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Do you think game replica mods kills original games ?

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Hello people, I may wrote the title wrong. 


-Anyways, I was recently playing Doom D4T and then a thought came to my mind. I already have original DooM 4 in my steam library but I never touched it yet. I mean when you look at my steam profile, I have never played it. Even so, I don't have DooM Eternal too. I bought DooM 2016 with %60 discount 2 years ago and it stays there, getting dust on it. You may say "Bud, you already have the game. So if you paid for it, devs won't care what you do with it ?" I know... You can say this to me. Cause of I have the game but what about people who doesn't have and most probably have no interest of buying it, yet playing doom mods instead. Some people say "new DooM games has nothing interesting, community already does everything for DooM. Also, new games have lots of casual stuffs in it. New DooM games are just official versions of Brutal DooM." On the other hand others say "It is good to see new DooM games. They are fine. They have everything we need. Eternal is really cool. Mick Gordon is GOD. etc." For me when I saw new DooM games I just a bit excited (for 2 minutes) and then.... It faded away already. I mean, I've been playing DooM with mods since 2017. Also, I had been playing original DooM since 2005 to 2014. So, will I buy DooM eternal ? No TBH... I am not excited to buying it.

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