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Vanilla or custom assets


Custom or vanilla assets (that don't affect gameplay)  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you more likely to play a wad that uses custom or vanilla assets. Textures for example.

    • Vanilla
    • Custom

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EXAMPLE: Are you more likely to play a wad using something like the OTEX texture pack or vanilla?



Referring to assets like textures and sprites. Not anything that affects gameplay significantly.

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3 minutes ago, Rapp0ng said:

I love OTEX stuff, don't get me wrong. But my heart belongs to vanilla doom :)

Me too :)

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The vanilla wall textures are pretty good, but the flats are very bad with a few exceptions. Now my choice is OTEX (special thanks to Ukiro - you are a great man). I'm also waiting for a set of textures from BTSX - I really like them.

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Why does it matter ? As long as the map(s) are good (Play well, aren't ridiculously hard and/or unfair while not being specified as such, etc) I'd say that it's irrelevant whether or not there's any custom assets used and especially if they are similar in look and sound to the original sounds and graphics from Doom 1 & 2. The only reason it would matter is if the assets are really crappy but that's not really an issue caused just by the map(s) using any custom assets at all.

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I love the original doom assets as much as anyone else here, but custom assets can improve the looks of a wad, same when it comes to sprite replacements, as long as they don't look tacky or clash too much with Doom's aesthetic. A Zombieman sprite replacement that actually carries a pistol, a sprite replacement that replaces the old Wolf SS sprites so that it doesn't clash with the other former human sprites are welcome sights.

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Hard to pick really. I've played plain-jane vanilla mapsets that felt hardly different from the iwads and loved them, and I've played 100% total conversions where not one asset goes unchanged and loved those too. Really what I love most is something in the middle, new assets that still fit in with Doom's overall style, but I'm not picky at all.

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I like seeing a small amount of new textures used efficiently. So I don't care much for projects dripping with twenty different SUPPORT3 variations, and I don't care much for recolors either.

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It doesn't really come into the equation when picking a mapset to play, primarily because I go in blind, but I do see custom texture work as a bonus and nice to look at. 

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For Doom 1 or 2 i preffer mapsets with custom textures but for Heretic i preffer Vanilla textured maps (Weird i know)

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It's certainly possible to make great-looking things with vanilla textures -- Going Down is a masterful example of that, using only stock textures in most of the levels -- but unusual textures, things that look new, make screenshots more appealing and so get me more interested in trying out something.

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