Shotgun blast is enough to kill them. Taking a longer time with the Heavy Cannon meant the other Prowler was able to hit you multiple times.


9:32 - Same thing happens again when you use the Heavy Cannon against another two Prowlers.


11:00 - You take damage from a number of sources in the upcoming fight here. Mostly to do with staying in one area for too long or getting cornered accidently. You also take damage for the third and fourth time using the Full Auto against the Arachnotrons here.


12:13 - You take a lot of damage trying to glory kill the staggered Pain Elemental. Better to just Ballista shot it instead.


12:38 - You use the Ice Bomb on the Imp here but don't seem to follow up.


12:42 - You've been around this side of the arena since the start, so many of the monsters have congregated here and are able to hit you much easier.


12:50 - Definitely don't use movement-slowing weapon mods while at low health. The risk is too high.


13:03 - Nice Blood Punch + Flame Belch


13:40 - You end up taking a lot of damage from trying to use the Heavy Cannon and lining up Precision Shots.


13:50 - In general, you seem to go for melee a lot. Make sure you have Blood Punch charged beforehand. Otherwise, only melee once you see a staggered demon, not when you think a demon's about to stagger.


14:00 - A lot of damage from the Mancubus, mostly because you were moving too close to it. Maintain the distance when fighting the Mancubus, he has been buffed from his 2016 counterpart to punish more harshly at closer range.


14:32 - You end up taking damage from standing around the entrance too long. Keep advancing in a direction, staying around for too long will allow the demons to group up.


14:41 - You take a lot of damage from the Mancubus again for standing too close to it. You also try to melee it without Blood Punch charged.


15:10 - You take some damage while using the Mini Turret from various fireballs. While it's a good weapon mod to use against a frozen Baron, it's quite risky here since it reduces your move speed while a bunch of other demons are around and still active.


16:09 - You take some damage from a surprise Doom Hunter. You should've started dashing backwards immediately. He is able to land a few hits on you since he's so close to you, making it hard to avoid his rockets and melee. You get hit a bit later from standing too close to him as well.


19:17 - You take some damage from various Mecha Zombies here. Definitely clear out the room before focusing on the Marauder, since you need all the space you can get. Good handling on the Marauder otherwise. An optimal way to deal damage is to do Ballista -> Super Shotgun -> Ballista, which you can actually land all three hits in a single counter. It takes some practice, especially on console, but I believe consoles do have a "swap to previous weapon" button, which makes the combo easier.


20:17 - The sixth time you've been hit while using the Full Auto on an Arachnotron.


20:22 - You take some damage from trying to melee the other Arachnotron. You can check if Blood Punch is charged from the bottom left icon next to the Dash icon. You could avoid a lot of damage in this run just from hitting melees less often.


21:41 - End up taking some damage from a Revenant from staying in one location for a bit too long, allowing his rocket barrage to score multiple hits.


21:43 - You use the Heat Blast mod but there are no enemies nearby for it to deal any damage.


22:36 - While it did work out on the Cyber-Mancubus before this, getting too close meant you were more exposed to harm - and you take a lot of damage for it since there are other demons around as well. Use the Ice Bomb before approaching a Cyber-Mancubus.


22:52 - Too close to this Mancubus as well, so you end up taking a lot of damage.


23:58 - You stand too close to the Mancubus again and take a lot of damage for it.


24:29 - Using the Mini Turret caused you to get hit from the Tyrant as you were staying in one place for a bit too long.


25:53 - For the next bit, you take damage from a number of sources, mostly from positioning. I don't think you needed to return back to this corner, there isn't much room here to dodge attacks, so stray Imp fireballs are more likely to hit.


26:04 - Re-watched this a bunch of times because that's a ridiculous projectile and I had no idea it could change trajectory like that. Strange.


26:11 - In a tight corner like this, it'd be better to use the Ballista or Super Shotgun to get rid of the Prowler quickly. The Plasma Rifle took a bit too long and you ended up getting hit by the Prowler.


26:21 - As a general idea, chainsaw more often to avoid awkward situations where you're trying to hunt for fodder but there are hardly any.


26:48 - You end up taking damage while using the Mini Turret. Only use it if you know the coast is clear, otherwise you'll be a sitting target for the other demons in the arena.


27:32 - You stay around for a bit too long and the Tyrant is able to hit you using its fire wave.


30:15 - You take a bunch of damage from staying in one spot for a bit too long.


30:22 - Seems you threw the Ice Bomb by mistake since you try to melee the Pain Elemental, likely for the glory kill. This puts you in a bad spot and you get crowded by demons and take a lot of damage for it.


30:35 - Avoid using the Mini Turret while there are multiple dangerous enemies from multiple directions. The weapon mod's lowered move speed means you are more likely to get hit.


31:02 - There's a lot of back-and-forth before this during the fight. Your positioning means you take hits a few times but you often made up for it. But here you stand too close to the Revenant and take some damage for it.


32:09 - Seems there were a few enemies quite close to you for the sudden damage. You should use Dash to move out of danger immediately.


32:15 - The Mini Turret causes you to take hits again. While you did kill your Hell Knight target, some other enemies have now reached you and are able to hit you since using the Mini Turret means you were staying around for a bit too long.


32:28 - Your positioning led you to taking a lot of hits and you ended up going too close to a flamethrowing Mancubus too. Use Ice Bombs to clear a path.


32:39 - A lot of damage from the Mancubus, mostly from staying around in one spot too long. Also, this section is a lot easier if you're able to line up the Cueballs to hit the Heavy demons, since there are a lot of them in this area.


32:55 - The Mini Turret leads you to get hit from the Mancubus while you focus on the Revenant. Use raw Ballista shots and the Lock-On Bursts more often as an alternative for heavy damage.


32:58 - Too close to the Mancubus again.


33:15 - Mini Turret causes you to take a lot of damage again.


33:20 - Once Extra Life is triggered, you should be dashing out of there. It's pretty dangerous if it got you killed already.


33:34 - Pretty good resource recovery from here until 33:50


38:48 - You get hit from multiple sources, mostly from staying in one place for too long. But you recover your resources soon after so it's fine.


39:26 - Mini Turret causes you to take a hit from all three Lost Souls of the Pain Elemental. You take some more damage a little later on from also using the Mini Turret.


39:40 - A lot of damage from poor positioning, since you've been at this corner of the room for a bit and now the demons are converging here, meaning you're under fire a lot more.


40:06 - A lot of damage from the Tyrants. I would incorporate some jumping as well to avoid the constant laser blasts as well.


43:15 - You stood in the entrance area for a bit too long, allowing the Pain Elemental to hit you.


45:50 - You take some damage for getting a bit too close to the Whiplash. Lock-On Burst is a strong tool against them.It happens again later in this fight.


47:19 - You take some damage while using the Mini-Turret.


47:25 - You stood in the center are a second too long and took some damage for that.


47:30 - Some poor positioning here since the Whiplash cornered you. You also take some more damage from fireballs a little later on in the fight, mostly from standing in one area for a bit too long.


47:46 - Too close to the Cyber-Mancubus.


48:00 - Staying around for a bit too long made you take some damage. This corner is pretty bad too since the only way out is through, which is why you take a lot of damage over the next few seconds and triggers the Extra Life.


48:22 - You take some damage for standing around a bit too long. You were out of Chaingun ammo, so I imagined you were surprise.


48:53 - You take a lot of damage while using the Mini Turret. Again, a very high-risk weapon mod to be using in this situation. You continue to take damage most of the time you use this.


49:20 - Definitely check your Blood Punch meter.


48:26 - Also definitely avoid the Revenant's close range, you took some unnecessary damage there.


50:56 - You get close to the Mancubus and end up taking a lot of damage for it.


53:42 - Took some damage while focusing on the Pinky. Mostly because of the close-range Whiplash.


53:54 - Not sure what hit you but it was behind you.


53:58 - Avoid the laser blast by dashing in a direction. Just moving to the side won't be enough in most cases.


54:06 - Took some damage from the Prowler while trying to move in on it. I think you would've been fine if you just used the Ballista shot from a distance.


54:16 - You take some damage from mostly staying on one place.


54:33 - While there are a lot of dangerous enemies present, you do take some damage from some poor positioning. Try to use your Dash more often.


54:46 - Again, the Mini Turret causes you to take damage.


54:49 - Got a bit cornered there so you took some damage.


55:01 - A bit too close to the demons here, causing them to inflict some heavy damage.


55:07 - Using the Frag Grenade after the Ice Bomb is a pretty solid tactic. It looks like you got a bit lost there trying to figure out what weapon to use against that group.


55:10 - A bit awkwardly in one spot, so the Tyrant's attacks all hit you.


55:22 - Plasma Rifle is designed to destroy enemy shields. Going into full Mini-Turret mod was unnecessary here. And caused you to take some damage too.


55:30 - You take a lot of sudden damage from mostly staying in one spot for too long while you were trying to aim at the Tyrant.


56:04 - You take some damage from the Tyramt, using the Dash ability helps avoid many of their attacks.


56:25 - You take damage from moving too close to the Arch-Vile while it has its fiery circle. Best tactic against Arch-Vile is: Ice Bomb (+ vulnerability upgrade) -> two Lock-On Bursts -> dead Arch-Vile.


56:36 - Mini Turret was going good until a demon hit you while you were using it.







1. Always advance in a direction. A lot of damage taken is from staying around one spot for too long. It doesn't matter if you're strafing a bit in place, the demons will converge and overwhelm. Keep advancing and attacks are less likely to hit.


2. Don't try to melee so many demons. You often take a lot of damage from trying to melee a specific demon but dealing no damage because Blood Punch wasn't charged. Make sure Blood Punch is charged before going in.


3. You almost always took damage while using Full Auto or Mini Turret. These mods reduce your movement speed and in a packed arena, they are very risky to use. You're better off dealing damage another way (Lock-On Bursts, Ballista shots, etc.) while advancing in a direction.


4. Only move in to demons when going in for a glory kill. You took a lot of damage from Mancubi or other demons from trying to move closer to them while you were fighting. It's not worth it and you should keep fighting from a moderate distance.


5. Use burst weapons to inflict a lot of damage fast. For example: Lock-On Bursts, Super Shotgun, Ballista shots. Sometimes, you took too long to kill something like a Prowler or Tyrant because you were using a Plasma Rifle or Heavy Cannon, and that gives them a chance to hit you back.


6. I'm not sure if I wasn't paying attention, but you should definitely Dash a lot more in combat. It's noticeable near the end when you took a lot of hits from the Tyrant - many of their attacks are negated if you Dash to the side right before they go off.


7. You panic at a few points and toss out a lot of random things. Happens to everyone. But if you want to do Ultra-Nightmare, you need to learn to maintain composure even when things don't go your way. That makes a lot of difference in how players approach an overwhelming fight.


8. Try using the Super Shotgun <-> Ballista combo to inflict a lot of damage fast. I believe console controllers have a keybinding that lets them swap to their previous weapon, so that would help pull this off. Quick-swapping between the two weapons allows you to inflict a lot of damage in a short amount of time.


9. Try using the Ice Bomb more strategically. Most of the time, it felt like you activated it randomly. Against a Cyber-Mancubus, you start: Ice Bomb -> Blood Punch -> Super Shotgun = dead Cyber-Mancubus already. Or against an Arch-Vile: Ice Bomb -> two Lock-On Bursts = dead Arch-Vile already. And so on. The Ice Bomb is a very effective single-target tool.


10. Try to Chainsaw more often. While you demonstrate that you don't need it for long stretches of combat, it's definitely helpful in maintaining those stretches. Otherwise you get these awkward breaks in the middle of the action where you're looking for fodder to chainsaw or whatever.


11. If an Extra Life triggers, definitely begin Dashing out of there. If you stay there, you'll likely get killed again.


12. Watch other people's Ultra-Nightmare 100% speedruns to get an idea on the most optimized way to play. It's how I learned most of my techniques.




I hope that helps. Most learning is from practice, so keep at it and good luck in future runs.

WOW that's ALOT to take in. I have some research ahead of me. Thank you VERY much man.

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AtimZarr1 pretty much covered everything critical.


I would suggest you use flame belch more to absorb armour at every opportunity, especially when you have a bunch of enemies frozen. Also it's ideal in quiet moments with a few zombies walking around, flame them together and farm the armour / health off them.


Before you approach your big arenas with existing demons combating one another, I generally would go in two different approaches;

1. Snipe the cannons off the Mancubus and Revenants before jumping in

2. Jump in while charging the Destroyer Blade mod in the Ballista, launch a big horizontal wave of damage taking out or heavily damaging a bunch of enemies early on

Edited by Chezza

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I'll give a macro take. Increase your FOV, try playing with a higher sensitivity and stay mobile. You will be able to track demons better with the higher FOV and be able to take in more information about the arena. Higher sensitivity = better reaction times. The Codex will tell you all the counters you need to know. Use grenades to falter demons which will open attacking windows. Use quick switching (console style between 2 weapons) to increase your DPS (SSG+Ballista is optimal). Watch good players and their playthroughs,  pick up some good habits from them. You'll go far by making good decisions in game. The devs have said that the higher the difficulty is, the more you will be punished for poor decisions in combat. That being said, make good decisions in combat and that will go a long way.

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