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Ascent of Titan (A NaNoWADMo 2020 project) - Anniversary Edition

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Excellent mapset. Really makes me want to play more ZDoom-based WADs with room-over-room. I have a feeling some would prefer more challenge on UV but I did enjoy a relatively stress-free playthrough for a change.

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Thanks so much for the topic revival :) I have a slightly revised version that I completely forgot to do anything with, and will make sure I revive and submit it!

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51 minutes ago, DavidN said:

Thanks so much for the topic revival :) I have a slightly revised version that I completely forgot to do anything with, and will make sure I revive and submit it!


Nice! I'm very glad to see these maps get a second life, I wish I noticed them sooner!


So I played map 3 and finally got dead. I got ate by pinkies and outsmarted by a revenant. These maps are getting more challenging when pistol start is involved - I really dig them. I especially like the secrets, a lot of ppl don't put much time or care into them but you craft them well and they are there in abundance. I'm especially glad I found the SSG because I fell for the fake exit bit, that would have been MUCH harder without it. This was probably my favourite yet - the cool lighting and design and the caves and that cryptic red monument to a super enemy I assume I'll fight later.


Also did you train my cat Conky to be a jerk while playing your maps, he seems to be worse then I play these ones haha - this time he knocked a whole box of treats down and opened an illegal kitty buffet I had to deal with during the game!


PS video is still processing I can't wait to see what happens next



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It's a GZDoom thing, you can specify a map background, colours, etc... having said that, I don't remember putting any of this customization into Ascent of Titan! Are you maybe loading another mod alongside it?

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Good morning I just played map 4. Man these maps are incredible and so well put together. I'm very glad I'm playing with pistol start it's definitely making it a fun challenge. I'm very excited to have also found all the secrets thank you for the computer area map! 





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  • 2 weeks later...

Great times as always - I can always rely on you to deliver a fun experience to the player



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1 hour ago, sectrslayr said:

It seems you where surprised about how the first level of Quake 1 works. 😉


lol me? Was that what the bonus level was?  No I never played quake I'm pure doom guy

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  • 2 weeks later...

Most fun map I played tonight - really enjoy it - big archvile thing still confuses me - the ice theme and areas were top notch I loved em



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey there I'm still playing this and I glad I am because this might have been my favorite map I had a lot of fun


I got a little bit mixed up trying to find the red key though but what a great game play. Very in-depth map with a lot of different places to go cool stuff




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I played the first two maps and really enjoyed them. I find it difficult to give you feedback because you are the one who thought me most things about doom modding :). The maps had good encounters a great layout and a really nice aesthetic. I cant wait to play the rest of them! I found some misalignments in the maps and punched at the so you can see them. I know this isn't that much but I still hope you found it usefull.


map 01:



map 02:



I absolutely loved the music! You told me you made music for doom. Did you make this? I would love to use this music it really is awesome. I am listening at it right now :)

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Wow! This mapset is as good as anything in Freedoom and Doom for map quality and progression. I just found a new favorite to recommend to people looking for amazing classic style mapsets.

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There was a room with 2 teleporters and 2 switches. I think there should be some chanage there cause I thought I was stuck. You have to get teleported somewhere and then you need to walk back in to the teleporter you just teleported from which is really confusing in my opinion. For the rest good jog! great map again.

Edited by azerty

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I finally finished these maps can you believe it? The last map was very interesting I liked the big tall Archie with the health bar. I think I beat it much earlier than intended but I played a few more times cuz I was having so much fun killing that big guy. Great times! 




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Ultimate Doom Builder can do it! It’s under File > Export. Then I added the border and grid backdrop for each of them.

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I just beat this on HMP and this wad is so gorgeous and beautifully balanced. This is my new favorite to recommend to people. Just made my top fave all time faves.


The puzzles are a good and not super hard, but just right enough to keep your interest. The map layouts are stellar. That boss fight in the end is WHAT DOOM 2 SHOULD HAVE BEEN. That last map was absolute perfection for having 2 endings and the option to retry right then and there. This is a 10/10 episode on all fronts. 

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I always love this kind of maps! Searching keys to open a bid door, Good stuff. The layout in this map really was incredible the map always ended up in a area you already visited and I always knew what to do.


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I did it! It took me some time to know what to do to get the good end. This isn't my first attempt to get the good ending. To get the bad ending I recorded my first playthrough and thought it was a lot of fun. It really intrigued me when I saw I got the bad ending so I played a lot and finally got both endings. It was really fun to kill that big archvile and I hope I can play more of your maps in the future.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Updated the original post with an anniversary edition V1.1 release, available from https://davidxn.itch.io/ascent-of-titan ! Why do a rerelease this late on? Because in 2021 I enjoyed watching everyone's feedback videos, took comments on board, enhanced the difficulty, rearranged some challenges a bit... and then completely forgot to release it anywhere. Have fun belatedly :)


The strategy guide is now available at http://files.teamouse.net/doom/wads/ascentoftitan/strategyguide.pdf





Edited by DavidN

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  • 2 months later...

Finally took the time to play through the whole mapset. Really good.


I am especially impressed by the secret level! Easily my favorite recreation of that map in GZDoom.

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Really cool episode. Glad I found the secret level and the reward for getting there was pretty sweet. Can't say I enjoyed the two occasions that the boss showed up and bullied me without me being able to bully him back ;) Took me a bit to see the 'immune' text. Loved that there were two endings and getting the good one surely is much tougher. The use of coloured lightning and slopes was quite good, but in the cave sections it could have been used better/more. Really well done!

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@DavidN In MAP07, I see that there is a hidden soulsphere in the narrow sewers-like tunnels (near Blue E on the strategy guide map), yet it is not listed as a secret. How do I get it without cheating?


Anyway, the final fight is pretty neat and a much-welcome improvement over the classic Icon of Sin fight. Thank you!

Edited by Rudolph

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On 4/22/2022 at 10:23 AM, Rudolph said:

@DavidN In MAP07, I see that there is a hidden soulsphere in the narrow sewers-like tunnels (near Blue E on the strategy guide map), yet it is not listed as a secret. How do I get it without cheating?


Hmm! I opened it up and I have no idea - this map changed hands a bit before it made it into this episode so it might have been a BillGuy thing that I overlooked and never made an entrance to! Consider it cutting room floor material ;)


Thanks to all for the appreciation for the secret level - it took me bloody ages ;)

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