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Looking for a very specific sourceport


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I've been using Crispy Doom up until I found out that it fixes several visual bugs, most notably the HoM, which I need in order to pull off a mapping trick. Chocolate Doom won't suffice, because I need a limit-removing port. I want a port that only removes the limits and doesn't touch the bugs or modify the gameplay in any way. Being able to adjust to higher resolutions would be nice too. Does such sourceport exist? I tried compiling my own but had issues along the way, so if anyone could instruct me, that would fix my problem too! (I have basic programming knowledge but I've only ever made small personal projects)

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54 minutes ago, drfrag said:

Tried it out, I had no idea this existed! Always happy to discover a lesser-known gem. Gonna miss the colored blood and infinite height removal, but this'll suffice for now.


I'm up for more suggestions, if anyone has any!


As for PRBoom+, I have it, but the mouse controls feel off for me.

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Doom+ (Doom-plus) is a port I would recommend if you don't mind DOSBox. It is basically a hex edit of the original DOS .exe that has increased limits.


Doom-plus for UDoom: https://sourceforge.net/projects/prboom-plus/files/doom-plus/

Doom-plus for Doom 2: https://sourceforge.net/projects/prboom-plus/files/doom2-plus/


Edited by ReaperAA

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4 hours ago, Vermil said:

Could try Doomsday 1.8.6 and disable all the visual effects using the control panel?

Dude, he needs the HoM glitch effect!

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I don't know what the hell everyone else in this thread is talking about, because any limit-removing port is going to increase MAXDRAWSEGS, so you're not going to have the HOM glitch. If you want to create a fork of Crispy with vanilla MAXDRAWSEGS, I mean, go ahead, I guess.

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And you'll need to put a similar check for visplanes in while you're at it. So instead of crashing in vanilla, you'll just add HoM on floors.


I do not think "limit removing" means what OP think it means.

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54 minutes ago, GooberMan said:

And you'll need to put a similar check for visplanes in while you're at it. So instead of crashing in vanilla, you'll just add HoM on floors.


I do not think "limit removing" means what OP think it means.

More like limit rebuilding, i suppose.

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10 hours ago, ReaperAA said:

Doom+ (Doom-plus) is a port I would recommend if you don't mind DOSBox. It is basically a hex edit of the original DOS .exe that has increased limits.


Doom-plus for UDoom: https://sourceforge.net/projects/prboom-plus/files/doom-plus/

Doom-plus for Doom 2: https://sourceforge.net/projects/prboom-plus/files/doom2-plus/


I second this @evanisdead

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20 hours ago, evanisdead said:

I want a port that only removes the limits and doesn't touch the bugs or modify the gameplay in any way.


17 hours ago, evanisdead said:

Gonna miss the colored blood and infinite height removal

Does not compute. :p

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1 hour ago, Gez said:

Does not compute. :p

Wym? Infinite height is not a bug, plus, it was removed in Heretic. The colored blood and higher resolutions are just a nice touch, they don't affect the gameplay.


By "modify the gameplay" I mainly meant that the physics should stay the same, since GZDoom modifies those, and I want the bugs to remain purely for map-testing purposes.

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Maybe you should try Eternity (But I don't know if it has it fixes to HOMs and slime trails or not)

But the thing I really like about this port is that here the ghost bug is not fixed

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1 hour ago, evanisdead said:

Wym? Infinite height is not a bug, plus, it was removed in Heretic. The colored blood and higher resolutions are just a nice touch, they don't affect the gameplay.


By "modify the gameplay" I mainly meant that the physics should stay the same, since GZDoom modifies those, and I want the bugs to remain purely for map-testing purposes.

Of course, changing a fundamental aspect of how collisions work is perfectly compatible with "physics staying the same". For example, when a swarm of cacodemon manages to get over and under each other to enter an area faster, it absolutely does not modify the gameplay. :p

Edited by Gez

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56 minutes ago, Gez said:

Of course, changing a fundamental aspect of how collisions work is perfectly compatible with "physics staying the same". For example, when a swarm of cacodemon manages to get over and under each other to enter an area faster, it absolutely does not modify the gameplay. :p

Alright, I see your point, I should've clarified lol


The infinite heights are optional, I'm looking for a port that doesn't touch the visual bugs.

1 hour ago, SilverMiner said:

Maybe you should try Eternity (But I don't know if it has it fixes to HOMs and slime trails or not)

But the thing I really like about this port is that here the ghost bug is not fixed

I'll give it a shot. The ghost bugs are always a surprise to encounter, why would anyone try to fix them?? I know wads that will purposely create ghost monsters (Hell Revealed, for example), and that's an awesome "feature" c;

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1 hour ago, evanisdead said:

why would anyone try to fix them


1 hour ago, evanisdead said:

and that's an awesome "feature"

That's right and I've actually found a workaround to emulate this bug in Zdoom he-he

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1 hour ago, SilverMiner said:


That's right and I've actually found a workaround to emulate this bug in Zdoom he-he

Do share!


Oh, and I tried Eternity Engine, it's really good! I'm going to use that to test my maps during casual gameplay and RUDE to look for very specific, minor graphical glitches.

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1 minute ago, evanisdead said:

Do share!


Here is a piece of decorate code from some my recent wad important things are in bold

actor FastGuy replaces hangTLookingDown
 Health 30
  Radius 20
  Height 56
  Speed 9
  PainChance 255
  Translation 0
  SeeSound "grunt/sight"
  PainSound "grunt/pain"
  DeathSound "grunt/death"
  ActiveSound "grunt/active"
  AttackSound "wolfss/attack"
  Obituary "%o chewed on zombie's boomstick"
  Dropitem "Shotgun"
    spos AB 10 A_Look
    spos AABBCCDD 3 A_Chase("None","Missile",CHF_FASTCHASE)
    spos AABBCCDDAABBCCDD 1 A_Chase("None","Missile",CHF_FASTCHASE)
    spos abcd 4 A_Recoil(-8)
    spos a 0 A_turn(128)
    spos a 0 A_Changeflag(frightened,0)
    goto see
    spos E 3 A_FaceTarget
    spos F 6 Bright A_SPosAttack
    spos AABBCCDD 2 A_Chase
    spos E 2 a_cposrefire
    Goto Missile+1
    spos G 3
    spos G 3 A_Pain
    spos g 1 A_Turn(random(-128,128) * 3)
    spos g 1 A_Recoil(random(1,4) * 3)
    tnt1 a 0 A_Changeflag(frightened,1)
    Goto Fright
        spos H 5
        spos I 5 A_Scream
        spos J 5 A_NoBlocking
        spos K 5
        spos L -1
        spos M 5
        spos N 5 A_XScream
        spos O 5 A_NoBlocking
        spos PQRST 5
        spos U -1
        sswv M 0 A_JumpIf(ACS_ExecuteWithResult(2)==32, "Raise32")
        spos K 5
        spos JIH 5
        Goto See
      sswv M 0 A_SpawnItemEx("FastGuyGhost")
      Goto Null


ACS is used just to trigger ghost behaviour on a special map like e.g. Map32

script 2 (void)

actor FastGuyGhost : WolfensteinSS  //75
 Health 120
  Radius 0
  Height 0

  Speed 9
  PainChance 255
   Renderstyle Translucent Alpha 0.7
  Translation 0
  SeeSound "grunt/sight"
  PainSound "grunt/pain"
  DeathSound "grunt/death"
  ActiveSound "grunt/active"
  AttackSound "wolfss/attack"
  Obituary "%o chewed on zombie's boomstick"
  Dropitem "Shotgun"
    spos AB 10 A_Look
    spos AABBCCDD 3 A_Chase("None","Missile",CHF_FASTCHASE)
    spos E 3 A_FaceTarget
    spos F 6 Bright A_SPosAttack
    spos AABBCCDD 2 A_Chase
    spos E 2 a_cposrefire
    Goto Missile+1
    spos G 3
    spos G 3 A_Pain
    spos g 1 A_Turn(random(-128,128) * 3)
    spos g 1 A_Recoil(random(1,4) * 3)
    Goto See
        spos H 5
        spos I 5 A_Scream
        spos J 5 A_NoBlocking
        spos K 5
        spos L -1
        spos M 5
        spos N 5 A_XScream
        spos O 5 A_NoBlocking
        spos PQRST 5
        spos U -1
        spos K 5
        spos JIH 5
        Goto See




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