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Wrote song that garnered like 7m plays on Spotify


Also quit smoking and drinking... That was the hardest thing I've done

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Finally transitioning after 8 long years of personal struggles, fear and doubt, probably.


In terms of Doom stuff, making my very first fully original gameplay mod that people enjoy and praise, and with it finally opening a big window into my personal lore that for the longest time I wished I could expose my friends to in a nicely entertaining way.

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I lost 45 pounds a year ago. Unfortunately I gained it all back when I went through a low phase in my life. I'm back on a regimen now and I am sure I can do it again, and keep it off for good. 

Edited by paturn

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2 hours ago, paturn said:

I am sure I can do it again, and keep it off for good


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On 12/19/2020 at 7:08 PM, paturn said:

I lost 45 pounds a year ago. Unfortunately I gained it all back when I went through a low phase in my life. I'm back on a regimen now and I am sure I can do it again, and keep it off for good. 


Talk to me privately and I will give you some great tips.  Assuming you arent diabetic, hypoglycemic, or have any other dietary conditions.

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  • 2 years later...
12 hours ago, ArianneMcdermott said:

Sorry for bumping guys! 

Liked this thread. What about recent years? What have you achieve during 2022?


You are right, this is a great possitive Threat :)

- Not being rich, but having absolutly no Money Problems and my only Owe to the Bank is my Apartment.

- Having a new Job Position, were i don't have to kill my Body slowly with hard Work any longer

- Being married

- Having a Baby

- Still being playful and not a boring Person (i just don't understand People that give up everything funny).

- Having raised my Cats right, they're so social and lovely, following me on every Step.


- Not being in a teenage self finding phase, everone gets into this, but seemingly some never find a way out of this mental phase.

Some of the Stuff Marcus Aurelius wrote would have helped me to have Answers i answered myself being answered faster.


Hmm, Answer is a strange Word.

Next Goal - Loosing the Pounds i've got the last two Years again.
Lazyness and being over 30 sums up the Weight :D

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smoking a natural american spirit cigarette in under 7 minutes

staying off of cigarettes (8 months so far). hope it stays like that till my time's up. the act of quitting nicotine was what was simple or "easy", the real challenge is not feeding that (or any) addiction once again. i was at a point where i was prioritizing that chemical over food. shit still invades my dreams at least once a week.

other than that: staying alive

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Having a relationship that isn't toxic and mutually destructive, for once.


Giving up smoking - though now I just vape all the time instead, at least its better than smoking. Tastes a lot better too, no more tobacco mouth.


Playing music on stages a thousand miles away from home.


And actually, getting into mapping for Doom - something I previously assumed was just beyond me. That's my solo creative outlet. 

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  • 2 months later...

Been able to play my music live. Becoming a father and much more.


But most importantly I still drive my "Mad Stuff for Doom 2" car. That car turns 23 this year.


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I passed my driving test and own a car, it is actually almost exactly as liberating as everyone tells you, I can go where I want and not have to rely on public transit anymore.


I also left my miserable job for something less soul destroying and have improved drastically in the mental health department because of such, I've even been able to rekindle my original creative spirit because of this.


Major turn around.

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