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(Update) Archi-Tek.wad V.00.3

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53 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Velmi pěkný snímek obrazovky!

you have to try to play live it looks even better :-)


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I like how you quote translated comments. :D

I just finished the first map and I like it. The visual style and the progression through the map is quite unique and the combination of textures is little bit chaotic, but eye candy. I also like all the tiny details here and there (like sector cables hanging from cailing, etc.)
MAP2 is already too much for my laptop and lags little bit, but so far so good. Nice surprise from fellow czech doomer. :)

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i am enjoying this so far! i ll try to play next map later today :)



EDIT: is this wad meant to be played continuos or pistol start? thanks

Edited by Zolgia108

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This is absolutely stunning work, man. Your layout, design, progression, combat, everything is sublime! The first map alone... just wow. Your texture work is absolutely brimming with creativity and personality, such fantastic areas with wonderfully-mixed variants of tech and Hell stuff to create a truly corrupted looking techbase. The balance of generosity and cruelty is just excellent with really challenging but fun combat scenarios that never failed to pull the rug out from under me and leave me breathless. Just wow, I can't get enough. But it's also exhausting, phew! Here's my playthrough of MAP01. I'll dig into the others likely some time tomorrow.



This is some phenomenal work, man. I can't wait to smash through the remaining maps. You've clearly had a lot of practice and studied the masters intimately. I don't know where you've come from but I do hope you'll stick around for a good long while. Welcome to Doomworld! 

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man i played map 2, 1.30 hours video. i don't know if i am going to upload it but know that it was one of the greatest time i had with doom, really, so much fun all throughout. I usually don't enjoy long maps but this was really great :)


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35 minutes ago, Zolgia108 said:

man i played map 2, 1.30 hours video. i don't know if i am going to upload it but know that it was one of the greatest time i had with doom, really, so much fun all throughout. I usually don't enjoy long maps but this was really great :)



Why wouldn't you upload it silly?


Have you seen some of the videos I uploaded 😱

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17 minutes ago, Clippy said:


Why wouldn't you upload it silly?


Have you seen some of the videos I uploaded 😱

It will take like 3 days dammittttt, okay i will upload it before going to bed, i swear 🤬 

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Hi people doomers! Thank you all for the praise and gameplays! I'll see at least something to fine-tune. there are some info. The game is in gzdoom doom2 format (doom format) the last two maps crack in red numbers: -DD next thing: no jump Everything can be done without jumping


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2 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

This is absolutely stunning work, man. Your layout, design, progression, combat, everything is sublime! The first map alone... just wow. Your texture work is absolutely brimming with creativity and personality, such fantastic areas with wonderfully-mixed variants of tech and Hell stuff to create a truly corrupted looking techbase. The balance of generosity and cruelty is just excellent with really challenging but fun combat scenarios that never failed to pull the rug out from under me and leave me breathless. Just wow, I can't get enough. But it's also exhausting, phew! Here's my playthrough of MAP01. I'll dig into the others likely some time tomorrow.



This is some phenomenal work, man. I can't wait to smash through the remaining maps. You've clearly had a lot of practice and studied the masters intimately. I don't know where you've come from but I do hope you'll stick around for a good long while. Welcome to Doomworld! 

ohh thank youu as small and I still like the final doom of both TNT and Plutonia :-)

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7 hours ago, Zolgia108 said:


zatím si to užívám! Pokusím se dnes přehrát další mapu :)



EDIT: má se tento svazek hrát nepřetržitě nebo startovat z pistole? dík

This is not the final version. it's planned as a normal campaign so don't stop :-)

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21 minutes ago, Clarity said:

Ahoj @ romsu89 jen heads up: můžete upravit původní téma a přidat trailer :)

what's wrong :-D I've been in this environment for a while so I don't know what and how :-) I don't even know what the meanings of icons are like :-D

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I played your first map and I'll probably play the other two as well


I got confused cuz I couldn't find out if I was allowed to jump or not and also I couldn't figure out how to get back on that very first platform over the acid without jumping


So I jumped later on and totally screwed up the progression but ummmm here it is lol



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12 minutes ago, Clippy said:

I played your first map and I'll probably play the other two as well


I got confused cuz I couldn't find out if I was allowed to jump or not and also I couldn't figure out how to get back on that very first platform over the acid without jumping


So I jumped later on and totally screwed up the progression but ummmm here it is lol



yes first armor bonuses cant be picked up without jumping i think, that's why i initially thought this map had mistakes (if you see the automap there is an actual usable exit right at the beginning, on the left side). But yea that's the only problem in this map.  anyway, 3 hours and the video of map 2 is still 86% lol, it's so long...

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3 minutes ago, Zolgia108 said:

yes first armor bonuses cant be picked up without jumping i think, that's why i initially thought this map had mistakes (if you see the automap there is an actual usable exit right at the beginning, on the left side). But yea that's the only problem in this map.  anyway, 3 hours and the video of map 2 is still 86% lol, it's so long...


Actually I got the first armor bonuses because there's a step next to the ledge


but after I jumped into that very first green slime I could not figure out how to get back up without jumping haha. 


I totally missed that exit thing but I wouldn't have done it anyway lol. 


I'm going to try to do a video for that second and third map and I expect it'll break YouTube



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map 3 was really too big


so. To summarize:

for the first half i was very excited and wanted to name you for the caco

then the map suddenly became impossible to navigate, progression was starting to be so random that only a crazy man like me would have gone through it without cheating, in the end (and with end i really mean the end) i couldn't understand how to exit the level so i idclipped and found that i just missed the last remote switch (there are like 100 remote switches on this map, some of them are not even textured as switches, not to talk about the lifts which are normal textures, computers that sometimes act as switches and sometimes do nothing, etc.) so yea, i think you need to give the player a way to understand where to go next, cause it took 2 hours for me to end the map. (not going to upload for now). I really liked it and i think it is fun and all but progression ruins everything, combat and traps are perfect. Details is awesome, not to mention that everything was done with stock textures.

Found a couple of missing textures but nothing important on that side.

Please polish this map :)

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3 hours ago, Zolgia108 said:

mapa 3 byla opravdu příliš velká


tak. Shrnout:

v první polovině jsem byl velmi nadšený a chtěl jsem tě pojmenovat pro kakao

pak se na mapě najednou nedalo navigovat, postup začínal být tak náhodný, že by jím prošel jen šílený muž jako já, aniž by podváděl, nakonec (as koncem vlastně myslím konec) jsem nepochopil, jak k opuštění úrovně, tak jsem se ořezal a zjistil, že mi právě minul poslední dálkový spínač (na této mapě je asi 100 dálkových spínačů, některé z nich nejsou ani texturované jako spínače, nemluvě o výtazích, které jsou normální textury, počítače které někdy fungují jako přepínače a někdy nedělají nic atd.), takže si myslím, že hráči musíte dát způsob, jak pochopit, kam jít dál, protože trvalo 2 hodiny, než jsem ukončil mapu. (zatím nebudu nahrávat). Opravdu se mi to líbilo a myslím, že je to zábava a všechno kromě postupu všechno ničí, boj a pasti jsou perfektní. Podrobnosti jsou úžasné,

Nalezeno pár chybějících textur, ale na této straně nic důležitého.

Vyleštěte prosím tuto mapu :)

I'm very glad that someone finished it :-) repairs are underway and another ending of the third map! We will send update v00.3 soon! a little change is already taking place in the second map, see the picture !! Thank you very much!!


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8 hours ago, romsu89 said:


and one more thing. I had no idea you would all have it so dark :-D I'm either blind or stupid


that is my fault, i mean, i play with gz doom default brightness settings, and it's like that i don't know why. i like it creepy!


edit: i will upload the video (2 hours and more long) so that you can see the problems

Edited by Zolgia108

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2 hours ago, Zolgia108 said:

to je moje chyba, myslím, že hraji s výchozím nastavením jasu gz doom a je to tak, že nevím proč. líbí se mi to strašidelné!


edit: nahraji video (2 hodiny a více dlouhé), abyste viděli problémy

ohh thank you very much! As for the third map, I finished here first and worked on it the longest. I highlight important cuddles and I mark them especially. I had the first two divided in Wadauthor, I thought I would easily escape. in the result it is so from the second map I made last. thank god i switched to gzdoombuilder! it speeded up my work the ability to watch and edit in real time. in wadauthor it was possible to see what the creation looks like if he didn't start the game, so here the main role was played by the imagination !!

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