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.MID the way id did - Doom 2 Soundtrack Replacement [RELEASED]

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Just doing some last minute cleanup, and for some reason, I've had to set the pan on the orchestral drums way to the right to even get it to be "almost centered". In Sekaiju, 64 is directly centered, with 0 being left speaker only and 128 being right speaker only. The pan is currently set to 100, and it's still dominant in the left ear, though at least it can be heard in the right ear. I'm baffled, maybe I'm missing something obvious..


00-Doomkid-Faux Intro.zip

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You might need to move the timpani parts to its own instrument, orchestral drums seem to pan with pitch like the toms on the standard kit. I've moved them to timpani and it's the same sound, but centered. At least that's the idea I'm getting so far.

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I'm trying to move them to their own instrument and they keep turning into pianos now.. Which sounds kind of funny, but I have no idea WTF I've done wrong. Could you possibly send me the MIDI where you've moved them to being their own instrument? The one thing I can never get right in Sekaiju is moving nots from one track to another.. The seem to get hard-locked into being piano notes when I do it. (I know this project has already asked so much of you Lippeth, you and CammyBanana are MVPs for helping everyone so thoroughly with all these kinds of issues that have sprung up..)

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No worries! Using MIDI the way we are is next to impossible to find proper documentation on what's required of it to play properly in our applications, and nothing seems to be intuitive or officially supported by most programs. I would love for all of us MIDI nuts to come together and provide Doomworld with proper resources, especially with the vast amounts of "how do I MIDI" threads, which are perfectly reasonable questions, considering what happens if you enter "MIDI help" into a search engine.


With Faux Intro, do you mind if I remove all the unused and duplicate controllers? I'm having an issue during playback where the first note of each instrument isn't playing unless I mute specific instruments so I'd like to go through and see what the deal is.


For reference, all I usually include in an instrument track besides the notes are volume, pan and program change. I remember Bucket mentioning certain things that can also be affected from track to track if not included like modulation, but I'll need to look again.


Faux Intro_rev1.zip

Edited by Lippeth

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Hey, now that all of the MIDIs are in, I'd like to shamelessly promote my own project:


It's basically the same as this project, but for Ultimate Doom, including Episode 4. Only three musicians including me have signed up for slots, and I'd like to get several more!

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So I gave it my best effort to match the wave file STILES had. There's still some dissonance, but it's more balanced overall and closer to my interpretation of the wav with a few liberties taken. I don't think I have the energy to start changing notes around, so @CammyBanana, if you want to give it that final coat of sparkling paint, it's all yours. If not then I can still make adjustments based on feedback.


STILES - MIA_rev3.zip

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Here we are! I didn't want to mess with the song's core mass too much since it's kinda going for its own thing and pretty far-removed from my usual style, but I did my best to spruce it up - I changed the square wave to a koto as I thought it sounded better, added some drums in the beginning, trimmed unnecessary controller events/fixed compatibility issues, and extended the song slightly for a cleaner loop. Hope this all works.

STILES - MIA_rev4.zip

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Sorry guys I'm just now seeing the *today* deadline and the recent comments, IRL getting in the way hard. 


I saw Doomkid posted that old demo for M.I.A, @Lippeth @CammyBanana those revisions are really awesome and very much appreciated!  This song has been a nightmare trying to translate into Sekaiju, but your recent comments gave some insight why.  Is it ok if I look into your midi revisions for some clarity?

Initially after reading these first recent posts on here I was about to rescind my slot for 28 for someone else who had something better in mind, don't want to be "that guy" holding it up.  Though it seems like you guys liked the revised midi(s), so if you want to keep that recent one by CammyBanana you can...all up to you guys.


To tell you the truth that demo was an early build, and yes the .wav was transposed a whole step down (good ear).

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@STILES You are absolutely free to take a look at my revision - let me know if there are any specific questions you have about it and I'll do my best to help/explain. I'm glad you ended up enjoying the revision, thank you for contributing the MIDI in the first place!

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As soon as everything is finalized, I can record everything with both the SC-55 and SC-88 maps on my Roland SC-88 and upload the full OST to YouTube if that sounds cool with you epic DOOMERS :D

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1 hour ago, DCG Retrowave said:

I can record everything with both the SC-55 and SC-88

I'm glad you reminded me of something with that. I wanted to modify my midi so that the music box channel plays the SC-55 version of the instrument even with SC-88, because I really don't like SC-88's music box. If I understand correctly, that's done by changing the LSB Bank to 1, but the issue I came across was that doing so broke the midi when playing through MS Wavetable Synth - the instrument stops playing completely until the bank is changed back to 0. I don't personally like the Wavetable at all, but I know a lot of people do use it, so I try to make sure that what I make is compatible with it.
I got into midi very recently and I'm pretty much still learning the ropes, so I wanted to ask the more experienced people here if anything can be done about this.

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Ideas for this project:
-Record playthrough videos of Doom II with this music.

-Record playthrough videos of Doom II the way id did with this music

-Make a trailer for the project.

I tried out a bit whether I could do it yesterday but my map knowledge and playing skills are both not sufficient for playthroughs. Might try to make a trailer but am not making any promises...

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I don't know offhand if DTWID has its own soundtrack but if not, it seems natural to put the two together.

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I actually talked to Doomkid about this - I've had the idea of taking the songs we wrote for this project and applying them to the map slots they seem to fit best in Doom 2 the Way id Did. Could be a nice little bonus package, and I've seen some people in this thread who were confused as to whether this was its own project, or if it was intended to be a D2TWID midi pack.


That would even be a good opportunity to let the bonus tracks get used - although we may need a couple new tracks for D2TWID's secret Keen levels.

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10 hours ago, CammyBanana said:

I've had the idea of taking the songs we wrote for this project and applying them to the map slots they seem to fit best in Doom 2 the Way id Did. Could be a nice little bonus package


And this is exactly why I've asked like 5 or 6 pages back. Because as good as the soundtrack is, it simply doesn't fit as a replacement for D2TWID bonus MIDI wad. Definitely not without little rearrangement.

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19 hours ago, Xulgonoth said:

I'm glad you reminded me of something with that. I wanted to modify my midi so that the music box channel plays the SC-55 version of the instrument even with SC-88, because I really don't like SC-88's music box. If I understand correctly, that's done by changing the LSB Bank to 1, but the issue I came across was that doing so broke the midi when playing through MS Wavetable Synth - the instrument stops playing completely until the bank is changed back to 0. I don't personally like the Wavetable at all, but I know a lot of people do use it, so I try to make sure that what I make is compatible with it.
I got into midi very recently and I'm pretty much still learning the ropes, so I wanted to ask the more experienced people here if anything can be done about this.

I'm not sure if there's a workaround, unfortunately.  I love both instrument maps a lot, but there are a few instruments that sound a bit weak with the SC-88 map (mainly the clean electric guitar).  I actually haven't tried making a MIDI that uses both maps yet, but it is something I plan on doing in the future :)


Hopefully someone else knows more about why this is breaking the GS Wavetable.  Usually it just skips over things it doesn't understand (which is a lot of things XD), so this is pretty strange.

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Hey participants, try to get any last changes you want done in the next 24 hours. This project has already been in the oven far too long, so I’ll be wad-ifying it and releasing it then!


Thank you very much to all the participants, and a double thank you to CammyBanana, Lippeth, and everyone else who helped people newer/less experienced with the MIDI format!


Once this is all packed up, I’ll leave it to you guys to figure out a D2TWID order for the songs :)

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Alright, here's my last-minute adjustment - I made some optimizations and edits to Suplex the Stars. Got rid of a couple bits that were just indiscernible noise, and I rebalanced the audio levels a little. The power kit snare won't blow your brains out of your nose anymore. All my other MIDIs are good to go with the most recent versions I sent you - looking forward to the completed project at last coming home!

suplex the stars for the super duper ultra REALLY last time.zip

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And it's done! Check the OP for details!




Bucket just ninja'd me but it seems like these are identical to the ones in the pack

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been waiting for this to give a new playthrough to the good old Doom 2 ;)

Will be checking every song and how they fit for D2TWID and D2INO.

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I'm pretty sure they're not the same. Same size, probably, but there are instrument/volume/etc. changes.

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12 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

And it's done! Check the OP for details!




Bucket just ninja'd me but it seems like these are identical to the ones in the pack

Yay!  Expect the entire soundtrack to be recorded with the SC-55 map and uploaded to YouTube by the end of the week :D


I'll upload an SC-88 version shortly after that.

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4 minutes ago, DCG Retrowave said:

Yay!  Expect the entire soundtrack to be recorded with the SC-55 map and uploaded to YouTube by the end of the week :D


I'll upload an SC-88 version shortly after that.

Awesome, I'm looking forward to hearing that! I've got a Roland GM upload going right now, but it'll be nice to hear the authentic SC-55 and 88


2 minutes ago, Bucket said:

I'm pretty sure they're not the same. Same size, probably, but there are instrument/volume/etc. changes.

This is already on it's way to /idgames and is being uploaded to YouTube on my channel right now - you waited 23 hours and 50 minutes after I asked for "all updates within 24 hours" so they won't make it to the initial version.. Soon as it's on idgames, I'll be sure to update it with the newer tracks.

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Congratulations on the release Doomkid! Always a joy to have new MIDI packs. Now, looks like I'll have to replay Doom 2 for the 245th time.

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51 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

This is already being uploaded to YouTube on my channel right now


Any idea how long it'll take to finish uploading?

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The uploader says 40 minutes left! (it's been going for about 2 hours now and the file is only 800 meg.. Damn Aussie net!)

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1 hour ago, Doomkid said:

Soon as it's on idgames, I'll be sure to update it with the newer tracks.

Speaking of updates, you forgot to change the name of my MIDI on the MIDI list :O


Don't worry about it if it's too much trouble to change now, but I figured it was worth pointing out since the file name is the correct name, but not the name in the list.

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