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Doom -1 | Negative One: Beyond the Experiment [Development Thread]

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- Cleaned the automap on maps MAP11 to MAP20. Also MAP04 because i forget some parts.

- Fixed a bugged texture (on prboom+ looked like a patch width bug)

- By some reason, all the SOLNWINF textures on the wad were 8px up, so i went throught all the maps and lowered them by 8px. (maps MAP05, MAP15, MAP21 and MAP21ZD)


Link: https://mega.nz/file/STZV3QDQ#muMnCS1a06vmpV6JBupH_M5ckbbngMUSa1-IR_5_WOQ


Now im reserving MAP21 to MAP30, to do the same. Then i think i can do something for MAP33. Then i think we can finally release the wad.

Edited by URROVA

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v6.65.1: Didnt planned to do an update right now, but skepticist tell me about two important bugs, so there is:

- Detailed the starting and blue computer room on MAP33.

- Deleted some testing starting points i forget to quit

- Fixed MAP02 teleporter on the end of the map




MAP33 keeps reserved for detailing.

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23 hours ago, URROVA said:



I see what you did there :-D. Had a look at Map 33 and was impressed by your detailing. Great work!


I am trying to get the credits sorted out.


Does anybody know who made the following MIDIs? (or where they came from)

MAP12, MAP18, MAP21 (piano tune), MAP23, MAP24, MAP26, MAP27, MAP29, MAP32



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23 hours ago, PinkFlamingo said:

Does anybody know who made the following MIDIs? (or where they came from)

MAP12, MAP18, MAP21 (piano tune), MAP23, MAP24, MAP26, MAP27, MAP29, MAP32


I used DB-Zone's MAP06 Midi for MAP12, and Invasion UAC's MAP01 Midi for MAP18.

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47 minutes ago, Rosh Fragger said:


I used DB-Zone's MAP06 Midi for MAP12, and Invasion UAC's MAP01 Midi for MAP18.


Fantastic! Finally managed to track down the originals:


Map 12 is "Volcano Valley Zone (Act 2)" from Sonic 3D Blast





Map 18 is a MIDI version of "White Reflection" by Two-Mix






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  • 2 weeks later...

v6.65.2: Basically detailed MAP33 until i ran out of ideas. There are still 2 rooms left to detail.




Also i noticed someting with the hell dragon: if you TNTEM, the hell dragon doesnt die and idclips everything, like a ghost effect but without the archvile and the crusher.

I dont know its fixable, because prboom calls A_PainDie when you TNTEM, while in the whole mod this action is never called. I have checked that in Whacked4.

(Or i just have to update prboom+, later i will try that)

Edited by URROVA

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just tried map 33 and it is amazing and I am honored to see some of my stuff being present in various places on the map

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8 hours ago, Roebloz said:

Jesus its been 1 year and we still aren't done...

The only thing left to do is completing MAP33. Then we can release this.

Also im looking about what to put in the two rooms left. 

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4 hours ago, URROVA said:

The only thing left to do is completing MAP33. Then we can release this.

Also im looking about what to put in the two rooms left. 

which two rooms needs detailing?

the one with the barbwire? and the one with the cogwheel?




v6.65.3: made a small area with detail in map 33 (gaming den for the demons)







Edited by CBM

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Hi, I played your wad on Woof 8.1.0 and there was a few game-breaking bugs (and ugly HOMs):

Map 7: This door after a blue key bit can't be opened; Looks like a zdoomism, since on Zdoom it works just fine;

Map 9: Something horrible going on with this balcony behind the red key room. Software mode issue.

Map 11: Similar to Map 9 issue, those pillars before the otherwordly red sky bit HOMing all over on software.

Map 15: Yellow Key door with a hellstaff behind it opens only on Zdoom. Same as Map 7. Also, secret exit bit is a very heavy on eyes.

Map 28: Pillar in the IoS room cannot be lowered because zdoomism (same issue as with Map 7 and 15).

Map 30: Probably, I didn't understand something. I went into the secret route, up until the Wolf3D hallway and then can't get out. I restart the map, and finish it the normal way, of course, but still. Something tells that this isn't supposed to happen.

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12 minutes ago, Bep said:

Looks like a zdoomism, since on Zdoom it works just fine

Looks like Woofism since you got these issues on Woof, according to you :P

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1 hour ago, Bep said:

Hi, I played your wad on Woof 8.1.0 and there was a few game-breaking bugs (and ugly HOMs):

Map 7: This door after a blue key bit can't be opened; Looks like a zdoomism, since on Zdoom it works just fine;

Map 9: Something horrible going on with this balcony behind the red key room. Software mode issue.

Map 11: Similar to Map 9 issue, those pillars before the otherwordly red sky bit HOMing all over on software.

Map 15: Yellow Key door with a hellstaff behind it opens only on Zdoom. Same as Map 7. Also, secret exit bit is a very heavy on eyes.

Map 28: Pillar in the IoS room cannot be lowered because zdoomism (same issue as with Map 7 and 15).

Map 30: Probably, I didn't understand something. I went into the secret route, up until the Wolf3D hallway and then can't get out. I restart the map, and finish it the normal way, of course, but still. Something tells that this isn't supposed to happen.

im fixing them

Map 7 door doesnt opened because there was other lines with actions near that door without the pass use action flag. Also fixed the HOMing lowering fences using transfer heights

Map 9: fixed the HOMing window using transfer heights

Map 11: fixed the homing wall by lowering it 1 map unit. Couldnt use transfer heights because the pillars had to be visible. (please test in software mode)

Map 15: the door to the hellstaff was activated by S1 instead of D1 (yes its a zdoomism, please use prboom to test)

Map 28: the lift had no tag (another zdoomism)

Map 30: there is a chain of secrets on the wolf3d part. made the initial secret a bit more obvious.



im on vacations so now i have a lot of time for finishing this wad :)



Edited by URROVA

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33 minutes ago, URROVA said:


- All the fixes in the post above

- MAP33: filled a room (i made something with bridges and crushers). Moved the @CBM gaming den to the other room.



I'm adding some nuke edges to the new nukage room in map 33





- MAP33: DONE adding nuke to all edges that were missing it

- MAP33: Fixed miniscule inconsistency on a platform edge



Edited by CBM

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4 hours ago, URROVA said:

reserving MAP33 (found an idea for the last room)

feel free to nuke the gaming den if needed

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  • Filled the last room. This time its a barrels o fun-like barrel maze, with some ambushes that can make everything explode. you have to go to the gaming den to get safe. What do you think?
  • Also detailing in that room and the usual automap cleaning.

now the only things left for this map`(i think) are:

  • The combat (there are some rooms without any enemy)
  • The secrets
  • The skill levels
  • Deathmatch support
  • Bug fixing (if we find any)

Something to add?



Edited by URROVA

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15 hours ago, URROVA said:

now the only things left for this map`(i think) are:

  • The combat (there are some rooms without any enemy)
  • The secrets
  • The skill levels
  • Deathmatch support
  • Bug fixing (if we find any)


in crispy doom, the eye switch in the starting room doesnt work - shooting or use actions don't work on it


there are already more than plenty of enemies, could some of them just be moved to other rooms?


Edited by CBM

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15 hours ago, URROVA said:



Excellent work! I also have some time during these holidays so I will work a bit on the combat and finish some of the other stuff (credits, multiplayer enemies in all maps, fixing some texture issues here and there). I will reserve the wad when I have the time.


27 minutes ago, CBM said:


in crispy doom, the eye switch in the starting room doesnt work - shooting or use actions don't work on it


This wad is for Boom-compatible ports. I think crispy doom doesn't support Boom so this is not an issue.


27 minutes ago, CBM said:

there are already more than plenty of enemies, could some of them just be moved to other rooms?



I wanted to make Map 33 a slaughter map with thousands of enemies (more than map 15). It is a Super Secret after all, so why not go crazy with the enemy count? My idea was to make each single "atom" a challenge for the player.


Edited by PinkFlamingo

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v6.65.7: Did a small edit on MAP33. In the last version i did a really hacky thing with invisible doors for preventing the player to break the barrel maze from outside the atom, and then i realized that i could just teleport the player into the atom. 

So i have put teleporters on the atom tunnels, and with that prevented potential bugs with multiplayer (players getting stuck on the tunnels, etc)



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2 hours ago, PinkFlamingo said:



Excellent work! I also have some time during these holidays so I will work a bit on the combat and finish some of the other stuff (credits, multiplayer enemies in all maps, fixing some texture issues here and there). I will reserve the wad when I have the time.



This wad is for Boom-compatible ports. I think crispy doom doesn't support Boom so this is not an issue.



I wanted to make Map 33 a slaughter map with thousands of enemies (more than map 15). It is a Super Secret after all, so why not go crazy with the enemy count? My idea was to make each single "atom" a challenge for the player.


ok, well I look forward to seeing people beat the map on youtube

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How much has this changed since the first official release? I can't wait to try this out and take a look. I wonder if people have transformed it or evolved it a lot, or have just been tweaking and changing and maybe adding little side areas over the year. This is still really exciting, though!


If only there were more than thirty two map slots...

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The actual layouts of the maps have not changed very much. Almost no extra areas have been added since the 2020 release (only exceptions would be map 32 and 33). Most of the (big) changes have been to the detailing of the maps (how everything looks) and to the item/monster placement (which is basically the gameplay).

If you load the wad in GZDoom, you will also get a nice intro animation showing you a preview of various maps.


At this point, you could safely do a playthrough of the first 31 maps. Nothing much will change here in the future.

The only maps that are still in development are map 32 (But it is basically done. I only wanted to playtest it and adjust its item/monster balance if needed) and map 33 (which we are currently editing in this thread).




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