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Doom -1 | Negative One: Beyond the Experiment [Development Thread]

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the regular doom fists doesnt have red gloves but all other weapons do except the gauntlets but we can assume the gloves are worn inside the gauntlets?


map14 has unknown top textures on a number of linedefs they are called 100, 118, 123, 187

actually all the maps seem to have some unknown textures

Edited by CBM

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1 hour ago, CBM said:

map14 has unknown top textures on a number of linedefs they are called 100, 118, 123, 187

actually all the maps seem to have some unknown textures


These do seem to be mistakes. Perhaps someone mistakingly added a linedef tag number as a texture? I will check all the maps for these.


However, on some of the maps the "missing" textures are actually different player palettes that change the colour of the screen when the player is inside these sectors (these are called for example LAVAMAP and GRNMAP). In map 24, when the player falls into the nukage, the screen gets green to simulate you being under water.

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1 minute ago, PinkFlamingo said:


These do seem to be mistakes. Perhaps someone mistakingly added a linedef tag number as a texture? I will check all the maps for these.


However, on some of the maps the "missing" textures are actually different player palettes that change the colour of the screen when the player is inside these sectors (these are called for example LAVAMAP and GRNMAP). In map 24, when the player falls into the nukage, the screen gets green to simulate you being under water.


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18 hours ago, Gustavo6046 said:

How much has this changed since the first official release? I can't wait to try this out and take a look. I wonder if people have transformed it or evolved it a lot, or have just been tweaking and changing and maybe adding little side areas over the year. This is still really exciting, though!

That reminds me, it would be neat to compile every single version of the wad and make a timelapse of each map and how they changed. Could upload the files to somewhere like archive.org as well. Only issue is I'm not sure if all of them are still up.

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8 hours ago, CBM said:

the regular doom fists doesnt have red gloves but all other weapons do except the gauntlets but we can assume the gloves are worn inside the gauntlets?


Here are punch sprites with the red gloves. I also improved the gauntlet and made it a bit more interesting. The new HUD graphics are all set up in the attached wads if you want to merge it with the main project.




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45 minutes ago, Captain Toenail said:


Here are punch sprites with the red gloves. I also improved the gauntlet and made it a bit more interesting. The new HUD graphics are all set up in the attached wads if you want to merge it with the main project.





Wow! Amazing. I'll add that in a next update.

Edited by PinkFlamingo

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On 12/23/2021 at 5:31 AM, CBM said:

map14 has unknown top textures on a number of linedefs they are called 100, 118, 123, 187

actually all the maps seem to have some unknown textures

im checking the maps . . .

Edited by URROVA

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There is the wad without the unknown textures:



also i checked for iwad textures, if we want to upload to idgames, we have to modify/replace these textures:

Unmodified (c) resources:
From DOOM 1:

From DOOM2:

From TNT:
Edited by URROVA

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I went through the first 20 maps, adding multiplayer items and fixing a couple of textures here and there. I'm going to test it all tonight and upload the next version. Then I will continue with maps 21 to 30. (and after that I can focus on maps 32 and 33)

Edited by PinkFlamingo

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I have a question: can this be played with Freedoom?


I am away from my gaming computer at the moment and I want to play this. At first, it seems to be working alright, but then I noticed the burning barrels flashing between the vanilla barrel and its Freedoom counterpart.


EDIT: I noticed the same with the Evil Eye decoration, which flashes between its vanilla sprite and its Freedoom replacement.


EDIT #2: Same with torches.


EDIT #3: The Revenant still uses a couple of vanilla frames, which causes it to briefly switch to Dark Soldier sprites.


EDIT #4: Same with the Cyberdemon, who briefly reverts to Brute sprites during its pain animation.


EDIT #5: The teleporter to the left of the exit in MAP02 does not seem to work.

Edited by Rudolph

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3 hours ago, Rudolph said:

I have a question: can this be played with Freedoom?


I am away from my gaming computer at the moment and I want to play this. At first, it seems to be working alright, but then I noticed the burning barrels flashing between the vanilla barrel and its Freedoom counterpart.


EDIT: I noticed the same with the Evil Eye decoration, which flashes between its vanilla sprite and its Freedoom replacement.


EDIT #2: Same with torches.


EDIT #3: The Revenant still uses a couple of vanilla frames, which causes it to briefly switch to Dark Soldier sprites. 


EDIT #4: Same with the Cyberdemon, who briefly reverts to Brute sprites during its pain animation. 


I think these are due to the inclusion of a sprite-fixing mod. What happened is that some vanilla sprites are modified and included in the WAD, while some are missing (probably non-modified ones). When using the official IWADS you don't notice anything because the missing sprites are replaced by the standard ones from the IWAD (Doom2). In Freedoom however, they are replaced with the freedoom counterparts. For this reason you see these weird flickers and changing sprites.


The Revenant and Cyberdemon are missing several frames according to the latest ultimate doom builder editor.

EDIT: The Revenant is missing SKELA7D3 and SKELL1

EDIT: Cyberdemon is missing CYBRA1,2,4,5,7,8


The quick solution is to simply remove all these redundant vanilla sprites. I will do this in the next update unless someone comes up with a better fix (meaning: add the missing sprites).


3 hours ago, Rudolph said:

EDIT #5: The teleporter to the left of the exit in MAP02 does not seem to work. 


Well spotted! The teleporter destination was not placed in the correct spot. I have already fixed this for my upcoming update.

Edited by PinkFlamingo

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I've got a soft spot for this project due to my love for compiling resources. I've got quite a few wads of sprite and sound replacements (in vanilla format) because making recolors and compiling sprites from r667 is so damn fun. I'm playing through -1 at the moment and I'm having a blast, it's so fkn chaotic in a good way.


Edit: Random aside, I'm checking out the 25 Years of Doom feature again and I'm playing through Black Rain with the assets from -1 in Eternity and it fits really well.

Edited by xvertigox

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Version 6.65.10




- Map 1 to 20 are updated for multiplayer:

  - for co-op I added extra monsters and items based on my experiences with Thursday Night Survival

  - for deathmatch I checked all the starts, made sure you can backtrack the map from each starting point, and added a few extra weapons here and there (deathmatch should be more consistent and enjoyable now)

- added @Captain Toenail sprites for fists and gauntlets

- removed the Revenant, Revenant missile and Cyberdemon sprites
- removed the evil eye, burning barrel, torches and megasphere sprites (now the WAD should work fine with Freedoom, @Rudolph )

- slightly edited the Map 18 MIDI to loop better (not perfect but better than a long pause)

- made tweaks to the automap (hiding a few monster closets here and there)


NEXT: I will continue to reserve maps 21 to 30 for multiplayer revision


Full changelog for each map:



MAP01:  - co-op: extra green armor and radiation suits added
    - changed yellow door linedef 598 to a repeatable switch to avoid soft locks in multiplayer
    - removed the yellow lights from that same door because in multiplayer you can also open it from this side without needing the yellow key
MAP02:    - moved the teleport destination at the start because it was not inside the proper tagged sector
MAP03:    - fixed a doortrak texture that was not tagged 'lower unpegged' (big door near Archvile crushers)
    - fixed a platform in the outdoor cave that was wrongly tagged to hurt the player
    - co-op: extra radiation suits
MAP04:    - co-op: 1 extra cyberdemon + 4 boxes of rockets
MAP05:    - co-op: 4 extra cacodemons in part 1 + 1 extra box of shells
    - fixed misaligned wall textures in armory room of part 3
    - improved texture alignment at exit
    - added 'S1 door open stay' to other side of forcefield in part 3 (for deathmatch backtracking)
    - added 'floor lower to lowest floor' to linedef 6251 to avoid softlock during deathmatch (can be exploited for co-op)
MAP06:    - added 'S1 door open stay' to other side of big doors outside (for deathmatch backtracking)
MAP07:    - co-op: 4 extra hell knights + 2 barons + 1 box of shells + 3 boxes of rockets + 1 extra megasphere
    - deathmatch: added green pillars to block the players going into the Mancubus area. Only playable space is the central courtyard.
MAP08:     - co-op: 3 extra archviles + 24 shells
MAP09:    - co-op: 6 extra chaingunners + 2 revenants + 1 hell knight + 3 ammo clips + 16 shotgun shells + 2 rockets
    - improved the texturing at the junction in the tunnel at the start
    - improved texturing at the metal gates in the outdoor megasphere secret
MAP10:    - co-op: 20 extra chaingunners + 4 arachnotrons + 12 shotgun shells + 3 small cell packs + 3 green armor
MAP11:    - co-op: extra green armor and radiation suits
MAP12:    - co-op: extra green armor and radiation suits
    - improved some of the texturing at the end
    - added linetype 19 (lower floor) to linedef 1759 for deathmatch backtracking
MAP13:    - co-op: extra green armor + 4 boxes of rockets + 2 large cell packs
    - linedefs 5008 and 5811 were blocking monsters for no obvious reason (fixed)
    - added a step to the road under the bridge, allowing the multiplayer cyberdemon to leave the tunnel
    - added a switch to the back of sector 2314 to allow deathmatch backtracking
    - several doors in the sewer section now have "door open stay" on their back side for deathmatch backtracking
MAP14:    - co-op: 1 extra cyberdemon + 1 archvile + 6 dragons + 2 boxes of rockets + 1 large cell pack + extra berserk + extra chaingun
MAP15:    - co-op: extra armor, weapon pickups and health pickups at the start
MAP17:    - co-op: extra shotgun + 2 cell packs
MAP18:    - co-op: extra green armor at start
    - improved texturing near a lift sector 243
MAP19:    - co-op: 12 extra wickeds + 2 archviles + 1 box of shells
MAP20:    - co-op: 1 extra cyberdemon + 4 rocket boxes
    - improved texturing in most northern room (sector 1059)
    - added D1 open stay to linedef 5971 and 5661 for deathmatch


Happy New Year!

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I guess this is more of a nitpick than a bug, but is the Baron of Hell replacement supposed to bleed yellow? The corpse appears to be covered in yellow blood, but the monster produces yellow blood splatters when I shoot it.


Also, when I get killed by the Pain Elemental replacement, I am told that my character only died; GZDoom does not tell me that I was killed by this specific enemy.

Edited by Rudolph

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13 hours ago, Rudolph said:

I guess this is more of a nitpick than a bug, but is the Baron of Hell replacement supposed to bleed yellow? The corpse appears to be covered in yellow blood, but the monster produces yellow blood splatters when I shoot it.


The original sprite from realm667.com had green blood. Just like the original Baron, it also had a green hand during its attack animation. Because the baron/hell knight fire ball is yellow in Negative One, we had to recolor the hand to match the projectile. At the time, I did a simple palette translation, replacing all green with yellow. As a result, the blood also became yellow. I agree that it looks a bit inconsistent with the red blood splatters, so I'll see if I can recolor the blood red for the death animation (maybe with a different palette translation on the original sprites).


13 hours ago, Rudolph said:

Also, when I get killed by the Pain Elemental replacement, I am told that my character only died; GZDoom does not tell me that I was killed by this specific enemy.


I don't know why this is, but I guess the original Pain Elemental also didn't have a message associated with it (as you would always get killed by a Lost Soul and not by the actual Pain Elemental). Since the Dragon is replacing the Pain Elemental, it would make sense that the Dragon isn't recognized as an enemy that deals damage.

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Ah, I see. Does the project have some sort of readme with the tracklist? A few tracks sound very familiar, but I cannot remember where I have heard them.

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There is a credits.txt file inside the wad file (accessible through Slade). For the final release, we will probably add an actual .txt file as a separate file.


Here are the current music credits (we are still missing the proper credits for some of the later maps)


Title Music : "un39, unused Doom title music" by Robert Prince
Intermission Music: "How'd I Do?" by Lee Jackson (Rise of The Triad)
READ Screen Music: "CCCool" by Lee Jackson (Rise of The Triad)
Map 01 "Untitled Track" by Kniggit
Map 02 "Untitled Track" by Kniggit
Map 03 "Untitled Track" by Kniggit
Map 04 "Techno Prisoners" by Jimmy
Map 05 "Endless" by Andrew Hulshult (Dusk). Midi by dedli_midi
Map 06 "Postmodern Muck" by Jimmy (remix of "Modern Muck" by Will Loconto)
Map 07 "un52, unused version of Shawn's got the shotgun" by Robert Prince
Map 08 "Diabolical Adrenaline Guitar" by Kelly Bailey (Half Life).
Map 09 "Nine Feet Under" by Jimmy
Map 10 "Bomber Barbara" by Hideki Naganuma (Sonic Rush).
Map 11 "Untitled Track" by Kniggit
Map 12 "Volcano Valley Zone (Act 2)" from Sonic 3D Blast
Map 13 "Untitled Track" by Kniggit
Map 14 "Neato" by Jeremy Doyle
Map 15 "Taskforce" by Lee Jackson (Rise of The Triad)
Map 16 "Untitled Track" by Kniggit
Map 17 "Brinstar - Underground Depths" by Kenji Yamamoto and Minako Hamano (Super Metroid). Midi by Erik@vbe.com
Map 18 "White Reflection" by Two-Mix
Map 19 "Untitled Track" by Kniggit
Map 20 "Untitled Track" by Kniggit
Map 21 ???
Map 22 "Untitled Track" by Kniggit
Map 23 ???
Map 24 ???
Map 25 "Untitled Track" by Kniggit
Map 26 ???
Map 27 ???
Map 28 "Demonic Teleporter" by URROVA
Map 29 ???
Map 30 song by Nightmare and others
Map 31 original Doom 2 Map 32 music
Map 32 ???
Map 33 "Demonic Teleporter" by URROVA
Map 34 "Untitled Track" by Kniggit
Map 35 "Pokey Means Business" by Keiichi Suzuki and Hirokazu Tanaka(Earthbound)

Edited by PinkFlamingo

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Woah! Someone did a MIDI rendition of DUSK's soundtrack? I knew this track sounded familiar. :o


Anyway, thanks! I do not have SLADE on this computer (which is not mine), so I was not able to access the .txt file.

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MAP23 D_AMPIE is "Through the Fire and Flames" by DragonForce

MAP24 D_THEDA3 is "Project DOOM: End of Doom remix" by SilentZorah

MAP26 D_MESSA2 is "Fat Man" from Bungie's Marathon

MAP27 D_ROMER2 is "MAP01: TiN Toker" from TNT 2: Revilution

MAP29 D_SHAWN3 is "Fillmore" from Actraiser


Edited by LoneAlpha2401

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4 hours ago, LoneAlpha2401 said:


MAP23 D_AMPIE is "Through the Fire and Flames" by DragonForce

MAP24 D_THEDA3 is "Project DOOM: End of Doom remix" by SilentZorah

MAP26 D_MESSA2 is "Fat Man" from Bungie's Marathon

MAP27 D_ROMER2 is "MAP01: TiN Toker" from TNT 2: Revilution

MAP29 D_SHAWN3 is "Fillmore" from Actraiser



Fantastic! Thanks a lot! I'll include that in the next update.

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  • 3 weeks later...

reserving MAP33 to keep working in the combat, and maybe finish it.



sorry for not publishing recently, i wasnt with my computer.


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Just wanted to say that I am currently busy moving and I have no time for Doom until mid-February. So I won't be posting anything here until then.

I've planned to make the following updates:

- Add/Revise multiplayer support for maps 21 - 35

- Make a few small gameplay-related changes to various maps, based on feedback I received

- Help playtest/finish maps 32 and 33

- Update all credits


So if all goes well, this project will be finished in March!

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1 hour ago, PinkFlamingo said:

Just wanted to say that I am currently busy moving and I have no time for Doom until mid-February. So I won't be posting anything here until then.

I've planned to make the following updates:

- Add/Revise multiplayer support for maps 21 - 35

- Make a few small gameplay-related changes to various maps, based on feedback I received

- Help playtest/finish maps 32 and 33

- Update all credits


So if all goes well, this project will be finished in March!

holy shit this is still going on<




Why is this taking so long

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