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Come Eat The Mapwich 2!!! Public beta out now!

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2 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Sorry if I sound like an idiot, but since this is a beta, does that mean more maps will be added, or is the project finished except for bugs/balance/etc. Also, how many maps are there? Sorry if I'm missing something, the project looks really awesome!

beta generally means the set is finished except bugfixing and no more maps are being added :)
there are 23 maps in the set!

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Looks delicious!


The OTEX heaven set castle from @BanjoDave and @Danlex is the coolest thing I've seen in ages, wow. Like a little model castle, so un-Doomy.  Nice work all. Not a bad shot up there, hope they play as good as they look!

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congrats on the release ! :)

EDIT: So supercharge is not my favorite gameplay mod, but still, I must say: the mod is really good with the levels.

Edited by LuciferSam86

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First map was totally adorbs with doomguy hunting down treasures of doomverse. Would make for an awesome TC, to be honest. Great introductory level too, very forgiving even on UV and doing and awesome job at teaching the player the basics of Supercharge quirks.


Did Aurelis's submission get removed btw?


EDIT: On map 2, one imp couldn't teleport in from the northernmost closet. No idea why. Playing on UV, killed everything else. 

Edited by Firedust

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2 hours ago, Firedust said:

First map was totally adorbs with doomguy hunting down treasures of doomverse. Would make for an awesome TC, to be honest. Great introductory level too, very forgiving even on UV and doing and awesome job at teaching the player the basics of Supercharge quirks.


Did Aurelis's submission get removed btw?


EDIT: On map 2, one imp couldn't teleport in from the northernmost closet. No idea why. Playing on UV, killed everything else. 

That imp should die upon exiting (line tag kill), it was used in place of a voodoo player (since I'm old fashioned), I am unsure but i've heard voodoo players get buggy or break in multiplayer so i changed it to an imp.

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58 minutes ago, DFF said:

That imp should die upon exiting (line tag kill), it was used in place of a voodoo player (since I'm old fashioned), I am unsure but i've heard voodoo players get buggy or break in multiplayer so i changed it to an imp.

Yikes, I was running around like an idiot, trying to trigger the spawn.

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15 hours ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

Sorry if I sound like an idiot, but since this is a beta, does that mean more maps will be added, or is the project finished except for bugs/balance/etc. Also, how many maps are there? Sorry if I'm missing something, the project looks really awesome!

I wouldn't release a project like this if it didn't have all the maps included. That would do a disservice to anyone still working on things

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1 hour ago, Bridgeburner56 said:

I wouldn't release a project like this if it didn't have all the maps included. That would do a disservice to anyone still working on things

Thanks, @Bridgeburner56! I played some yesterday before I went to bed, it's excellent. I just never know, since a lot of people will release a "beta" for a full megawad that only has one map in it or something. I don't discourage anyone from releasing anything in any way they want to, but it's a bummer when people show a bunch of awesome screenshots, and you get to the end of the post and realise you can only play a couple maps if you're lucky :p

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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Played the first 5 levels. Pretty cool so far. Here's a playlist of my playthrough (each map has its own video):



Lazy mini reviews:


- nice start, ammo very low on some points, but never ran out


- a bit cramped and cofusing at times, difficulty of last fight skyrockets compared to rest of map. There's still a BIGDOOR at the beginning


- nice solid map, nothing to complain about


- felt a bit zelda-esque. unfreezing doors was a nice touch. I somehow missed picking up the RL, so I made it way more harder on myself


- great layout, flow, and visuals


Edited by boris

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Seen a couple of queries pop up so to clarify, Aurelius and Kaito asked me that I allow them to release their map as a solo release separate to Mapwich 2 which has my blessing. It is a stunning map that will do better on its own, rather at the end of such a massive map pack when that map alone takes many hours to complete. There have been substantial changes to Ar Luminae so it'll definitely be worth playing even if you played the Mapwich version.

And to answer the rumours of whether there will be a Mapwich 3 next year ... 


I hope you're still hungry ;p


8 hours ago, Hyacsho said:

So, how does this work? I wasn't around during the first Mapwich :D

Teams of 2 were randomly assigned by literally picking names out of a hat. The teams then went about making a map in any way they saw fit. Some teams took "halves" of the map and then stitched it together, some would bounce it back and forward more regularly and build of each other. 

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Added map 6-10 to my playthroughs (at the time of this writing map09 is still processing for HD):



Mini reviews:


- nice layout and flow. Not a fan of (group of) strong enemies teleporting behind you


- visually I expected a bit more from Bauul and guitardz. The Cyberdemon and Arch-Vile parts were interesting. That there will be crushers in the Cyberdemon area was very easy to read (which is good)


- cool map. There was a ton of ammo lying around *behind* the final fight, but maybe that's just because I'm playing on HMP


- cool map. Very frantic. Once again I didn't notice that I picked up the rocket launcher. Progression is not super clear (took me forever to lower to bars to the red key). Orange area can be skipped by jumping from the lift to the switch. Blue area is very hard


- very Misty with all those trees. I like that you can approach the keys in any order. The tech parts look all a bit samey, so I was a bit disoriented. There are some places where you can get stuck by jumping behind crates

Edited by boris

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Alright there's one bug playing this in GZDoom that got completely missed. Due to the change in air physics between Zandro and GZDoom, there are a couple of jump pads in map 21 that don't launch you high enough in GZDoom (they work fine in Zandro). Anyone who plays this map can fly/noclip for now and I'll make sure I push an update shortly. There's a couple of other minor bugs to fix so far as well.


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I didn't play the mod because it has custom weapons and monsters, but GZdoom 4.4.2 reports these errors at startup:


Script error, "mapwich2_v0.8.pk3:zmapinfo" line 250:
Unknown property '0.0' found in map definition

Script error, "mapwich2_v0.8.pk3:zmapinfo" line 276:
Unknown property '0.0' found in map definition

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21 hours ago, boris said:


- visually I expected a bit more from Bauul and guitardz. The Cyberdemon and Arch-Vile parts were interesting. That there will be crushers in the Cyberdemon area was very easy to read (which is good)

The reason our map is so underdetailed is because it was a 2 week build and we were one of the only teams who adhered to that.  There were many deadline extensions, but we only agreed to two weeks and that was the map we came out with.  The cybermaze and vile hall were both Bauul's contributions and we're both very cool areas.

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Couldn't get all kills on map 9 but I did manage to find all the secrets! Also, that rocket-jump message was not very nice, especially considering that you can get in that area by regular jumping.

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2 hours ago, guitardz said:

The reason our map is so underdetailed is because it was a 2 week build and we were one of the only teams who adhered to that.  There were many deadline extensions, but we only agreed to two weeks and that was the map we came out with.  The cybermaze and vile hall were both Bauul's contributions and we're both very cool areas.


Guitardz should take the vast majority of the credit for the map. Unfortunately I didn't have as much free time during those two weeks as I would have liked, so my contributions were primarily three rather dickish encounters and that was about it.


It is more plainly detailed than the other maps, but I added fog everywhere so you can't see it, so it's fine.  :P

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Honestly, I thought your map was fine visually. You can't expect everyone to churn out bb or Aurelius level of detailing, especially within the time constraints you mentioned. The only level I personally didn't like was map 4 because, well, doom ice physics can go fudge itself. And combat was very corridory too.

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Dear thread followers and Mapwich enthusiasts alike, 


It has come to my attention that a particular fight in Map 13 is completely dysfunctional on difficulties lower than Ultra Violence, obviously this is quite a big problem as the map is incompletable without said fight. The issue has been fixed and the updated map will be included in the next version of the beta.


Until then I recommend skipping the map for the meantime if playing below Ultra Violence difficulty (UV works as intended), so you can play some of the other lovely maps submitted unhindered - and to perhaps return to Map 13 in the next version of the Mapwich 2 beta, at which point it will be fully functional.


Apologies for any caused inconvenience.

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Alright quick hot fix for a few maps that progression blocking issues were found on.
- Map 13 now should work on all difficulties
- Adjusted air control for map 21 in gzdoom
- Fixed an intermittent issue on map 08 where the final fight wouldn't trigger
- Fixed an erroneously tagged sector in map 15 resulting in an instadeath floor near the exit

And a couple of small bugs on map 10 and added some ammo to map 4

Also it seems my perception of difficulty has become slightly skewed. A few people have said how ridiculously difficult map 19 is, even among the other hard maps, and this is with nerfs from testing. As such it'll be moved to a secret map accessible from the last map. It's a great map but the difficulty spike is quite extreme and as such you won't have to complete it to finish the map set.
I will be making this alteration over the weekend along with fixing some other minor issues and adding in the credits file. Thanks to everyone who has played it so far, been getting bucket loads of positive feedback.

This will be added to the op as well
Mapwich2 0.8a

Edited by Bridgeburner56

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On map 10, the monster closets rise only if you pick up the soulsphere. I was on 200 health so I missed them by accident. Change the trigger to a linedef perhaps?

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18 minutes ago, Firedust said:

On map 10, the monster closets rise only if you pick up the soulsphere. I was on 200 health so I missed them by accident. Change the trigger to a linedef perhaps?

Could you show which soulsphere is troublesome? Screenshot would be nice as it would make our fixes easier. 

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I am generally not a fan of pick-up triggered actions, because if you are like me and aren't playing pistol starts, you may miss certain enemies, because you ignored ammo/armor/health at random.

Edited by Firedust

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Map 11: the whole fight on the bridge by the citadel can be cheesed by jumping on the bridge ledge, running back, and mowing down every monster coming your way. Great visuals btw! The mapset really kicks it up a few notches starting from map 9. Excellent stuff.



EDIT: https://prnt.sc/v3fhiy


Misaligned texture on bookcase. Maps are started to get impressively t h i c c


EDIT 2: https://prnt.sc/v3flb6


More misalignments

Edited by Firedust

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playing it now and it seems that you can get locked inside those big vats of nuckage on map04 if you haven't yet pressed all the switches.. I hadn't yet seen the switches and decided to explore, ended up falling inside the vat, with a rad suit on, so I ended up turning fly on and exiting it.

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