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The Dean of Doom series (companion thread)

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I dont know how to feel about this, I think the joke goes on for a bit too long.  I dont understand the jabs at titanfall 2. 

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Brilliant episode.  10/10.  It also reminded me that I never played past Map 20 during my own playthrough because I decided to stubbornly "beat all maps on UV, saveless, and from pistol start", and I just kinda... never beat Map 20 before moving on to other things.

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2 hours ago, MemeMind said:

I dont know how to feel about this, I think the joke goes on for a bit too long.  I dont understand the jabs at titanfall 2. 

Maybe I'm missing something, but this felt like a big jab at Doom and a sloppy wet kiss for Titanfall 2, lmfao

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A wad review with no added rules that could potentially hamper good maps to becoming Cs and Ds?


Delinquent is my Vibe.


Edited by jazzmaster9

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From the description:


Note from MtPain: In case you were wondering, I did not put the Delinquent up to this.

IDK if this is just lore, or if the Delinquent's va just went rouge for fun.


Either way: lul

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At first i though Mtpain27 was going to end the series with sunlust. But when i was watching, delinquent came out and "played" it. I mean it made me laugh a bit but it is sad that delinquent is leaving to go play modern fps games, well i guess old doom isn't for everyone i guess.


Now if you will y'all excuse me, i go more shovel ware maps to finish crafting to present to the teacher.

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>plays on default compat in gzdoom
>uses brutal doom

>leaves particle effects and decals on


Delinquent is every Doom video by a non-Doom YouTube channel I've seen, ever. Points for not leaving bilinear filtering on, though. 


Real talk; enjoyable video. Obviously not meant to be a 100% serious thing but it's interesting getting to see insight on Doom from someone who's not a big follower on it.

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eh, fine episode. i'm with everyone saying the joke went on a little too long, however i do love the moment at 22:39 where Delinquent calls Mt. Pain about Brutal Doom, and then still gets his shit kicked in.

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8 hours ago, nerdybunny said:

>plays on default compat in gzdoom
>uses brutal doom

>leaves particle effects and decals on


Delinquent is every Doom video by a non-Doom YouTube channel I've seen, ever. Points for not leaving bilinear filtering on, though. 


Real talk; enjoyable video. Obviously not meant to be a 100% serious thing but it's interesting getting to see insight on Doom from someone who's not a big follower on it.

I kinda like bilinear filtering though. Not sure why, just looks pleasing for me I guess.

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I kinda wish we had gotten a real Sunlust episode, provided the good Dean would get a promotion to a professor of Doom and keep on giving wad reviews. In any case, I really need to take on Sunlust myself sooner rather than later.

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On 1/1/2023 at 8:48 PM, MemeMind said:

I dont know how to feel about this, I think the joke goes on for a bit too long.  I dont understand the jabs at titanfall 2. 

They weren't jabs at all. The Delinquent prefers modern shooters so rather than talk about something he hates like Doom, he started talking about something he considers good I.E Titanfall.


I actually thought it was quite funny. Maybe since The Delinquent has tried classic Doom, The Dean should try reviewing a modern shooter.

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1 hour ago, Jimmy said:

Some nice words well put


I think for me what's special about the Dean is that he puts into words, so eloquently, the kind of feelings that I've long held but often either lacked the vocabulary to express, or would feel a bit too self-conscious in doing so because of how personal to me I think they are. I'm personally not too tied to The Mucus Flow, only because I've played it maybe twice and a long time ago at that, but when he speaks about Toxic Touch, Misri Halek or Grove (some examples of my own transformative Doom experiences)....it resonates, and recalls bittersweet emotions and memories within my own individual context.


You can feel the visceral, oppressive tension of The Mucus Flow in this video, and the Dean's rawness and honesty of emotion here is compelling. In my often jaded, world-weary eyes, that's really refreshing and sometimes I feel like I've lost something of those feelings with the passing of time and all that entails. They came back in full force at the end of this video. I need to go revisit this map properly.


I cut this post down a fair bit, and still feel like I'm rambling. I'm never entirely sure how much sense I'm making, to be honest! =p but, I want to thank both yourself and @MtPain27 for encouraging a moment of reflection. 

Edited by Somniac

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Some pieces of art can have a huge impact on a person. I think your life situation at that time really gives it the impact.

This is not very doom related so feel free to skip it. 


When I was considering moving abroad after finishing school, Dark Souls was that for me. I was disillusioned and hoped for better future, yet I had doubt that my destination will actually be what I dreamt of. But you go on the adventure anyway when you feel like you've got nothing to lose.

The Dark souls level design always gives you options where to go but each of them leads to more struggle. Hopefully a struggle you can overcome but struggle nonetheless. Maybe it helped me finally bite the bullet and decide to move. I left the game be when I moved, and only picked it up years later to play with a friend hot-seat style. That completely transformed the whole experience. I wasn't alone going through the pain, we were together, and that made it bearable. Fun, even. The initial death grip and tension is released when you're in it together. Crack some jokes, call a fight bullshit, and then beat it anyway because you can brainstorm and support each other. Then we've gone through Dark souls 3 the same way. And had a great time. 

Then i moved back to my country. 

Then he did too. 

And years after that, when I come for visit, we started Elden Ring. Everyone was raving about it, that it's the best thing since sliced bread. And you know what, we didn't like it. At all. Maybe it's the open world design. Maybe it's because we were both in completely different headspace. We were both happy with our lives. And the game just felt empty. DS is a sprawling, interconnected mess but there's only a few ways to go. On Elden Ring, you can go anywhere. It never felt like I should be where I am. There was a lot to do, and the world is still impressive and menacing but it's not like it's been. Dark souls doesn't have the same impact either. It's still a great game, and greatly important to me. But I wouldn't want to go back to who I've been when it spoke so much to me. 

Seeing MtPain go through Mucus Flow made me think of this. It's just as important to him as DS is to me. Yet, neither of us have any interest to return to it. Well, he had to because it's a patreon thing. Both offer you a big serving of oppression and frustration, drenched in sense of hopelessness. You'll only get something out of it when you're tuned to the same wavelength. 

I haven't played Mucus Flow and I doubt I'd find the greatness in it. I'm a different person now, and the world feels like a better place. 

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18 hours ago, Jimmy said:

the creative mind, with all of its foibles and weaknesses, can be a terrible thing to be trapped in.



Very rarely do I read a truer comment than that. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
11 minutes ago, baja blast rd. said:

but I still remember everyone's jaws dropping that week.


I think it's worth mentioning that the opening post's screenshots were a doozy, taken specifically with fancier source port settings than it "needs". The map itself is so pretty it's already tough to pick a bad angle, but I think Brigandine was the first time my troglodyte brain had to look up what "ambient occlusion" is.

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A lot can be said about Entropy, but what is interesting about some of the cramped fights is that they are way smarter than they look at first.


These two are back to back after the RK. The key with the archie-cyb one is starting up infighting and then taking out the viles. At least I tried to get the cyb to infight them all, which works well if RNG cooperates but that seems ridiculously finicky; one vile (or two!) can easily pop away and target you. So it is a lot more reliable to take them out after the cyb softens them up significantly. If a vile targets you it is not a big deal either because you are in a good spot, whereas the infight approach has you right in the line of cyb fire and too cramped to rocket that stray vile easily. Stuff like that is really counterintuitive because you set up something good, like infighting...and then you undo your own work!?


And then with the HK/baron/rev/PE one, you just straight up say 'lol typical target prioritization' and focus on the HKs/barons. You focus on them even if revs are coming closer because splash will often get the revs for you. That is neat. (In the second attempt I err by not switching to rockets for the PEs when I get some space.) 


The platforming fight without BFG clapped my cheeks pretty good when I first played this map. It's a pretty wild fight. 




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On 1/2/2023 at 9:02 AM, Biodegradable said:

Thanks to the delinquent, MtPain never has to review Sunlust which means the show will never end! HOORAY!


Oh... Now I get why christianity is popular. He made the sacrifice. 

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