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Opinions on jumping in doom?

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I love jumping in Doom and I wish more mapsets accommodated it, since you can jump in basically every modern port these days (except Chocolate Doom of course).


You can still use minimal jumping responsibly in maps that aren't meant for it without breaking anything that the author didn't intend.

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On 10/18/2020 at 8:34 PM, GraphicBleeder said:

Hey all, so, I was thinking about how in GZdoom you have the option of jumping and crouching, now I usually play with it off unless the readme file with a custom wad says it needs to be on to be beatable but, what do you all think about it?

To me, there's nothing wrong about it, but the person who does play with jumping, should recognize that the game was never designed for it, except for some mapsets, of course.

Edited by Mr. Jar (aka: Nelguy)

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I consider jumping and crouching in modern Doom ports as the "0th category of cheating". Which means, exploiting a feature which game directly and visibly offers, for cheating (not playing levels in way how they were originally designed and intended to be played).

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