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Arachnotron turns into ham when it dies?

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I'd have assumed the brown bit was the brain stem, myself, given the appearance of the monster. It does look decidedly like a ham though, you're not wrong.

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29 minutes ago, plums said:

Quite the opposite; what you think of as "ham" in real life has actually been mechanical spider meat this whole time.

And what we have beneath our skin is actually revenants!!

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Now that it occurs to me, I do wonder if the Arachnotron's whole head is its brain or if its brain is housed inside that dome.

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4 hours ago, DOEL said:

always saw it that way

I was actually expecting more people to share this view lol

Same here

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When I was small, I thought that the pink part of it's corpse was a big, otherwise unseen tongue. Only realized years later that it was the part of it's face that's still attached to the legs.


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3 hours ago, bobstremglav said:

Arachnotron was an impostor

Cyber looking sus not gonna lie.

The newest meme mapset can be a microwave with a plate and a Dead Jam on the center.

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8 minutes ago, jamondemarnatural said:

Cyber looking sus not gonna lie.

The newest meme mapset can be a microwave with a plate and a Dead Jam on the center.

Zombie man: Archvile where you was

Archvile: at refuleinmg bas of curs

Chaingunner: You lie, I saw you at circle of death

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14 minutes ago, jamondemarnatural said:

Cyber looking sus not gonna lie.

Between, what is background story of cyberdemon? How they are created?

I have question. Original name of pinky is demon, right?

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24 minutes ago, bobstremglav said:

Between, what is background story of cyberdemon? How they are created?

I have question. Original name of pinky is demon, right?


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Name of cyberdemon (cyberDEMON) make me feel like he is adult and upgraded form of demon...or pinkie. Because only they named as just simple "demon", while everybody other have cooler name

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3 minutes ago, bobstremglav said:

Name of cyberdemon (cyberDEMON) make me feel like he is adult and upgraded form of demon...or pinkie. Because only they named as just simple "demon", while everybody other have cooler name


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