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What difficulty do you play Doom on?

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30 minutes ago, Clippy said:


This map coming soon is prolly my hardest one yet, short and deadly on all settings


I been wanting to make a nice easy going map but I don't think I have it in me LOL


Haha...same here...I've only conditioned you with the Bloodbath maps I gave you so far...


There's been some controversy with high-difficulty maps. To some it seems like that's all people make and don't often make maps accessible to even beginner players. Some people want to find mapsets that are closer to the IWADs in difficulty and length, which is kind of what I did with my first WAD, and it proves difficult to find. Which I understand. I might make something easier in the future if I do another set.

Edited by Dunn & Dunn

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1 hour ago, Dunn & Dunn said:


Haha...same here...I've only conditioned you with the Bloodbath maps I gave you so far...


There's been some controversy with high-difficulty maps. To some it seems like that's all people make and don't often make maps accessible to even beginner players. Some people want to find mapsets that are closer to the IWADs in difficulty and length, which is kind of what I did with my first WAD, and it proves difficult to find. Which I understand. I might make something easier in the future if I do another set.


Yeah it's a tricky road - it's fun to be challenged but it's also sometimes fun to kick back with some easy maps and relax


Your new maps were challenging in a fun way. It's nice to be challenged if the challenge is possible and not unfair or relies on luck purely. My maps are often grindy and I don't mean for them to be but apparently ppl don't like to SSG monsters all day like I do :P

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For user-made wads I've started sticking closer to HMP. I do like being challenged, I'm just not great at Doom.


I think Doom is at its best when it allows for players to experience and find solutions for "oh shit" moments. So the key is finding that balance where the players says "oh shit" as often as they say "hell yeah."


If your ratio is 100 "oh shit"s to 0 "heall yeah"s then we have a problem.

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  • 1 year later...



dont listen to the people complaining about how this thread ostensibly gets posted every few months and such instead of politely responding with an actual reply to your question, if things were their way Doomworld would’ve died years ago.

Edited by Zerodelta

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On 1/16/2021 at 3:50 AM, Dunn (& Dunn) said:

There's been some controversy with high-difficulty maps.

Tuning down difficult maps with many arena fights is a massive pain in the ass. Unless you have a HMP/HNTR playtester otherwise you're never gonna know if it's too difficult or too boring.

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Thanks for reviving this - what a time that was, when I had no idea what I was about to play and make in the following few months. lmao


Difficulty balancing on setpieces is definitely tough - how do you make it just as engaging on lower difficulties without it being too hard or insultingly easy?

All up to you as the creator.

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I always tend to play on UV. Probably not a good idea, played DiE MAP01 and it kicked my ass, took me over 2 hours to complete (with saves ofc)

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I normally start a map-set at HMP because I think 'medium' difficulty is the best place to start most of the time.

If the wad turns out to be too difficult for me at that point I turn the difficulty down to HNTR and if I really liked the map-set I might play through the whole thing on HMP again. If it's easier than expected I might also turn it up to UV. I think that's one of the great things about well implemented difficulties: You can have multiple experiences of the same wad but with a different taste )with different spiciness!) each time.

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UV, unless it's a slaughter wad, in which case i play on the "do not download that wad" difficulty!

Edited by Zaxxon

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On 3/5/2022 at 12:25 AM, Dunn (& Dunn) said:

Thanks for reviving this - what a time that was, when I had no idea what I was about to play and make in the following few months. lmao


Difficulty balancing on setpieces is definitely tough - how do you make it just as engaging on lower difficulties without it being too hard or insultingly easy?

All up to you as the creator.


Replace all the viles and revenants with hell knights, no one will ever notice. Also maybe remove the lost souls and cyberdemons.

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On 10/27/2020 at 1:04 AM, GraphicBleeder said:

For me, my preference is UV unless it's something like a slaughter map or Plutonia, but I'd like to hear your guys preference's for the difficulty.

Always my preference is "I am too young to die", because i don't like hard difficulties.


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I put up a thread recently where I announced I'll play unfamiliar wads in HMP difficulty from thereon onwards.


That has happened only partly. Any wad that has a reputation of being hard, I've played on HMP, such as Ancient Aliens. Others, even if they are modern, it's been bit random. Cydonia I've been playing on UV, DBP: Morbid Autumn I started on HMP but switched to UV quickly. Community Chest 1 I've been playing on HMP, but only because I have such low expectations that I don't want to struggle with it any more than I have to in case the difficulty curve is inconsistent and discontinuous.


Wads that have the reputation of being really hard (Sunlust, Fractured Worlds, of the sort, you know) I play on HNTR. I still stand by my announced principle of not defaulting to UV by habit, but rather start with a lower difficulty and ramp it up if I feel like it.

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Always UV, I don't like to miss out on some monsters and I have a feeling that most of the maps don't really pay as much attention to lower difficulties as UV when it comes to monster placement.

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7 minutes ago, StrangerRanger said:

Always UV, I don't like to miss out on some monsters and I have a feeling that most of the maps don't really pay as much attention to lower difficulties as UV when it comes to monster placement.

Funny because UV in Doom 2 has multiple monsters stuck in walls or each other.

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I could've sworn I replied in a thread about this very topic, guess it wasn't this thread.


Anyways, if I'm uncertain as to how difficult a map or mapset is supposed to be, I'll pick HMP and see how things go.  If a map or mapset has a reputation for being extremely difficult, I'll bump it down to HNTR.  If I'm replaying a map or mapset I've beaten before on HMP & found it very manageable, I'll try UV.


I do not enjoy being stuck at the same part of ANY game for hours on end, I'll likely drop it & go do something else if that happens.  This does make things a bit awkward for something like Doom which I believe needs some challenge to be enjoyable due to how it's designed.  I'm looking for enough of a challenge so I'm not bored, but I don't want the game to utterly stonewall me with a challenge that requires hours, days or maybe even weeks of practice in extreme cases.

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I tend to "UV or nothing" but make exceptions for if another difficulty is the "intended" difficulty, though I will attempt UV for a while and if it is too difficult then I will lower to Hurt Me plenty if that was the inteded difficulty otherwise I'll save that wad for later. Does mean I don't go lower than UV if UV was the intended difficulty so some wads are for now off limits to me and my limited skill.

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If it's one of the IWADs or an oldschool PWAD, UV. For anything modern I have no shame in admitting that I always just go HMP as I automatically assume UV will be ridiculously tough. I just don't have enough free time these days to spend the parts I can devote to Doom-playing slogging through five million enemies per level.

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