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best megawads you've ever played?

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I'm getting back into doom megawads its been like a year since last time i played

and im missing me some doom action now im wondering what are some of the best megawads you guys ever played?

also are their some new megawads out that are awesome? since i've been away for a while...


I mainly want to keep my game mostly vanilla but i do want to play all these new megawads what source port should i use for this?

does prboom+ play new megawads? something like bastion of chaos/ eviternity etc..??


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Bastion of Chaos is a single map for GZDoom, and it'll require some serious computer power. Eviternity is compatible with a wide range of ports, but has some nice additional features in GZDoom.


I can't speak for too many other new and notable megaWADs, but prboom+ remains a safe bet for anything claiming to be Boom-compat, MBF-compat or limit-removing. I think the most interesting action has been in episodes, as of late, rather than megaWADs. Ray Mohawk's Manic Monday was a great short mapset at the start of the year, and the DBPs have been very solid every month this year, although more experimental (within the bounds of prboom+ limit-removing) the last few months.


EDIT: I missed the question in the title, somehow! My all-time favourites are Wim Vanrie's Mini-level MegaWAD and Khorus' Speedy Shit, off the top of my head, as they're great sets of small levels. Deathless and Jiffy Bag by Jimmy are really good and along similar lines, too. Older ones along the same lines like TVR! and Vader's The Rebirth are recommended if you missed those at the time. MAYhem 2048, MAYhem 2020 and the 1000 Lines Community Projects also tick the box, but not every map is to my taste.


I'd also always recommend ZDCMP1 and 2, if you don't mind have single maps for (G)ZDoom, and a recent one along similar lines by a single author: UAC Invasion - The Supply Depot. I'm on my phone, so can't offer links readily or easily check on that last title, but they should all be searchable.


Obviously Cacowards from the last few years should get you up to date with notable releases too.

Edited by Phobus

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From 2020 I recommend Akeldama and 25 Years on Earth. From 2019, Lost Civilization. I think you'll be fine playing all of them on prBoom+.

As for my favorite megawads, all compatible with prboom+ I guess:



Mano Laikas
Ancient Aliens
Plutonia 2

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Here are some of my favorite wads and megawads, mostly megawads:


1 Valiant
2 Unloved
3 Ultimate Torment and Torture
4 Eviternity
5 Ancient Aliens
6 Alien Vendetta
7 Vanguard
8 Lunatic
9 City of the Damned
10 City of the Damned Apocalypse (some bad bugs, but it's unique)
11 Going Down
12 Scythe
13 Scythe II
14 Back to Saturn X
15 Back to Saturn X Part II
16 Sunlust
17 Memento Mori 1&2
18 Requiem
19 Pirate Doom (fucking amazing)

19.5 Preacher (Same author as PD, fucking amazing)
21 Castlevania Simon's Destiny (must play for CV fans)
22 Sunder
23 Sigil
24 Epic
25 Epic II
26 Action Doom
27 Action Doom II
28 Neo Doom
29 Golden Souls
30 Golden Souls II (Great fun)
31 Adventures of Square (cool and fun TC)
32 Harmony
33 Hell Ground (map04 is the best map ever)
34 Stuggle Legacy
35 Avactor (awesome aestheitics)
36 Jade Earth (cool giant map)
37 Strange Aeons
39 Happytime Circus II
40 Bloody Graveyard
41 Lasting Light (unique idea, not that great)
42 Stronghold
43 Atmosfear
44 Knee Deep In ZDoom (not reomended except for lessons on how not to make a ZDoom map)
45 Winter's Fury (impressive)
46 Syringe
47 Ray Mohawks Manic Monday
48 UAC Ultra
49 Hell Revealed
50 Hocus Pocus Doom (fun)
51 Lunatic
52 Whispers of Satan
53 Void and Rainbow (one of my favorite wads EVER)
54 Hell on Earth Starter Pack/Extermination Day
55 Hellbound (Great atmosphere)
56 Swim With the Whales
57 Speed of Doom
58 Disciples of Darkness
59 Suspended in Dusk (awesome classic)
59 Jenesis
60 The Alfonzone (LOTS of maps)
61 Void
62 Vacation
63 Rekkr (awesome TC)
64 Jazz Jackrabbit (really cool)
65 Asylum of the Wretched (great atmospheric old map, doesn't work without deh patch)
67 Seasons of Doom
68 Strange Aeons
69 ALT (great story/atmosphere)
70 25 Years on Earth
71 Shinobi Doom (not out yet but looks cool)
72 2002 Doom Odyssey
73 Deus Vult
74 Deus Vult II
75 Threshold of Pain 1 & 2 (highly recomend)
76 Hell Forged
77 Finely Crafted Fetish Film
78 Verdant Citadel
79 Lost Civilization
80 Evil Egypt
81 Three Is a Crowd
82 Bloody Steel (good wad, awful music, change it if you play)
83 Bloodstain
84 Baculus
85 Remnant
86 Call of the Apostate (HERETIC)
87 Unbeliever (HERETIC)
88 Elf Gets Pissed (HERETIC)
89 Masters of Chaos (HERETIC)

90 Pretty much every DBP ever made, seriously, play them all.


These aren't in any particular order or ranking. Enjoy!

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Pirate Doom

City of the Damned: Apocalypse


Knee Deep in ZDoom



Alpha Accident: Terra Nova

Project Uber

Strange Aeons

Chainworm Kommando

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On 10/8/2020 at 10:43 AM, Phobus said:

Bastion of Chaos is a single map for GZDoom, and it'll require some serious computer power. Eviternity is compatible with a wide range of ports, but has some nice additional features in GZDoom.


I can't speak for too many other new and notable megaWADs, but prboom+ remains a safe bet for anything claiming to be Boom-compat, MBF-compat or limit-removing. I think the most interesting action has been in episodes, as of late, rather than megaWADs. Ray Mohawk's Manic Monday was a great short mapset at the start of the year, and the DBPs have been very solid every month this year, although more experimental (within the bounds of prboom+ limit-removing) the last few months.


EDIT: I missed the question in the title, somehow! My all-time favourites are Wim Vanrie's Mini-level MegaWAD and Khorus' Speedy Shit, off the top of my head, as they're great sets of small levels. Deathless and Jiffy Bag by Jimmy are really good and along similar lines, too. Older ones along the same lines like TVR! and Vader's The Rebirth are recommended if you missed those at the time. MAYhem 2048, MAYhem 2020 and the 1000 Lines Community Projects also tick the box, but not every map is to my taste.


I'd also always recommend ZDCMP1 and 2, if you don't mind have single maps for (G)ZDoom, and a recent one along similar lines by a single author: UAC Invasion - The Supply Depot. I'm on my phone, so can't offer links readily or easily check on that last title, but they should all be searchable.


Obviously Cacowards from the last few years should get you up to date with notable releases too.

i do have a some what good pc i mean i can run doom eternal maxed out with over 100fps i doubt this bastion of chaos will be heavier than that?

but thx i will try these megawads :)

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I assume that's at 1080p? You should be fine with Bastion of Chaos at the same resolution. My computer had a bit of a hard time with both Doom Eternal and Bastion of Chaos playing in 4k (the former with middling settings), but both were manageable.

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Here's my top 30 of what I've played


1. Alien Vendetta

2. Scythe 2

3. Community Chest 4

4. Nova III

5. Japanese Community Project

6. Epic 2

7. Resurgence

8. Sunlust

9. Going Down

10. Bloodstain

11. Plutonia

12. Speed of Doom

13. Lunatic

14. Stardate 20X6

15. Nova II

16. Unholy Realms

17. Hell Revealed 2

18. Community Chest 3

19. Vanguard

20. Ancient Aliens

21. Requiem

22. Reverie

23. Plutonia 2

24. Forest Swords

25. Akeldama

26. Back to Saturn X

27. Eviternity

28. Community Chest 2

29. Equinox

30. Doom 404

Edited by DOEL

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