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You draw it, I map it (now on idgames)

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12 minutes ago, Murdoch said:


... woops.

I already drew something... so I can not grant you this fallos symbol wish

Edited by CBM

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i want it to be hallway that never ends so went you move to the wall the fake end it well put you back to the beginning of the map.


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D4 - Slanted room with stairs, skylights and an entrance lift from one side - You can take liberty with whether the stairs are going up/down and whether the entire room is lower or higher in order for the lift to go up or down to reach it. I have not placed enemies as I leave that up to you. 


Good idea by the way.



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1 minute ago, AinuTheTaken said:

We went from starport to beach so it certainly seems like we're aliens landing on Earth.

plot twist we are humans landing on a alien planet

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1 hour ago, Murdoch said:

22 replies in and no dicks.


I myself don't see a lot of ladies around, which means there certainly is a bunch of dicks around. (Although I bet at least one of us is the lady... red sus tho)

Edited by Gustavo6046

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1 hour ago, DOOMTIME said:

i want it to be hallway that never ends so went you move to the wall the fake end it well put you back to the beginning of the map.


You're not following the rules dude; pick a square and draw an area in that square.

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A large room quite square but with certain raised platforms in the corners, and with certain details that I added for mere inspiration from other maps that I had played, which including this I did also take inspiration from a part of a wad made by a Doomer, and well, here are the following things that my part of the mapping has:


-The big red spots are Cacodemons, there will be 1 in each corner of the platforms.
-There will be a Mega Armor in the middle.

-The floor where the Mega Armor is located could be made of water, as a symbol of being a gift of purity in the face of all the corrosion that exists throughout the area.
-The green spots are the armor bonuses, and the blue ones are the health ones.
-There are 1 medikit in each corner because the attacks become very lethal, both from the Cacodemons and the Hitscanners.
-What surrounds all that part, will be small and extensive pools of non-lethal blood to step on.
-In the text written in red it says: 8 Sargents or Shotgunners.
-The darker red / slightly brown text says: 5 Chaingunners.
-In the text Cafe / a little orange it says: 5 Imps.
-There are three exit doors to the other corridors, one that leads to the part of the section "D2", "E1" and "E3" (I know that is something obvious but I wanted to comment on it anyway).

By the way, I really liked the idea and it really is very creative.



Edited by ElPadrecitoCholo

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D2, and just a little bit of C2


The red dots are Cacodemons hidden in a monster closet. It slightly takes up C2, but they weren't at all using that space. The green dot is a rocket launcher on the top of the spire from TF2. If you can do a circular slope go ahead, but otherwise feel free to use steps. The switch is there to raise the spire to allow you to reach the rocket launcher at the peak of the spire that is already up. However pulling the switch also opens the walls to let the cacodemons loose. So you got to make a mad dash up to grab the rocket launcher before they swarm you. 


An open air room with the doorways leading to D1 and E2 being sheer cliffs if it works with those rooms.



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Excuse my shoddy drawing.


- Blue/green spots are health/armour bonuses, orange spot is an Archvile, grey spot can be a good weapon or helpful ammo, brown lines are dead trees

- Sort of an indoor greenhouse aesthetic, or maybe an enclosed dead forest looking out to the wilderness or something

- Area on the left is raised, stairs at the bottom go down to grass and dead trees

- Winding path through the trees on the right, can look however you want, maybe at the end there could be a cool powerup, or alternatively a switch to lower the bars on the left

- Pillar for a sick Archvile fight, more enemies can be added if necessary

- Path on the left can connect to D4 if that was the intent, otherwise it can be an item room or something.


Sorry if this clashes with anyone else's ideas, and feel free to modify my room however you see fit.



Edited by Castelia
Fixing a mistake

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here it is. mine, C5 fairly simple. Its a crate room with a switch that lowers down a crate secretly a lift ( you can add more crates to confuse the player)  and then, once you run towards the other crate and get the blue armor, it triggers to 2 doors which has  monsters


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3 hours ago, Gustavo6046 said:


I myself don't see a lot of ladies around, which means there certainly is a bunch of dicks around. (Although I bet at least one of us is the lady... red sus tho)

this project is in desperate need of a fallos shaped room

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1 hour ago, mewbusi said:

An open air room with the doorways leading to D1 and E2 being sheer cliffs if it works with those rooms.


Hmm, I don't think it's possible to connect "D2" with "D1", I mean, it seems that the entire structure drawn there is practically closed in walls, there is only connection to what is "E2"...

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Just now, ElPadrecitoCholo said:


Hmm, I don't think it's possible to connect "D2" with "D1", I mean, it seems that the entire structure drawn there is practically closed in walls, there is only connection to what is "E2"...

the first third of D1 is just a platform and it is already connected to D2

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3 minutes ago, ElPadrecitoCholo said:


Huh, that's weird man, but well, that's work fine too, I guess...

nah its not weird... its just a terrass and the remaining are rooms in an irl house

Edited by CBM

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2 minutes ago, CBM said:

nah its a terrass and the remaining are rooms in an irl house


I think you should have designed something like that close to where the exterior designs were in relation to a beach, don't you think? It would have been fun to see there.

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10 minutes ago, ElPadrecitoCholo said:


I think you should have designed something like that close to where the exterior designs were in relation to a beach, don't you think? It would have been fun to see there.

perhaps but this house wants to be different

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Here's mine for A1:




Had to add a vaguely phallic room after that discussion on page 1. The red squares are baddies, there's a soulsphere up on a ledge overlooking a pretty empty room, some lights, a window, a door and what may lead to another door if someone fills in A2!


EDIT: This is nostalgic as hell. I didn't use a grid, but pre-mapping, I used to draw MSpaint Doom maps using the automap colors (red, yellow and brown lines on a black background). First time I've drawn a map fragment in paint for years!

Edited by Doomkid

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OK we've got the penis now we just need a german windmill to get controversial
(Don't do it guys not even as a joke)

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9 hours ago, N1ck said:

Are we allowed to edit cells that we changed before. So for example, if I did D5, then a couple people posted edits, could I take the edited image and add edits to D5? That way, 25 people can still participate, but there'll still be more detail.


Sorry for the late response, I was sleeping. Yes, you may edit your cell, but I see someone from D2 already added something to your cell, so just leave that bit alone.

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Well well this blew up while I was in Dreamland, thanks everyone for participating!

I'll wait for the finished product to start mapping, would you like me to post screenshots of my progress?

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46 minutes ago, Rince-wind said:

Well well this blew up while I was in Dreamland, thanks everyone for participating!

I'll wait for the finished product to start mapping, would you like me to post screenshots of my progress?



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