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what.bex | Question your faith.

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what.bex is the true lord of lords, the ultimate king, one .bex to rule them all...


Witness a fraction of the power held within what.bex!






A single MBF Extended DeHackEd file holds all the power in the infiniverse.


Doomworld, I bring you what.bex.







what.bex was named after the level What?! from my failed megawad Waves of the Undead. Originally made for a non-jokewad map called Down in Downtown, I experimented in making sentient barrels. I ended up deciding to make an entire "gameplay mod", which is now known as what.bex. Enjoy.


Edited by AtticTelephone

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I'm a bit confused on how this works. It just made most zombies and imps die with a single pistol shot and makes shotgun zombies crash my gzdoom.

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6 minutes ago, Ribo Zurai said:

I'm a bit confused on how this works. It just made most zombies and imps die with a single pistol shot and makes shotgun zombies crash my gzdoom.

Don't play it on GZDoom, use PRBoom+ for maximum effect.

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1 minute ago, AtticTelephone said:

Don't play it on GZDoom, use PRBoom+ for maximum effect.


Yeah I managed to get it to run there and jesus christ

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Just now, Ribo Zurai said:


Yeah I managed to get it to run there and jesus christ

Can you not describe the experience of encountering the 666th layer of hell in .bex format?

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1 hour ago, HQDefault said:

This looks like if Vinny Vinesauce did a corruptions video for Doom.


I wonder if he ever did that...

he made corruptions of doom snes port a while back.

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Oh, I should also talk about the functions.


  • Archviles have 1 health.
  • Barrels are alive.
  • Revenant rockets do negative damage.
  • Zombiemen are immortal and shoot revenant rockets.
  • Imps are weaker, and explode.
  • Shotgunners, they just gib more.
  • Demons can resurrect themselves.
  • I don’t remember what specters do.
  • Cacodemons have 1000 health and are on auto fire.
  • Revenants are the same as Cacodemons but don’t have 1000 health.
  • I can’t remember the other stuff.
Edited by AtticTelephone

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Played on MBF. Segmentation Violation


Played on PrBoom. WTF


Played on GZDoom. The negative damage doesnt exists, but WTF


Played on Eternity, The negative damage exists but no visual glitches. Equally, WTF


So, the flashing colors is because the negative damage, right? The engine tries to tint red the view with positive damage, more damage is more red-tinting, when does negative damage makes glitches with the colormap.


Nice discover, i will use it on any boom compatible wad that i will make.

Edited by URROVA

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12 hours ago, Pseudonaut said:

Is it compatible with Brutal Doom?

yes; but you have to load them both in PrBoom+.

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On 10/26/2020 at 4:15 AM, AtticTelephone said:

Oh, I also should've warned you guys, it crashes a lot, and I mean a LOT.

*Laughs in WooF engine*


Yeah for some reason WooF is able to handle this with little to no crashes at all and still gives the funky effects.

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I took a step ahead: renamed it to .deh, made it at least Crispy compatible. Very similar behavior as far as I've played, except for the crashes, it seems more stable.


lilith.wad confirmed

Edited by Alaux

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  • 1 year later...
On 10/25/2020 at 11:02 PM, AtticTelephone said:

what.bex is the true lord of lords, the ultimate king, one .bex to rule them all...


Witness a fraction of the power held within what.be




A single MBF Extended DeHackEd file holds all the power in the infiniverse.


Doomworld, I bring you what.bex.






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what.bex was named after the level What?! from my failed megawad Waves of the Undead. Originally made for a non-jokewad map called Down in Downtown, I experimented in making sentient barrels. I ended up deciding to make an entire "gameplay mod", which is now known as what.bex. Enjoy.


I smell burnt toast

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