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Has This Game Become A Joke?

A Nobody

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36 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

Granted, an option to override skins with a base player model is always a good thing to have (does Eternal have that? Skins don’t bother me in the slightest so I’ve never checked) 


Nope. Most game companies to my knowledge don't offer the ability to turn off multiplayer skins, especially since many of the skins are being sold by the company or unlocked through game content. An option to disable multiplayer skins might be seen to devalue those things, which the company doesn't want. However, some game tournaments "ban" specific skins if they're too flashy/difficult-to-see like Gill's Pyron skin in Street Fighter V or Archangel Diablo in Heroes of the Storm - so it's not entirely out of the question either.

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I could do without the dumb skins. But then again, I could do without Battlemode altogether. Put that effort and budget into the story, unless you are going to do multiplayer right, don't do it. Doom 2016 and Eternal's multiplayer are functional but far from being very satisfying, even compared to classic Doom.

Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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IMO where NuDoom's silliness is unwelcome is in the story. In Doom 2016 it's fine -- they quickly convey that the story's dumb, who cares, we're there for akshun! with stuff like "demonic invasion in progress". In Doom Eternal they started to take their dumb story seriously by "exploring the lore" and putting a lot of cutscenes. In TAGPO, I don't even know how to qualify it. You stop the invasion from the demons of the Jerkwad dimension by going to Hell's nature preserve to steal Satan's soul and bring it back to Heaven so as to resurrect him as Dave the Goth and kick his ass. I dunno how to feel about that.

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If you don't like the silly skins in singleplayer, then just don't wear them.


If you don't like the silly skins in multiplayer, well, it wouldn't make much of a difference anyway considering that it's already hard to be "immersed" in something like that.

Edited by chemo

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17 hours ago, Doom64hunter said:

I can tell you one thing that's a joke, and that's Battlemode, which these skins were made for.

Battlemode is a fucking 100% joke and I hope whoever came up with the idea or approved of it no longer has a job at id Software.

It is THE single worst thing to ever carry the Doom name on it and I hope id Software know it.

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8 hours ago, BluePineapple72 said:

One of the biggest inspirations for classic doom is Evil Dead 2. That movie is complete and total cheese and it is amazing. If anything, my problem with Eternal is that it feels too much like a power-trip comic-book rather than a goofy splatterhouse romp through hell

I know it gets repeated a lot and certainly there's truth to this, but i never got an evil dead vibe from classic doom. I love both but i really don't see it.

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1 hour ago, chemo said:

If you don't like the silly skins in singleplayer, then just don't wear them.


If you don't like the silly skins in multiplayer, well, it wouldn't make much of a difference anyway considering that it's already hard to be "immersed" in something like that.

Sadly it's not like we can control what other players wear and multiplayer is always needed to complete challenges in a timely manner(i can make it without but it drags the thing over the month) and get all the nice looking stuff, which is time limited(god i hate that system) and these don't carry over my pc/ps4 copies contrary to the stuff that's bought so i have to do these twice :(

Edited by Deimos

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22 minutes ago, seed said:

while Doom 3 had Super Turbo Turkey Puncher, PDA jokes, and probably more I can't remember.



Lest we forget; accidental chainsaw shipment to Mars, Martian Buddy lockers, the magazines with Wolfenstien and Quake characters (I'm sure everyone remembers the BOOTY mag :P ), DR. BETREUGERS NAME ITSELF, Swan wearing sunglasses inside the super dark base all day.... 

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1 minute ago, Taurus Daggerknight said:

the magazines with Wolfenstien and Quake characters (I'm sure everyone remembers the BOOTY mag :P ),

Fuck that, I wanna read GUNS & NACHOS!




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1 minute ago, Komenja said:

Fuck that, I wanna read GUNS & NACHOS!

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at least these are discrete and actually tongue-in-cheek, and to me actually funny because it doesn't over do it

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I feel like everything that's come after Doom 2016 is quite possibly an elaborate troll.

Disclaimer: I paid money for Eternal.


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1 hour ago, seed said:



And no more than old Doom has ever been. I'm getting tired of this shit constantly resurfacing, and I find it all the more pathetic when it tends to come from people who weren't there when classic Doom came out to see how it really was - speaking as how they think it was -, or how the MP was like in the first place, making their whole point moot, to stay in line with the topic at hand. Or nostalgics losing perspective and looking at classic Doom through rose-tinted glasses. The corny side and silliness of Doom has simply changed, there isn't more or less of it now than it's ever been.


Classic Doom had gimmicky shaped levels such as E1M8, D&D inspiration, cheesy monster designs, barely serious intermission screens, Commander Keens, Wolf3D references, a developer's head acting as the final boss, then Doom 64 despite its more serious tone had utterly goofy monster designs (see the Cacodemon and Mancubus), while Doom 3 had Super Turbo Turkey Puncher, PDA jokes, chainsaws on Mars, and probably more I can't remember. And then there's the Doom comic and RPG.


MP in a lot of games, especially older ones which allowed custom addons and skins were chock full of all sorts of silly and, at other times, ridiculously over the top content. I remember from my CS (and HL2DM) days how Zombie Plague servers were usually full of player models from other games like Resident Evil, Star Wars, Mario, GTA, L4D, or anime, particularly female anime characters, while some of them used silly sound replacements, Ultimate Sounds, or Sank Sounds (write something in the chat and play a sound effect, or even music in some cases), bullet tracers, or admins having all sorts or nonsense like jetpacks and custom effects. Oh, and server mods like war3 and war4, basically mixing CS with RPG elements, specifically Warcraft.

I said I WELCOME the silliness.


Doom 64's monsters are serious.


The thing with Eternal was that it referenced a YouTuber.

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The jokes and silliness that was included with Doom and subsequently, the mods people make, are all products of their time and in fact serve as a time capsule; a glimpse into the way people enjoyed the game while injecting their own forms of humor into it. and, as we all know, humor is a subjective. after all, we still have people who think Terry WADs are funny.


the short answer here is no, it really hasn't. it may seem unfunny or edgy to some, funny to others, but the good thing about many of the humor mods is that you can just simply not use them. the unicorn skin in DE is optional. if you want to make it a 100% serious or hilarious, you can choose. that's the great thing about this game.

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It has become a joke for me, I think someone from id even confirmed that they had a bit too much Doom 3 going on in 2016 and were trying to step away from that with Eternal, I liked it more when it was more subtle. I don't care about the classic games all that much to tell you the truth, Hell Doom 3 is probably my favorite out of the bunch, I suppose that's why 2016 resonated more with me than whatever this thing is. I'm all for having fun as long as you don't go super overboard.


As for multiplayer? that's just one of the side effects you get from playing multiplayer, other effects include trolls, and loud players playing music and memes over voice chat. nothing a mute button and votekick can't fix though.

Edited by sluggard

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Here's what I've gathered so far:

You like Doom Eternal and you welcome the silliness, but apparently the devs went too far with honoring a popular YouTuber's late father who had introduced him to Doom. You don't like Doom 2016 or 64 because "serious". Even though 64 is filled with corny monster designs and 2016 featured collectible dolls and a Commander Keen easter egg.

Uh, right. What's your point here? I hope it's not "...other people would think the game is a joke..." because that's about as baseless as it gets. Doom has never focused on being extremely serious or humorous. It's about having fun, which it sounds like something rather difficult for you. Might be better off sticking with Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior.

Edited by Captain Caleb

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38 minutes ago, The Strife Commando said:

The thing with Eternal was that it referenced a YouTuber.

But not in an intrusive way. It's just the Doom Eternal logo with one letter modified. It's not Korone's anime face or anything like that. If you don't get the reference, it's just a weird Easter egg that references an in-joke you're not getting. Kind of like how the cheat code "idchoppers" display the message "doesn't suck -gm".

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4 minutes ago, Gez said:

But not in an intrusive way. It's just the Doom Eternal logo with one letter modified. It's not Korone's anime face or anything like that. If you don't get the reference, it's just a weird Easter egg that references an in-joke you're not getting. Kind of like how the cheat code "idchoppers" display the message "doesn't suck -gm".

It's a harmless easter egg after all.

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11 minutes ago, Captain Caleb said:

Here's what I've gathered so far:

You like Doom Eternal and you welcome the silliness, but apparently the devs went too far with honoring a popular YouTuber's late father who had introduced him to Doom. You don't like Doom 2016 or 64 because "serious". Even though 64 is filled with corny monster designs and 2016 featured collectible dolls and a Commander Keen easter egg.

Uh, right. What's your point here? I hope it's not "...other people would think the game is a joke..." because that's about as baseless as it gets. Doom has never focused on being extremely serious or humorous. It's about having fun, which it sounds like something rather difficult for you. Might be better off sticking with Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior.

No, I do like those two games.  I don't mind them being serious. I made a mistake with my post.

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1 hour ago, The Strife Commando said:

Doom 64's monsters are serious.




1 hour ago, The Strife Commando said:

The thing with Eternal was that it referenced a YouTuber.


And nobody cares.


1 hour ago, Major Arlene said:

are all products of their time and in fact serve as a time capsule; a glimpse into the way people enjoyed the game while injecting their own forms of humor into it.


There's your answer.

Edited by seed

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The actual problem with multiplayer is that nobody talks about the preservation and access of any asset at all, for a game named Eternal and related to Doom of all things.


I feel like Doom could have worked with some Tarantino or Platinum Games-esque direction where the game still has dark humor besides just the gore of violence, since Eternal seems to have a "my kids get to play it, but nobody can't say bad words" sort of thing.

Whenever i think of that part in the 2005 Doom movie where the Rock says "Big Fucking Gun" that seemed like something in the minds of 90's id and even something that Doomguy himself could have said in a very rare "silence breaking" moment.

Something that comes off "yeah, my grandma hates this game, so what".


For a similar reason, another thing that could have worked with Doomguy is a bigger emphasis on him being "Doomed" that neither the Doom 3 marine or Slayer have, like him having more "damage", specially on visuals and sounds.

Not trying to turn Doom into reboot Tomb Raider but something that actually makes him a bit closer to Berserk's Guts (not too close) and could be either used for drama or even comedy, like a scene where he looks heavily injured and some UAC nerd is like "mr Doomguy, are you hurt?" followed by Doomguy with an upset expression.

Or to make him look cool.

Just something that could work with Doom's DNA.


Also, to add more to my previous post and how this thread even exists: Doom is not a "painting" (at least not just that), it's rather a brush and canvas and that explains a lot of things.


I can't see anyone actually upset at the Doog easter egg unless it's because Youtubers that may not have much history with Doom are officially referenced in a Doom game, than like a popular modder or source port dev, due to the marketing around "Slayers" and all.

Maybe it's something to do with the nature of internet memes and how they age, even though the new Doom games themselves are based off memes.

Funny how there was an era where it was cool to hate rage comic fans which then lead to either cringe culture or ironic 2013 meme culture and how the process seems to bound around in some weird patterns and paths.

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@Komenja speaking of Doom 3's magazines, i'd pay good money for them if id decided to publish them but i guess two of them would be seen as politically incorrect nowadays :(

Edited by Deimos

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2 hours ago, The Strife Commando said:

The thing with Eternal was that it referenced a YouTuber.

Doom referenced Nine Inch Nails. And before you say it, no that is not different. 

Edited by Super Mighty G

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4 minutes ago, Super Mighty G said:

Doom referenced Nine Inch Nails. 

It's super subjective but not the same ballpark. I have no issue with references tho.

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Just now, Deimos said:

It's super subjective but not the same ballpark. I have no issue with references tho.

How is it subjective when "NIN" is sector drawn on the floor?

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1 minute ago, Super Mighty G said:

How is it subjective when "NIN" is sector drawn on the floor?

Because i love Nine inch nails ;)

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2 minutes ago, Super Mighty G said:

How is it subjective when "NIN" is sector drawn on the floor?


And nails ammo in Quake.

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