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[FINAL RELEASE] "The Descent of Evil" (Z-Doom - based ports) - My first episode for U-DOOM

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This is it, The Descent of Evil is on /idgames, go check it out and have fun.

The Descent of Evil

Level 1 - "Turn OFF - Turn ON" ("Suck This" by L. Jackson)
Level 2 - "Pre-Vision" ("I choose the stairs" by L. Jackson)
Level 3 - "Way Revealed" ("Run like smeg" by L. Jackson)
Level 4 - "See You Later, Elevator" ("Workday" by B. Prince)
Level 5 - "Blast From the Past" ("Taskforce" by L. Jackson) 

Level 6 - "Crushly Impressed" ("OWW" by L. Jackson)

Level 7 - "House of Shards" ("Smoke and mirrors" by L. Jackson)
Level 8 - "Their Last Words" ("Havana Smooth" by L. Jackson)
Level 9 - "Secret Service" ("Goin' down the fastway" by L. Jackson)


"SuperSecret Levels": type "idclev29"
E2M9 - "Stupid Door Games" ("OWW" by L. Jackson)
E3M9 - "Air Battles" ("Goin' down the fastway" by L. Jackson)

E4M9 - "FAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL" ("Here boy" by B. Prince)


Maps are done in Doom Format.

Play through Z-Doom ports (MAPINFO changes, diffrent level progression, various sky textures, etc.)

No crouching, jumping.

Freelook - if you can't live without it - you can enable.

Difficulty variety provided.












Edited by TOVA

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Incredible, until finally there is news from you partner, I see that you have made some progress in your own episode, which is very good, enough for me because I will be one of the users who will try it with great emotion, although I will still be waiting the final version of the brother episode, hoping you will be successful in completing it very soon.

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@TOVA More likely you will end it in the middle of this month, or at the beginning of the following month, but something we will probably agree on, and that is that your episode will be released before the year is over, which I hope it will.

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I had already played some of the maps that the creator of this episode had shown a long time ago, so, for this occasion, I will give a slight comment on a new map that was added to this episode for Doom 1, which, It is specifically Map 02 - "Pre-Vision".





MAP 02 (Pre-Vision):


Ultra-violence mode || Zandronum || Vanilla_Redux



*Deaths: 0

*Saves: none

























The architecture of the map is really incredible, I quite liked everything visual, everything done in a structured way has turned out very well, from the beginning to the end, in this aspect, the map does not disappoint at all, it is really amazing what you can get to do for Doom 1, I have always said, and in this case it would not be the exception, from the beginning, with all that highly technological decoration, with several doors to open, until you go outside and find a labyrinth of boxes that seem to lead nowhere, it is phenomenal, besides that, going to the area that has the toxic green liquid as a well, I also found it very interesting, not to mention that the marine must enter one of these areas to get the yellow key, I think, although it was a very good gesture of you to include the anti-acid suit for the UV difficulty, the same also applies for the first map, and then the yellow key, inside of the door that needs it, nor does its content disappoint, a place with quite a few technological towers that seem to be a strange decoration for a site that has a really wide space (although I also realized that it was on this map where you added your Nickname as a reference, which was incredible), and when leaving this area, the marine will find a kind of landing strip for helicopters, with an interesting decoration and a path with wells of toxic green liquid, to later reach the end of the map that It requires the sugar key, and by the way, I almost forgot the area that had both doors on the sides and that only had 3 Hitscanners, that area has also been very interesting. As I said at the beginning, everything visual was really good, and this really was where you looked the best brother.


Now with the difficulty, it really is acceptable here, at no time did they manage to kill me, despite having many Imps, Hitscanners and Lost Souls, I managed not to die on the first try, and without making any saves, therefore, having played only in Vanilla shows that if you can beat this kind of maps on UV difficulty. To finish, I had a lot of fun here, I really appreciated the visual charm of the map, and I survived the countless attacks of the enemies to end up winning, therefore, you have done a very good job here mate, and I will be waiting for the next maps that you bring to your episode.

Edited by ElPadrecitoCholo

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Nice start to a first full WAD! Thanks a lot for sending it to me early, and sorry it took a bit of time to get around to it :)



I think this is a nice example of why I like playing beginner WADs the most - there are so many ideas in it! Some of them work, some don't, but you can really see that you're experimenting more with your designs as the WAD goes on. As it's currently four levels long, I think you could stand to include some higher-tier enemies and/or weapons towards the end as well.


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@DavidN Thank you for your playthrough. Basically I need to say Level 1 and 3 were in fact made in May, when my mappimg style was all about cubes, that's why there are some weird design decisions. In oct. I evolved my style, so you can see this in levels 2 and 4, which were created specially for NaNo. Rest of the levels were only slightly upgraded in terms of removing some bugs or missing textures.


Yeah, works are going on, level 5 is to be released soon. I cannot wait to give you final product to be playtested and reviewed by Y'all

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@DavidN (sorry for pinging again)

EDIT: I forgot to say. The "First Strike" episode is going to be my answer to the question "What, if Ultimate Doom has got exclusive shareware episode, just like "The HUNT Begins" in ROTT?" Thus, I removed Spectres and Barons and place Lost Souls and a Cacodemons (those suppose to be a'la Bosses, since they appear in a last level). 



This will be kind of opening to my much larger project of 4-episode MegaWAD


Edited by TOVA

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Here's an update to 3rd version. Changes:
Level 2 - fixed missing textures, providing difficulty variety
Level 5 - new level with provided difficulty variety.

Level 5 ("Blast from the Past") is strongly recreated version of my first map ever done. This map takes a player into hellish-like habitat. Idk how to describe it XD.

"+3" levels are "SuperSecret Levels". They are accessible via IDCLEV cheat only. They take E2M9, E3M9 and E4M9 slots, but there is progression provided (starting from E2M9, after finishing E4M9, game takes player back to E1M1, with restarted health and inventory)

E2M9 - "Stupid Door Games"
E3M9 - "Air Battles"
Screenshots here: https://imgur.com/a/wizxbrf
Dropbox link here: Go below :)

Edited by TOVA

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Blast from the Past


Ultra-Violence || Zandronum || BrutalDoom



*Deaths: 0

*Saves: none














A really great map, companion, full of action at all times, and with enough cleaning to be done with respect to the demonic entities that walk around the place, anyway, the structure used in this map I really liked, it has been very great and interesting to see how everything seems to be a castle or something similar, and that the marine must explore every corner of this mysterious kingdom that once existed before the demonic invasion, there are many corridors, many corridors, several roads and areas with a space big and open, everything really turned out to be very interesting, creative, fantastic and with a desire to want more maps of this theme, which by the way, fights in very closed areas are the most entertaining in my opinion, of course as long as there are places to where to keep the Marine safe, and the details placed in each room really make the area look good to explore. With the difficulty, the biggest dangers here are the Hitscanners, the Imps, and the Lost Souls, since the Pinkys do not pose much danger if you have the right ammunition to deal with them, or if you have collected the secret berserk that is in a hidden area, and for the fortune of many, here there are no Barons of Hell, nor Hell Knights, there are only the aforementioned enemies, but with the matter of the Hitscanners, in small areas they really are a good problem that must be dealt with, more even if there are Lost Souls on the sides. But well, apart from all that, I had a lot of fun with the map, I enjoyed it to the fullest as you have no idea, and it was really splendid to have managed to get rid of all that damn plague that was destroying the castle internally, very funny all and in It is true that it is worth giving this Wad replayability with what it takes of maps. Great job as always, mate.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It was long time without any updates, but here you have the lastest version of TDoE: First Strike.
This update contains E1M9 "Secret Service", totally changed in comparison to first iteration from May. Instead simple runnin'n'gunnin', you get here: chess, Outrun and "Reversed Sheep Herding". But one thing didn't changed: a lot of secrets.
Difficulty variety provided.
Done in Doom Format.
Tested by GZDoom

Screenshots -> https://imgur.com/a/E4vX7ay
WAD file ->Go below :)

P.S.: Thus there is the secret level here, I provided a secret exit to this at one of Tech-themed maps.

Edited by TOVA

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Mapping flow is going on. I won't finish it before end of 2020 tho.
Anyway, this is "Crushly Impressed" (Level 6). This map gives more attention to crushers, that may be your saviours or your death sentence.
Done in Doom Format.
Difficulty variety provided.
Tested in GZDoom (Doom strict comp)


Other changes:
- fixed upper ledge in Level 2. Now this is impassable.
- changed Intro MIDI (FreeDoom - Phase 2  MAP01)


Dropbox link -> https://www.dropbox.com/s/85y51s9eg12vor3/FirstStrike.v5.wad?dl=0

Screenshots below :)








Edited by TOVA

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, TOVA said:

@InDOOMnesia sorry, but I don't get it.

Wait, I just realized this is an Ultimate DOOM mapset. Your OP mentioned the E1 maps as Level xx, similar to DOOM II's MAPxx format, which confused me for a while.

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  • 4 months later...


3 minutes ago, TOVA said:

I am alive, check top thread :)


It's about time! :D Cannot wait to check out the update


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I made an update to TDOE wad.

Generally better ammo and health balance, fixing some actions, adding some sectors, changing some items, giving more ARMOR (@Austinado ;) ) and fixing some little misalignments.

Dropbox link: Go below ;)

Edited by TOVA

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I made the V3 update of TDOE project. Mostly this was about texturing, lighting, fixing misalignments and texture issues (especially outdoor at level 1)

Dropbox link: Go below ;)

Edited by TOVA

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Started on this one tonight! It's interesting to see how the first few maps evolved - will move on to the new ones soon.



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We're heading towards end of test. This is Version 4 of TDOE:
Changes: All new custom screens, Better balanced lower difficulties, maps 1-4 got little modifications, based on @DavidN's feedback (i.e. 4-sided switch instead the green armor in Lv.4)


Dropbox link: Go below ;)

Edited by TOVA

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night/anytime.
I think the V5 version is the last one before official release. Anyway, main changes were lowering an exit room at Lv. 1, and adding an extra obstacle in Lv. 7. Also, I made texture fixes here and there.
And I changed the intro MIDI to the remix of "Waiting for Romero to play", created by myself.


DropBox link: Go on the top of thread :)

Edited by TOVA

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice to see this is now on idgames! These gimmicks are extremely fun and the high monster count is real engaging, especially certain parts like the final battle in E1M7 for instance. Levels were great, nowhere was I lost or were there any bugs to note. The ROTT music keeps me engaged in each level too.

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