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Here's one I prepared earlier: A cover of "Into the Beast's Belly"

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I made a cover a little while ago of TNT Evilution's track "Into the Beast's Belly". (MAP08, 27, & 30 music) Hands down one of the best MIDIs I've heard and will always be my favorite. This was created using MuseScore...so it's basically a MIDI cover, right...?


I would post this on the MuseScore website but people there would probably get upset over it not really being possible to play, even though it's not meant to. XD


Tell me what you think.



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Those little changes are cool, I really dig when the drums go double time for a sec especially. Do you know what soundfont this is using? Sounds pretty nice on the earholes this way, well done.

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  On 10/9/2020 at 3:07 AM, Doomkid said:

Those little changes are cool, I really dig when the drums go double time for a sec especially. Do you know what soundfont this is using? Sounds pretty nice on the earholes this way, well done.



Thanks so much! According to this source ( https://musescore.org/en/handbook/soundfonts-and-sfz-files ), MuseScore uses its own General MIDI soundfont. (Apparently you can import your own, too, there's a folder in MuseScore's files for it.) Some instruments sound more or less the same as Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth. In fact, I exported this as a MIDI and it sounded completely different - it wasn't good, lol.


Whenever I'm making sheet music, either stuff like this or band/orchestra arrangements, my mind has a serious tendency to wander off and let the music run its course. I had no idea how I came up with the double-timing drums, and it made me realize how similar this track is to At Doom's Gate... 0_0

Edited by Dunn & Dunn

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