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New Clippy map with all kinds of backpacks and stuff come on by!

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Backpacks amirite?


Ultra-Violence mode || GZDoom || Vanilla+



*Deaths: 0

*Saves: none








As is tradition, if Clippy uploads a map, I will always be present to test it, and this time, after having played it, it really seemed to me an interesting map, with a somewhat hard start, but then it ends up being a little easier to do. complete by many things that are taken into account, but before talking about the difficulty, I must first talk about the structure with which this map was created. The structure here seemed very interesting, with some things a little basic and without variation of innovative textures but that work well on the structures where they were placed, having from platforms to a large pool of water where you can walk throughout the map, with very small buildings, as they are also inside, but after advancing in progress, the area begins to expand little by little, although I can also say that this map stands out for having the last explorable area full of toxic water dangerous green, and also of having traps that go to crush the player when he wants to go through Medikits, but taking into account everything in general, the site looks fantastic, and even more so with that texture placed in the sky that makes us think that we are in a kind of space place with primitive architecture, something like that, haha.


Now we go with the difficulty, and as I said at the beginning, this map at the beginning gives you a really complicated decision, what will be your initial weapon apart from the pistol... in my case, I was carried away by a feeling that I had about the Super Shotgun, so I chose it, and with it I progressed throughout the map until then I had all the weapons in the final moments of the map, I really do not remember well the order I did to choose my weapons, but I will say that The second weapon that I chose after the Super Shotgun was the Cell weapon, but speaking about the enemies on the map, there is quite a variety of enemies, although not all the enemies of Doom 2 appear, the only exceptions there are are the disappearance of the Zombieman, the Shotgunner, and the Pain Elemental, because the enemies that do appear are from the Chaingunner to the Baron of Hell, and as the map presents them to you is really complicated, on many occasions it will be necessary to infighting with the demons to save precious ammunition, even in more extreme cases, you will only have to use your fist to kill some demons until you do not find the Chainsaw, which also implies that the map requires a lot of patience to be completed, because if you are a player who prefers to save the ammunition obtained than to spend it on killing demons, it is highly recommended that you have free time and a lot of patience to achieve the objective without wasting ammunition quickly, maximum that the process of obtaining all the weapons is very long, I suppose that is where the problem lies. Difficulty that this wad has, but speaking in general, the map was a bit entertaining, I was not bothered at any time by what was happening, even with the bad start I had, but what I did feel at times was boredom, at least see It was a bit of fun for monsters to kill themselves, but it was also very tedious to have to hide in one place to kill demons (Cacodemons in m i case) without having to spend many bullets due to the dangers that were ahead, but otherwise, it is a very good map, with enough potential that... I don't feel that it has worked very well here, but in order to Accounts achieved its objective, which was to entertain the player a lot.


As a last word, I will say that you have done a good job here Clippy, maybe I did not feel the fun that you expected the player to have when testing your map, and less with that surprise of putting 4 Archviles at the end of the level DUDE, but in truth I The wad entertained a lot, even more so with the collection of backpacks that were everywhere, it was one of the things that I liked about the map, so, you were good here, friend, and I will be waiting for new things that you get to publish in the future man.

Edited by ElPadrecitoCholo

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1 hour ago, Clippy said:

@plums botched tag Read above 


@Clippy I am dumb and don't know how to do tags.


Also, I think the corridor around the starting island is too narrow. It's fine to have to dodge enemies and make them infight to save ammo, but there's no room to dodge, which makes the start pretty frustrating.

Edited by Stabbey

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5 minutes ago, Stabbey said:


@Clippy I am dumb and don't know how to do tags.


Also, I think the corridor around the starting island is too narrow. It's fine to have to dodge enemies and make them infight to save ammo, but there's no room to dodge, which makes the start pretty frustrating.


I see you edited your post 


And you're probably right too but I think it's too late to redesign this without a major overhaul 🥴

Edited by Clippy
I'm dumb

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Great as always @Clippy.This is a concept that i have never seen applied to doom ever(like most of your maps).I love the fact that the map can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be. You can either start avoiding stronger guns and start with something like the shotgun or chaingun, or you can grab the bfg and blast through the map(not judging those who did so). I have enjoyed your maps so much that i reserved a save file with your name to play through them.

Keep it up :) 

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10 minutes ago, danidf96 said:

Great as always @Clippy.This is a concept that i have never seen applied to doom ever(like most of your maps).I love the fact that the map can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be. You can either start avoiding stronger guns and start with something like the shotgun or chaingun, or you can grab the bfg and blast through the map(not judging those who did so). I have enjoyed your maps so much that i reserved a save file with your name to play through them.

Keep it up :) 


Thank you so much buddy I think my idea well has been drained for the time being


but as somebody suggested in this thread I tried to compile all 15 maps I've made into one single file




It's probably all buggered up cuz I only just did it and never tested it haha

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3 hours ago, Clippy said:

I have too hard of a time trying to make maps compatible with anything besides gzDoom so I'm just going to stick with that to prevent giving myself a headache haha.

Hey I hope you don't mind but as a test/exercise I decided to convert your map to support other ports. Tested in PrBoom+ -complevel 2, Crispy Doom, etc.




The only gameplay change I made was to put block monster lines on the crushers, otherwise there's a risk of getting a ton of ghost monsters when the AVs teleport in there. I still got a few ghost demons, not sure where they came from, probably just got squished by some of the moving geometry. Had to resize/palettize some graphics (you still get the full colour sky in GZDoom, also I fixed it so it tiles better), add linedef tags to a bunch of stuff, fix a few places where activation linedefs were too close, and replaced the mp3 with the midi version (great track by @Eris Falling indeed!); all in all not too much work -- for someone that knows what they're doing :)


Also includes a demo of me beating it in ~15 mins; I played **horribly** but when you know where all the secrets are there's tons of health so it didn't matter much. LMK if want to watch the demo but can't figure out how to play it. (On your PC I mean, I know nothing about Doom on mobile.)


Also yeah tags kind of suck on this board since you have to select them and can't just type them normally. :(

Edited by plums

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6 minutes ago, plums said:

Hey I hope you don't mind but as a test/exercise I decided to convert your map to support other ports. Tested in PrBoom+ -complevel 2, Crispy Doom, etc.




The only gameplay change I made was to put block monster lines on the crushers, otherwise there's a risk of getting a ton of ghost monsters when the AVs teleport in there. I still got a few ghost demons, not sure where they came from, probably just got squished by some of the moving geometry. Had to resize/palettize some graphics (you still get the full colour sky in GZDoom, also I fixed it so it tiles better), add linedef tags to a bunch of stuff, fix a few places where activation linedefs were too close, and replaced the mp3 with the midi version (great track by @Eris Falling indeed!); all in all not too much work -- for someone that knows what they're doing :)


Also includes a demo of me beating it in ~15 mins; I played **horribly** but when you know where all the secrets are there's tons of health so it didn't matter much. LMK if want to watch the demo but can't figure out how to play it. (On your PC I mean, I know nothing about Doom on mobile.)


Also yeah tags kind of suck on this board since you have to select them and can't just type them normally. :(


Oh wow you didn't have to do all that buddy but thank you I put your link in the original post as well


Right now I'm trying to work this 15 maps compilation so all the textures work and stuff wish me luck haha



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2 hours ago, Clippy said:





I'm just trying to show you guys that I was able to compile the wad but I'm having a terrible time trying to tag you all


also some of the visuals in the world have changed some of the maps but I don't care anymore


Ftrying to post on here on the phone is frustrating



@Soulless @BluePineapple72

How many resource packs have you used for the various levels? You’ll need to include them in the compilation (you can see how to do this in the pandemonium file, but I can walk you through it later)

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1 minute ago, BluePineapple72 said:

How many resource packs have you used for the various levels? You’ll need to include them in the compilation (you can see how to do this in the pandemonium file, but I can walk you through it later)


Sent you a PM - I have clippyworld.wad if you want to look inside  - so far there is only 2 maps that look wrong

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13 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

That all being said, no doubt plenty of our hardcore Doomers will love it. In fact, oi @Bridgeburner56 stick this in your pipe and smoke it, you handsome renegade.

I will grab the extra thicc pipe

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13 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

Sweet buttery Christ, and I thought 2 Cyberdemons was difficult. You've outdone yourself yet again, mate. Mind you, I found this one less fun and more of just an endurance test, if I'm being honest. Your creativity and out-of-the-box methods remains strong and I really love the concept, but the combat was just really overwhelming and draining for me personally.



That all being said, no doubt plenty of our hardcore Doomers will love it. In fact, oi @Bridgeburner56 stick this in your pipe and smoke it, you handsome renegade.


Oh my goodness


I finally had time to watch this and I got to tell you it is the greatest thing I have ever seen in my life. 


I'm so sorry for my torment but everything about this map and what happened to you really really amused me. I had tears in my eyes laughing and I was laughing at how evil I realized I am. 


From you getting crushed grabbing health and calling it charming 😂 to all the other misfortunes you've encountered. If something bad could happen to you because of my design it happened. 


Oh my goodness when you were running up the stairs and you teleported to that quiet room. I nearly pissed myself laughing. You were like thank goodness a reprieve. Only to walk right back out into the chaos. That really was a sinister thing for me to do and your reaction to it was gold


Right down to you struggling to pick up stimpaks from trees that were way close together, another asshole move on my part. I can't control how the cacodemons work but boy were they against you in this run. Then getting blown up just before you could pick up the BFG and dying next to it


And then you went to the candle ledge that I set as a damaging floor and that got you too. Oh my goodness every evil little thing I did in this map got to you. 


it was just glorious to watch I'm serious I had more amusement watching this than anything I've done in quite some time. I've been putting way too much energy and time into making maps and I've kind of been pushing myself too thin and this was the break that I needed to like really like have a good time


I'm telling you man I I've never enjoyed a video as much as anything I've watched in years this was the best thing ever and I thank you so much for the entertainment buddy


I really appreciate you taking the time to record this and power through 40 minutes of torture. You're a champ and a legend my friend. Your commentary had me rolling on the floor. 

Edited by Clippy
I have tears in my eyes. Tears of joy

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I've checked out some of the videos uploaded of this map so far, such as Hak's and Bios' to see this was entertaining to watch.  As an aspiring mapper myself, your maps are interesting and make me think of completely different things I can do, and have mad respect for you for thinking outside the box.

I will admit that I get a little intimidated by the longer maps, but I will most certainly let you know if I get through it.

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3 minutes ago, Kyukon said:

I've checked out some of the videos uploaded of this map so far, such as Hak's and Bios' to see this was entertaining to watch.  As an aspiring mapper myself, your maps are interesting and make me think of completely different things I can do, and have mad respect for you for thinking outside the box.

I will admit that I get a little intimidated by the longer maps, but I will most certainly let you know if I get through it.


Thanks buddy, all my maps always have difficulty settings too so don't be afraid to step down because I went a little hardcore on UV. I have yet to see Hak's video I hope to watch it tonight!


This map isn't so much long as it's jam packed which seems to be my style haha


If you have at er have fun and thanks for the comments!

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On 10/27/2020 at 2:08 PM, Clippy said:


I see you edited your post 


And you're probably right too but I think it's too late to redesign this without a major overhaul 🥴


You could slide the lowering wall sections over by 32 units. It wouldn't look perfectly symmetrical, but it's the simplest thing to do.


As for major overhauls, I am up to version 2.09 of "More Tricks and Traps than you Require". Version 1 had a huge section that I completely cut out to make into Map05, so I had to rework the entire northern part of the map, and that was before the version you played. I've made a ton of changes from the version you played, such as:

  • getting rid of most of the autosave lines from areas that players could potentially be in combat when crossing
  • reworking the Mancubus/Sladwall trap to teleport most of them away for later
  • making the maze visible on the automap, and the area after the maze invisible
  • adding enemies to the maze
  • removing most of the empty rooms from the Megasphere section
  • improving the combat in the arena which follows
  • A design rework to the red key section
  • reworks to combat/weapon balance in the Blue Key Palace section
  • Simplifying the way out of the invisible wall trap section.
  • The red key arch-vile trap is no longer an easily avoidable fight.
  • ...and so on.

All of that took time and effort, but it made a better map.




That secret on the column by the teleporter is really hard to find, given that it's on the ceiling.




Also, I don't know what your next gimmick will be, but I'm calling "dibs" on "the only weapon provided is the BFG".

Edited by Stabbey

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GLBoom+, complevel 9: backpack.rar 


All I didn't understand was how to get those two lifts to work as you'll see in the video. Otherwise, I had a lot of fun honestly. A good combination of tactics and art and I do really love tactical fights like the one we're supported with here. Playing it with "lower tier" source ports is really challenging, because cacodemons become a lot more of a threat. In fact when the harvest of those GMO-tomatoes appeared was maybe the part that gave me most problems. All I wished was to get to a berserk earlier on so that I can waste less ammo on lost souls and pinkies. 


Overall, 10/10. Nothing to complain. I guess I missed one secret after not figurig out how those work - maybe they don't work outside of ZDoom at all, same as the title and intermission screen. At least I could play the map, record it and give some opinion. Great and very fun! 

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6 minutes ago, spd7693 said:

GLBoom+, complevel 9: backpack.rar 


All I didn't understand was how to get those two lifts to work as you'll see in the video. Otherwise, I had a lot of fun honestly. A good combination of tactics and art and I do really love tactical fights like the one we're supported with here. Playing it with "lower tier" source ports is really challenging, because cacodemons become a lot more of a threat. In fact when the harvest of those GMO-tomatoes appeared was maybe the part that gave me most problems. All I wished was to get to a berserk earlier on so that I can waste less ammo on lost souls and pinkies. 


Overall, 10/10. Nothing to complain. I guess I missed one secret after not figurig out how those work - maybe they don't work outside of ZDoom at all, same as the title and intermission screen. At least I could play the map, record it and give some opinion. Great and very fun! 


Thank you for playing. Unfortunately as I only have Gzdoom I cant get yours or @plums lmp files to play. I always feel bad cause occasionally I get these and can't view em. Much prefer to watch vids on youtube cause it's easier to access 


Glad you had fun, which lifts are you referencing ?

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@Clippy just for you bud (video is low resolution, and a bit glitchy, sorry):



BTW if you want to play lmp files it's real easy, you just need PrBoom+. I'll walk you through it if you want.


@spd7693 I converted the map to limit-removing/complevel 2 earlier in the thread, too bad you missed it. I tried playing your demo but it desynced for me, might have to change some compatibility options, will give it another shot later.



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3 minutes ago, plums said:

@Clippy just for you bud (video is low resolution, and a bit glitchy, sorry):



BTW if you want to play lmp files it's real easy, you just need PrBoom+. I'll walk you through it if you want.


@spd7693 I converted the map to limit-removing/complevel 2 earlier in the thread, too bad you missed it. I tried playing your demo but it desynced for me, might have to change some compatibility options, will give it another shot later.




Thank you so much buddy this will give me something to watch later


Thanks for the offer but I don't think I'll get anything else besides gzDoom 


It seems like it's very hard to view these type of demos because not only do you have to have each Source Port but you have to have the correct version playing the correct file etc. As you just mentioned the demo you tried to watch didn't sync properly. I'm not smart enough for this stuff haha


I wasn't expecting you to actually put it on YouTube but I really appreciate it thank you

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@plums okay I had time to watch that after all cuz it was really short and super impressive 


You made that look easy bro. That was a treat to watch thank you so much!

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28 minutes ago, Clippy said:

@plums okay I had time to watch that after all cuz it was really short and super impressive 


You made that look easy bro. That was a treat to watch thank you so much!

Heh, thanks. It took about a dozen attempts to get that run, had a lot of luck on that one so it went well.


As far as lmps, all you really need is PrBoom+. Usually things sync fine, spd7639's demo probably didn't because he used your map that wasn't exactly made for PrBoom+, so he had to enable a bunch of compatibility options to make it run. Anyhow not trying to bully you into getting it, so no worries.

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Well, if someobody tells me how I can convert those LMP's so that I can post them on YouTube or give me some tutorial on OBS for recording, I might finally start doing that. I mean, how to set it. I recorded a few videos with OBS, but they all turned out either skippy or even froze on the first frame. But anyways. There is nothing wrong with having PRBoom+ (GLBoom+ comes together with it.) Basically you can just open them only to watch videos and I have an older version, but have watched videos recorded with a newer version. Just telling that you shouldn't worry about versions, complevels, etc if you wanna just watch. BUT!!! I did have problems getting it to work on my Lenovo the first time I installed it. It needed like a few weeks. So you still have a point. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Giving this a bump - haven't really been around my computer for 1-2 weeks...was able to play this for only a moment yesterday, and will post again when I have time to play the entire map. I liked what I played so far, super challenging and I felt like the map was definitely messing with me and springing gotcha traps all over the place. 

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30 minutes ago, hjordan159 said:

Giving this a bump - haven't really been around my computer for 1-2 weeks...was able to play this for only a moment yesterday, and will post again when I have time to play the entire map. I liked what I played so far, super challenging and I felt like the map was definitely messing with me and springing gotcha traps all over the place. 

Gotcha traps! That's my jam bro lol. I had a lot of fun with this one and your map with all those backpacks inspired this one. I really want to make a map full of backpacks and that actually led to the pick your weapon idea since I realized I need a special way to implement weapons when I'm only handing out backpacks. Thanks for having a look!

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