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Abyssal Speedmapping Session 48 - 4spooky8me!

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Last months tomfoolery!

oh, hello, I didnt see you come in.

This is this months thread for the Abyssal Speedmapping Session:  Banned from every chuck e. cheese in the world, just like everybody else.

We are doing our spookiest Abyssal Speedmap Session of 2020, by virtue of it being October and everything else this year not being remotely spooky.  huh.  Regardless, we will be doing our two hours of hilarity, hijinks and hubris on OCTOBER 24, 2020 at 7 PM EASTERN TIME (midnight Greenwich Mean, yo) and a seperate session 12 hours later* doing all but the same thing.

We have a predetermined texture pack and at the prescribed time we will determine what EXCITING suggestion we will strongly word on making your Boom Compatable single player map.  We laugh and joke on discord in the meanwhile (though not required).  Expect some Goosebumps from the bone chilling late october related stuff that is in store for this iteration of Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions!

Thank you and enjoy your ASS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Themes are
2. Only one type of linedef action used

6. Monster closets everywhere

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Oof me as I completely forgotten that ASS was this weekend :( 

Edited by Philnemba

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The show goes on!  fifteen minutes and change before the second round.

Also this is why I make threads in advance Phil D:

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