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16 hours ago, Ar_e_en said:

In order to simulate an endless ocean - I might create a long staircase with the water texture in order to mask the repeating line. It won't look that good if you are standing in the water, but from an elevated point of view - it will mask the line and make the ocean look vast and endless. Keep in mind - I might do this for the GZDoom players.



You can do that by setting the line_horizon effect on the outer lines (line type 337). It'll work in all ZDoom-based ports; and it will not have any drawback in other ports, not even in vanilla, because the engine just ignores unknown line types. (Contrarily to unknown sector types, which cause the game to abort with an error when the player gets in one.)


For your sky issue, just enable short sky stretching.

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Line type 337 is another line type that SLADE treats as "Unknown" (same as the last one). Keep in mind - I'm making this with the Boom compatibility mode in SLADE, which means that, while it will work in PRBoom+ and GZDoom, it won't list it as an available line type option in the editors drop-down menu, which explains why I don't know about these specific line types.

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It's nice that you gave me the number, but I hope that I don't have to rely on any more "Unknown" line numbers with this map, because I kinda get this feeling that sooner or later something is going to break, and to be fair - I have already broken this map once when I accidentally clicked on "merge sectors" instead of "join sectors" (seriously, why is "merge sectors" even a thing? It has only brought me pain and suffering!).


That being said - I did implement that line type into my map and it still works.




Anyway, here are some newer screenshots:




I've noticed that a lot of us are using that big chain texture for some reason.









The placement of these torches is based on the difficulty setting that you choose (there is a reason for this).



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Update: the screen on my laptop just broke and not only was that the only computer that had the wad file I was working on, it was my only computer period, meaning I have to cancel. I might try to make something but if I do it will be way past the deadline, probably next year. It was gonna have such a cool layout!!! You were gonna see the boat from a pier and then you were gonna teleport into it and fight an arch-vile and stuff... :(

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Gangbang Galleon


Chaotic cove/dock romp, UV difficulty should be similar to regular modern Skillsaw type stuff.


Skill settings implemented! Have fun.

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Do you have an extra monitor or TV laying around that supports HDMI? Most laptops have a HDMI port (hell, some still have the old VGA port, maybe the monitor or TV supports that as well), you could hook up the laptop to one of those and use that as a temporary screen.

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22 hours ago, Ar_e_en said:


Do you have an extra monitor or TV laying around that supports HDMI? Most laptops have a HDMI port (hell, some still have the old VGA port, maybe the monitor or TV supports that as well), you could hook up the laptop to one of those and use that as a temporary screen.

I'm an idiot lol, I have a tv that I can use. I've used it before! How did I forget!!!

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It's great that there is still a chance that you could finish this!


I have a funny little story about my map. I wanted to change a certain texture from my map to a different texture, it was one texture that was used only once in the map, but I couldn't find it, so...

Instead of finding out how to find textures in my map by name, I decided to find it in a more fun way! I made a copy of my map, I went into the copy, selected all the textures that I didn't want to replace and changed them to one specific random texture. I then went around the map and looked for anything that looked different, and I found the location of the texture I was looking for! So I replaced it. 


So why am I telling you this? Well...




I turned everything to PISS!



Edited by Ar_e_en

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Very visually unique! I like it!



That's funny - we both basically went with the same concept of avoiding a Cybers rockets while finishing the level. Anyway, It was short and sweet, a good map!

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Slot: map01

Music: Stage 1 Beggining From Castlevania 3


Time of making: 2 day


My toughts of this wad:


idea is to make a small boat where monsters will teleport and be so intense but i change that idea and easy and small map









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4 hours ago, waciej said:




Slot: map01

Music: Stage 1 Beggining From Castlevania 3


Time of making: 2 day


My toughts of this wad:


idea is to make a small boat where monsters will teleport and be so intense but i change that idea and easy and small map










Thanks for the submission but before i can accept it you need to retexture this so that it actually runs alongside base OTEX (you have just extracted all the patches and used them as textures here, it seems). You should be able to send me the map files without including any extra graphical resources. Also please use an OTEX sky rather than some random other jpeg file (which is not supported in software graphics based ports anyway).

Edited by Scotty

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1 hour ago, waciej said:


Still technical problems here - the map completely HOMs out in PRBoom+. In GZDB it shows the map as being constructed of unknown textures when loaded with OTEX - for whatever reason, zDoom ports still accept this ingame (i assume because it will default to patch names directly). However the only solution here is to reapply textures with the correct texture names as they appear in the TEXTURE2 lump in OTEX - the find and replace function in GZDB will make short work of this - then check the map displays correctly in PRBoom+.


Also note that the sky in this map HOMs out in software based ports (checked in zDoom 2.8.1), using non-textured walls to display a sky only works in GZDoom GL/hardware renderers - so you will need to modify the map so that the sky won't HOM out (via the usual zero-height sky ceilinged sector method).

Edited by Scotty

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This may be a dumb question but..


By mapping style do you mean like in doom builder were it's like Zdoom (Doom in Doom format) or Doom 2 format?


I am interested in this, But I just want to make sure I don't mess anything up.

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Just now, Kuro_mahoh said:

This may be a dumb question but..


By mapping style do you mean like in doom builder were it's like Zdoom (Doom in Doom format) or Doom 2 format?


I am interested in this, But I just want to make sure I don't mess anything up.


Yo, in Doom Builder here you want to use the game configuration "Boom: Doom 2 (Doom format)" :)

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3 minutes ago, Scotty said:


Yo, in Doom Builder here you want to use the game configuration "Boom: Doom 2 (Doom format)" :)


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19 hours ago, Scotty said:


Still technical problems here - the map completely HOMs out in PRBoom+. In GZDB it shows the map as being constructed of unknown textures when loaded with OTEX - for whatever reason, zDoom ports still accept this ingame (i assume because it will default to patch names directly). However the only solution here is to reapply textures with the correct texture names as they appear in the TEXTURE2 lump in OTEX - the find and replace function in GZDB will make short work of this - then check the map displays correctly in PRBoom+.


Also note that the sky in this map HOMs out in software based ports (checked in zDoom 2.8.1), using non-textured walls to display a sky only works in GZDoom GL/hardware renderers - so you will need to modify the map so that the sky won't HOM out (via the usual zero-height sky ceilinged sector method).

Okay so approach no.3   http://www.mediafire.com/file/2a16i4bbryxcs5i/Ship+Ping.rar/file




-Sky problem is solved (worked on zandronum and GzDoom)


-In GZDB when you add "doom 2.wad" you got unkown textures but when you add otex textures are back to normal


im just hoping Map will be not completely HOM in PRBoom


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@Scotty Since I haven't used custom textures before, I just want to clarify: Will the OTEX texture pack be included with the completed project? I looked at walter confetti's map alone and it's just the map with no extra textures. Shouldn't take me too long if this is the case.

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Hello. I've played through the maps posted so far and have some feedback for the creators, if that's welcome here in the thread. I also have videos to share! I played through each map in GZDoom without mouselook using the FluidR3 GM soundfont for the midi. 


Ume-Maru by @Walter confetti


A nice, cozy, and very short map. It feels like it barely begins with only 17 enemies and one secret. I like the design of the boat but I feel there could have been more done with it. I feel like that kind of boat lends itself to being a secondary vessel to a larger boat. Like it could be used as a teleporter to some deep sea research center.


Another idea would be to make the boat like 30% larger and creating a gauntlet fight where demons teleport onboard in waves to try to take over your boat that's stranded in the middle of the sea. Imagine running across the deck, a wave of 20 Cacodemons float toward you in the distance with Imps and Pinkys trying to beat you down, then the Hell Knights start boarding. Oh man the panic in such a small area. I know I'm thinking big but you have a very nice map here that feels like it has room to grow.





Ship Happens by @A2Rob


I really like how this map is laid out. Jumping onto a cargo ship in the middle of an ice flow only to be met by big daddy Cyberdemon and his crew of misfits. The feeling of being an unwelcome stowaway on the boat really makes the frantic start hit harder. I like most of the decisions you made with the monster placement but there were two things that stood out to me.


1) Why the single Baron? He feels out of place among the hit scanners and the one Revenant. I guess I'm so used to seeing the bruiser brothers in action that just seeing a single Baron is odd. I would suggest adding a second Baron and using them as kind of a mid-boss to the map, similar to how you used the Archvile. Maybe if you took the Barons and put them at the end of the huge Imp wave would present an interesting end-map fight.


2) I was able to cheese the Cyberdemon pretty badly without ever having to drop his platform down. I found a spot where you are safe and just blasted him with the Super Shotty and Chaingun until he died. I wonder how a straight up fight with the Cyberdemon that is linked to dropping the red key instead of using the switch to get it down. 


Those are pretty minor issues overall. I love the look of the map and the flow. Also the secrets are the kind that are pretty obvious but can be easily overlooked. I'm totally in favor of these style secrets over overly ambiguous ones. 




Beelzeboat by @muumi


Woah. This map is nuts. It's got a really cool design, nice fights with a rising difficulty curve, a couple of clever secrets, and just the right amount of resources to get you through it all.


The first impressions are crazy. Sitting in a little dingy in a sea of blood while this massive tanker sized hell-whale vessel floats along. The eyeball blinking at you is a chilling touch. In the first room alone you are put through three fights of rising difficulty that if triggered all at once can lead to absolute misery. Just like with A2Rob's map there's an imp wave that on Hurt Me Plenty is mild but on UltraViolence gets spicy with a few Revevants added in. The chokepoint leading into the second stage of the map contains a small army of chaingunners, enough to trigger anyone's Final Doom PTSD.


I like the idea of splitting the map into two sections that can be tackled in whatever order desired. The red skull key path on the left being a fight against several Mancubus and Arachnotrons with a squad of shotgunners harassing from overhead. The blue skull key path is equally brutal with an open room fight against two Archviles.


The last arena is a great floating fight above a pretty wildly designed map exit. I feel like the final fight might have been a little rushed. I was just expecting a little more from such a cool arena. A wave of chaingunners teleporting in on either side, followed by a wave of Revenants, and finally two Pain Elementals. I expected something like an Arachnotron or two standing on the top of the ship, ensuring the player can't camp behind one of the pillars. Either that or when the invisible platform hits the ground a wave of Hell Knights spawns between you and the exit. 


You did a fantastic job with this map, I really dug everything about it. This is a really creative take on the challenge.




Gangbang Galleon by @Scotty


Another beautiful map with an extremely suitable song choice coming from Heretic. This map is deceptively difficult because of the constant pressure it applies. You just don't get a great deal of rest and health needs to be closely managed lest a single mistake ends your run. The wave of zombiemen at the beginning is satisfying to burn through while avoiding the Arachnotron blasts. I loved the little gimmick of walking the multiple planks to retrieve your weapons, each prize coming with it's own horror. One issue I ran into is limited to players going for UVMax and that was dealing with the flying enemies floating off to the far reaches of the map. I would suggest, if it's going to be unused, maybe consider putting a few monster blocking lines toward the end of the cove. 


Once you're on the boat the party starts to ramp up. The Revenant crew with the Archvile is one of the more stressful sections of the map considering the only weapon I found useful in that moment was the rocket launcher. I killed myself more than once on the boxes. I did enjoy that the BFG was easy to obtain and the fight following it was a nice temptation to use it. The rear end of the ship was a cruel trap, dealing with a gang of Hell Knights, a harassing Archvile, and when you think you can escape: two flanks filled with Chaingunners. It was awful, I love it. 


The final set of fights on the ship were pretty mean as well. Once you get far enough along to get the Cyberdemon to arrive you get boxed in by popup Hell Knights. The first time I entered this area I got smashed by the knights instantly. Once your through the Cyberdemon and the Archviles the last remaining challenge is the Imp wave. I see a running theme of Imp waves in this set of maps and I love it. Oh, I almost forgot about the Spider Mastermind, yeah she's there. 


The secret area was very nice and it took me a bit of searching to discover, though I had assumed it was there for a while I was scared of the super hellslime floor. That water is brutal and with it's damage being so high it really dissuaded me from adventuring around the boat. Overall the map is absolutely fantastic. I don't believe there's anything I would change, at least nothing springs to mind immediately. Good stuff!




Ship Ping by @waciej


I really like the aesthetic of this map. The iron boat floating along in lava is a neat image. The combat space ride the line between being spacious and slightly cramped which makes it fun for the later part of the map when things get busy. There's not a lot to talk about since it's a one room map but I would suggest maybe helping players out with a little more ammo. I had to punch the last 6 or so Imps to death and let the Hell Knight kill most of the Cacodemons for me since I had burned through all of my ammunition. Like a single box of shells or maybe even a berserk would solve that problem. 


The only other comment I would have on the map is that I expected more enemies on the first button activation. Maybe if you were to split the waves of baddies in the final wave between the two buttons and then remove the walkway between the buttons so that players would be forced to walk through the center area of the deck in order to navigate to the second button. 


I like the map and the music choice is supreme. Nice job here.




Mutiny Machine by @punch you in the face man


Ahh, here we go. A proper pirate map. If the wad features modified sprites then this is the map that would showcase them the best. The music is oddly satisfying and the map features so many neat mapping tricks that give it a really adventurous vibe. To start with I love the scrolling landscape, even if it makes the Cacodemon act really weird and appear to be fighting against momentum in futility. The Pirate Doom trick of creating the illusion of rooms on rooms was a really nice touch as well as the bridge to the life boat. I think the illusion can get broken by the moving boat if you cross the gap multiple times in a row. It creates a strange jittering effect. 


I had one issue with the secrets, specifically the plasma gun secret and that it has been tagged with three secret sectors, one of which is unreachable due to the torch placement. I would suggest paring it down to a single sector or at the very least if you want a light source, take the torch out and create a skylight instead. Fighting the Spider Mastermind was fun and not too frustrating. Thanks for providing all of that cover. The key puzzle with the houses seems kind of arbitrary but it's good enough. I would be satisfied if the keys were taken away entirely and the whole area was turned into an ambush when you kill the mastermind. All of the doors and windows open up and the monsters pour out of the houses. Each house containing a switch that would lead you to the exit. That's just a thought on how to approach the ending sequence a little differently.


I loved the captain's chambers being occupied by a Revenant and the secrets contained was very nicely hidden. Gotta get that booty! This map was really great and I loved all the little technical bits. I eat that stuff up.  




Edited by ABearInThaWoods

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