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Favorite episode and difficulty

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HMP on a lazy day, but i prefer UV


The Shores Of Hell wins for me, i never forgot seeing the Cyberdemon for the first time, i panicked and died in seconds

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I'd actually go for Thy Flesh Consumed, because recently I've been researching the various Doom creators and TFC has contributions from American McGee (maps 1 and 4), John Romero (2 and 6), Shawn Green (3 and 8), Tim Willits (5 [with the help of his sister Theresa Chasar] and 9) and John "Dr. Sleep" Anderson (7).  If you ever wonder why this episode has an inconsistent feel, well now you know.  

Oh, and ITYTD

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If you asked me a year ago, I would've said Episode 1 hands down. Now it's a little iffier. I like Knee-Deep In The Dead most consistently, but while Shores of Hell and Thy Flesh Consumed have some rough patches, I thought they also had some really high moments.


But I really don't like Inferno.


I really... really don't like Inferno.

(Except E3M3, that one's pretty good even though it feels more like a Shores of Hell map)


As for difficulty, I stick with Ultra Violence. "The Gentlemen's Way To Play Doom" TM

(But if you prefer HMP or lower you're still a gentleman to me.)

Although for custom WADs which tend to be a lot harder, I've stopped being stubborn and started putting them down to Hurt Me Plenty.

Edited by HQDefault

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Hurt Me Plenty + Inferno.


I just love episode 3's map design (as long as we can all agree E3M7 can go die in a literal pit of fire in hell).

Edited by DynamiteKaitorn

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KTID is consistently good (except E1M9 I gusess), but the atmosphere of E2 makes it for me. Feels less like an action movie, maps have a malevolent tone. Especially E2M6.


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Just here to jump on the E2/UV bandwagon, though if E4 was all as good as "Hell Beneath" and "Perfect Hatred" it'd win by a country mile. E1 is good and I replay it often, but its just not as interesting as E2 or E4. I'm still rather fond of E3, especially E3M4, but to me it has the most dud maps (E3M1, E3M7, E3M8) and I don't really like E3M6 (often considered the episode's highpoint).

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Thy Flesh Consumed has the best visuals/atmosphere IMO, mainly the early maps. Always UV on OG Doom, even E4 is easy by today's standards.









Techbase is my least favorite style. Lacks atmosphere, too overused. Most techbases I see feel generic, or an aping of KDiTD.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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1 hour ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Techbase is my least favorite style. Lacks atmosphere, too overused. Most techbases I see feel generic, or an aping of KDiTD.

I plan on making a techbase map and I wanna call it something kinda self aware like what "Oops, all Techbase" did lmao.

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I've been on a Doom kick, going through and playing them all straight through on UV.  When I played Ultimate Doom, it was really the first time I actually made an effort to play E4 straight through, and I gotta say, I enjoyed most of it, but FUCK E4M1!  I mean, there's nothing even really wrong with the map or the gameplay, except that it's a frickin' ammo desert.  What the hell?  I mean, at a certain point I just gave up even trying to 100% that level because there is no way in hell I'm gonna stand around punching Barons to death or whatever.

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19 minutes ago, BucketHoodie said:

I plan on making a techbase map and I wanna call it something kinda self aware like what "Oops, all Techbase" did lmao.

Don't get me wrong, there are some techbase maps I enjoy, it's just that most of them aren't visually distinctive, and it doesn't help the case that there are millions of them. Mayhem 2020 is a good example of techbases that look unique. Same with Eviternity. I prefer techbases that don't use stock textures. Good luck on your map! :)

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Knee Deep In The Dead is my all-time favorite episode. The TechBase architecture and overall feel of the episode is well done, the enemy and item placement is well organized, its full of great secrets, and the balance of gameplay and combat is so good. 


As for my favorite difficulty, It used to be Hurt Me Plenty but by the time I learned some basic aspects in Doom combat, I moved to UV! :)

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Ultra-Violence of course. Propably the first Episode is my fav. It feels somewhat real with the aesthetic.

Edited by happy_mac

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Shores of Hell and Thy Flesh Consumed, on UV. I just love the atmosphere in those episodes so much. 

Edited by Jello

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I played on Hurt Me Plenty first, but Ultra-Violence is my preferred difficulty now. Makes me feel like a real gamer.

As for the episode, I have to say I'm sort of partial to Episodes 3 and 4. I do like the other two as well, though. I don't have to repeat everyone's sentiments about maps in E3 and E4 that miss the mark, but I found maps like E3M7 satisfying to work out where I was and what I was doing.

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I'd say a tie between episode 1 and 4 for me.


But always on UV-fast. Can't play on anything else anymore because it feels like I'm playing the game in slow motion. The moment I found a way to play Nightmare without the respawning, I never looked back.

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