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.MID the way id did - Doom 2 Soundtrack Replacement [RELEASED]

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I've been thinking about this for long, too.
Making a replacement sountrack for Doom 2 that replaced all the repeated songs.
That could be good.
Ultimate Doom has almost a proper sountrack, but yes, why not? Lets make it a new one too.
Jimmy made something similar for Heretic, so why not @Doomkid made in tribute for Bobby Prince.
I'm gonna listen to the midi tomorrow, i just watched and horro movie with my wife and she is trembling with fear hahahaha.
''Antrum: The Deadliest Film Ever made'', for whoever interested.

Edited by P41R47

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It would be an interesting project for sure, I don't think that format of song-writing is too taxing for the members here either.  A lot of the songs in doom are just blues progressions based on a metal riff right?  Sure I might have a go with this. 



P.S that song is pretty cool, would be cool as an intro.

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You know I'm down! I love projects like these because my mapping ability is spectacularly mediocre, so it's nice to have something I can feel confident in contributing to the community. Plus I can only seem to come up with decent ideas if I know it's for something, I've rarely been able to make a song "just because".


Great MIDI as well, while low in id-ness it's a cool groove and progression, with a really cool ending!

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I'm always down for vanilla-style content, plus it could serve as a good resource for mapmakers who want vanilla-style songs but want to stand out more than the IWAD tracks

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I would be interested, but I can't compose music for shit. So probably a task for musicians in here. :)

Edited by Cacodemon345

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The most accurate way to do this is ask John Romero to throw you a bunch of eighties metal albums at you for "inspiration" then change just enough to avoid copyright infringement. 

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I really like those tracks, Alfonzo! Definitely see the BP inspiration, they would be 100% at home in a Wolf3D mod imo, but they're also perfect for this project. If there's any map slot in particular you think they belong in, do let me know. Personally, I think Evil on Parade would fit really well in a creepy, subtle slot, like M06 or M12

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heya :3 it's been so long since I did anything for doomworld folks, I'd love to attempt the courtyard/condo MIDI if you'll have me

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I did work on something like this in 2016. More for Doom 1 than Doom 2 though. Tried emulating all the Bobby Prince quirks like the blues 12 bar progression, layering in triads to harmonize, replaying the same guitar riff but with different/unusual instrument patches, etc.

doom wad e1m3.zip

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I would like to make a midi for slot 24 please. :) It should be fun !

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1 hour ago, lazygecko said:

I did work on something like this in 2016. More for Doom 1 than Doom 2 though. Tried emulating all the Bobby Prince quirks like the blues 12 bar progression, layering in triads to harmonize, replaying the same guitar riff but with different/unusual instrument patches, etc.

doom wad e1m3.zip

I really like this! Would you mind if it's used? I think it would work perfectly for Map15 personally

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I'll see if I can suffer through learning Sekaiju since none of my DAWs have any half decent ways of making a General MIDI file.

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I'd suggest grabbing part of the boilerplate from Jimmy's MID packs, if the already-contributors agree, notably this part:

On vendredi 28 août 2020 at 7:30 PM, Jimmy said:

The final product:

  • An "album" of MIDI files in a zipped, instant download.
  • A WAD file compilation that will allow the tracks to play in-game.
  • A new resource for the community! All tracks will be reusable per the permissions in the text file!

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I'll claim MAP04, MAP25 and TITLEMUS. I'll work on them over the next couple of days. Is there a projected timeframe? 

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2 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I really like this! Would you mind if it's used? I think it would work perfectly for Map15 personally


Sure. Go right ahead.

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Would love to contribute! I’m doing Nanowadmo this month but I’ll see if I can find some time to polish up a song or two

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6 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Here's my attempt at a D_DM2TTL track!



Man, this is a so much better than the anaemic original Doom2 theme.  Or the Doom one, come to think of it.


Surprisingly beefy sonics for a MIDI too, it sounds to me like you layered on a couple of synths plus didn't put the terrible MIDI guitars centre stage. An excellent decision. Those guitars are fucking awful.  Thinking about it, as far as the rhythm parts go, BP himself opted for synths instead of guitar more often than not.

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sure, why not. i've had the idea of complementing the OST of Doom 2 with new tracks over the repeat ones, but replacing the existing ones works too!


i'll take map07,  map23, and map25.

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This promise to be great :D
Maybe @Bucket, @Eris Falling and @JDoyle could be interested in this project?
Come on, this project wouldn't be complete without music of the other three of the four main composers from TNT: Revilution along Viscra.


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50 minutes ago, P41R47 said:

This promise to be great :D
Maybe @Bucket, @Eris Falling and @JDoyle could be interested in this project?
Come on, this project wouldn't be complete without music of the other three of the four main composers from TNT: Revilution along Viscra.


I'm really too busy to participate, sorry, and honestly I've never been interested by BP's Doom work enough to do something in that vein. But that's just me, this is a great idea for a project, good luck to everyone taking part!

Edited by Eris Falling

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19 hours ago, Doomkid said:

Feel free to claim a slot, or even just toss some MIDIs into the ring. This project will just be fast and loose but I'm of course open to any suggestions and help from the local MIDI gurus. **Please note that by submitting a MIDI to this project, you're agreeing to let people re-use it in their own Doom WADs!**

I wanna try my hand at making some midis sometime, If I do soon, I might try shooting for some intermission music.

Edited by BucketHoodie

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