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Christmas wish list


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37 minutes ago, Murdoch said:

Nothing. I quit Christmas gifts years ago. No stress, no excess expenditure, just time off with family.

Same. It's very hard for people to understand that when i say i want nothing it means i actually want nothing.

Of course i apprecciate all the gifts i might get but not because of what the gift is but because of the idea

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For Cyberpunk to finally fucking release, preferably before Christmas.


My family is pretty good about not getting eachother anything and instead just spending time together. None of us are getting younger so more time to spend together would be real nice.

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Freedom to travel overseas. I've got people I need to see but covid prevents it currently.


As for tangible items, I quite fancy the Everdrive 64

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One million dollars *Dr evil pinky-to-mouth*


Failing that, i’d Be happy to just have a nice lunch with my whole family :-)

Edited by DooM Bear

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I would like a job. preferably one where my boss and coworkers arent complete assholes

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XboxOne SeriesX (what a stupid name!) and Assassin's Creed Valhalla. 


I'm definitely getting Valhalla for Xmas but will probably have to wait next year for Xbox. Might be able to get the Halo Infinite bundle ;)

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I'd like a window free of lockdown to see my family. Hopefully if we're all really good over the next four weeks or so, community transmission on this benighted isle will have cooled down significantly and we can get away with it.


Failing that, I'd like the RTX 3080 or 3090 to stop being impossible to get hold of, so that me saving up for one isn't just a good way of saving money for the long term.

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Fuck all that "wOrLd PeAcE" noise, I want like dusk co-op or something... Or like constant inspiration for maps or something.

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17 hours ago, DevilMyEyes said:

Mines are:

-Quake 1996 big box

I have the big box copies of the expansions if you like. ;) Sadly my copy of Quake, Duke Nukem 3D and even a boxed copy of Strife have vanished. Either they got thrown away or my mum has them in her attic. I really need to remember and ask her. But somehow the expansions stayed with me.


As for me, I'd like my mortgage paid off. Please?

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23 minutes ago, TenenteZashu said:

- A PowerWolf gig in Italy


Saw them in 2017 at Vagos metal fest, they give a really cool concert! Even my "black metal exclusive" friends who were there from Primordial and Bathuska loved the concert :D

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Start, just start my new 3D engine for a homebrew FPS game on 3DO before the end of the year (I plan it for few years and then postpone it because coding other random shit).

But that's a wish for a gift instead of premature new year's resolutions..

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