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Now Released for Beta testing. 28/2/2022


Official version. 30/3/2022



                  ✮✮✮✮DOOM 64 RELOADED✮✮✮✮

This is the 25th anniversary edition of DOOM 64.
Below is some brief but important infomation about this WAD and running it properly.


              ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮IMPORTANT STUFF✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮


To run the game you will need Doom64EX launcher.  https://doom64ex.wordpress.com/
Copy and paste this... -file "DOOM64EX_RELOADED_BETA.wad"
into 'Other Parameters' at the bottom and click 'Launch'
You will need a Doom64.wad as this is not a stand alone wad.

Make sure you switch on 'SkyBox' in the options menu so that the new high definition clouds and mountains display properly. 
This is also required if playing with 'mouse look'.
SkyBox is found in 'Options/Setup/Rendering'
Ensure that 'Tall Actors' and 'Grab High Items' are switched OFF.
These are found in 'Options/Setup/N64 Compatibility'
Turning these off make the game behave more like a true 3D game.

Maps have been edited to make them as 'Jump' and 'Mouse Look' friendly as possible.
If you are playing without these on... nothing has really changed.
If you have them on you will find that I have done my best so you can not cheat or break a map by using 
these two fuctions. So feel free to use them without worrying 'should I be doing this'
If you are using 'Mouse Look' then you will want to turn 'Auto Aim' off.
Auto aim will mess with mouse aim. Like... if there's a Zombie behind a crate it wont let you aim at his head as so hit the crate instead.

This game is supposed to be dark. It's supposed to be played with brightness and gamma on MINIMUM.
Unlike the Remaster. It does not cater for someone sitting in the park in the middle of the day playing on a Switch.
It's supposed to be played on a decently sized screen in a dark room. As all Doom games should be.
Increasing the brightness and gamma will destroy the fogging and so the atmosphere of the game. 
The lighting in Reloaded has been darkened and the fogging increase to add more artmosphere. Atmosphere that was present
in the original game due to the poor video output played through a CR-TV was sadly lost in the Remaster edition.
Some levels 'such as BreakDown and The Marshes' for example, have a fogging that means far away enemies can not be easily seen.
This is intended. 
Now if you find you hate that aspect. You can always whack the brightness and gammer right up. Which will destroy the fog, and
enemies on such levels are far easier to see. But it's pretty much like taking the fog out of Silent Hill :o/


        ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮ KNOWN BUGS AND GLITCHS ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮


EX is not 100% stable. It does crash from time to time.
You may well experience a random crash and error log at some point.
These are by no means common. You could play a map 100 times without a random crash.
Then again, you might get two crashes in 10 plays. Its very random.
This is a known and accepted issue so no need to report it as a bug.

You may encounter a glitch where a Zombieman freezes and become unkillable.
It may happen with other monsters to, Ive only wittnessed it with a Zombieman.
Seems to happen more often if the game is being recorded.

There is a glitch that can stop the 'phaze' light effect from working. This effect can be seen in the final room of 'Main Engineering'
Sometimes this effect does not work properly. It's a bug with EX. Not with the map.


            ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮WHAT'S RELOADED THEN?✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮


Reloaded strives to show what Doom 64 would have looked like on the N64 if it had not been restricted to an 8meg cart. Reloaded would need a 40meg cart.
There's heaps of new structural detailing and new textures. Sector based lighting has been used to cast shadows and to make horizontal soft lighting.
No additional lighting filters are used.
Maps are for the most part basically the same. Although you will find minor additions and changes.
There's a few extra monsters in places. Areas where monster became stuck have been corrected.
There's the occational extra secret in some maps, an extra room or corridor here and there.
Be warned... all crushers in Reloaded are Instant Death! You can't tank your way through them.
There are quite a few silly secrets to discover. Nothing that effects gameplay. Finding them is the only reward.
Some things that were supposedly intended for the original game, but cut due to time or file size, have been added.
Structures that were seen in Nintendo Power screen shots for example.
The Hell levels now having three distintive themes. Castle, Ice, Fire/Gore... and 'The Marshes' being Swamp.
There was nothing really concrete to work with, just a few grainy images and some vage comments from old interviews with people
that worked on the game.

             ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮HOWS IT DIFFERENT?✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮


The four extra maps from the TC version are included.

CRISIS.*'secret map'
FORBIDDEN DEEPER. *'secret map'

Like the TC version, there are 'super secret' shrines hidden in some of the maps. These contain nothing
needed for game progression. They are there to find and to entertain.

There are also other extra levels included.

PANIC.*'secret map'
THE MARSHES.- 'not really a 'secret' but a branch-off map.
CLUB DOOM.* 'super secret map'
THE CATACOMBS. 'extra map'

The first three of these are the ONLY maps that contain an UnMaker.
CLUB DOOM acts as the missing easter egg in BreakDown.

The Demon Artefacts are now a bit more challenging to obtain.
These are now found in...
THE LAIR now has the extra area from the TC version added. And you need to find this to obtain the Artifact. 

To unlock the features menu you must find and complete HECTIC as normal.
But then you must take the door leading to 'The Trail of Pain' in which you must defeat the original challenge maps.
'Cat n Mouse... PlayGround... Hardcore.'
These three maps now interlink. So you have to play all three in that order like a mini campaign.
There is short cutscene when a map is beaten.. if you sidestep whilst it plays you will pick up a Berserk and refill your health.
Making it possible to beat all three maps in one go. You need to do this as DoomGuy does not automatically pick up an item
he teleports onto. 

Once Unlocked, there are four new challenge maps to play.

DEATH LABS 'from the TC version'

The game has two endings.
The first is found as normal by playing the game on any difficulty and defeating the final map ABSOLUTION.
The second is found by playing the game on Watch Me Die 'AND' obtaining all three Demon Artifacts.
Which will grant you access to the final map ACSENSION.
ABSOLUTION is now a lot harder. But it is possible to beat with no Artefacts nor UnMaker.
ACSENSION will require the UnMaker. But unlike Absolution, you will not be gifted one in this map. 
So if you get to Acsension without an UnMaker you're basically screwed. Unless your Decino lol.
It also requires a certain amount of 'weapon management' or you will find yourself without the ammo required
to defeat it. It is designed to force the player to drain themselves of Cell ammo, so they can't shread the
Mother Demon with the UnMaker.
The reason for this change is so the Artefacts are not just 'optional extras' You will need all three to complete the game properly.
And the UnMaker... still an OP beast... is now needed to beat the final map... not just make it a cake walk.

                ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮ MAP LIST ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮


This is a list of all the campaign maps if you were to play through every single one. 

HECTIC* - Optionally leading to 'Trail of Pain' which opens cheats but ends the game. CAT AND MOUSE
TERRORFORMER                                                                          PLAYGROUND
MAIN ENGINEERING                                                                      HARDCORE





There are also some Death Match maps at the back of the wad. 
EX does not fully support multi player. But I included them anyway as maybe some day it will.
These maps are...


As EX will only allow you to level warp to maps 1 to 32 you will need to open these in Doom Builder 64.

Non of these have ever been play tested for balance. I made them for fun. 

                 ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮ STORY ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮


The story behind Reloaded is slightly different from the original. As I wanted to tie up a few lose ends.
Those being... the reason for the base on Phobos, when it was constructed, a vage time scale of how long it was in opperation
before being 'left in a Nuclear haze' Why there is an Artefact and UnMaker in the base.
The story continues for a while throughout the game via some cut scenes and cluster text. Ending at 'Alter of Pain' where a
cut scene shows the UAC expedition team taking the UnMaker. Terror Core has an extra room added that is supposed to depict
where the team dragged away one of the Obelisks.

Anyways... heres the story.

After the events of previous Dooms the UAC discovered a strange energy signature coming from below the surface of Phobos.
They set up base Omega around the area and began excavations of the site. After tunnelling several kilometres below the 
surface they discovered the source of the signal. It was another portal of unknown alien construction. 
Exactly how old the portal was, was unclear. Nor why it was sealed within a chamber with no discernible entrance.
It was if it had been entombed.

A short while after, expedition teams was sent through the portal. Only a few of the hundred or so men returned.
They had brought with them two anomalous objects. The first was a large Obelisk that pulsed a deep red unnatural glow.
The strange ungodly power it emitted cracked and distorted the very ground it stood on.
The second seemed to be a weapon of some kind. A weapon constructed of flesh and bone.

Further investigations lead to the discovery of the Red Artefact within the Obelisk.

Information as to the results of other research and testing on these three object was lost during the following events....

At some point there was an unexpected power surge from the Red Artefact. Weather this was the result of tests being carried out upon it,
or it was done purposely by something from across the portal is unclear. What is known, is that the power surge knocked out all the generators.
This caused the containment fields around the Portal to shut down.
Then the invasion happened. A countless hoard of hell spawn spewed forth from the portal.
An unstoppable wave of hell's fury flooded the base consuming level after level until it reached the surface, taking all in its wake.

With the base lost, as a final attempt to push the demons back, the UAC activated the emergency 'Gamma Sterilisation' of all levels.
In effect, leaving the entire site dead in a nuclear haze.
However, their victory was short lived.
As from across the void something was able to reach out, its powers amplified by the Red Artefact, bringing the demons, and the human corpses back to life.

.... Now enters DoomGuy.

                 ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮ DOOMGUY ✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮


After the events of the previous Dooms, DoomGuy has become disillusioned with the Marine Corps. Unquestionally following orders that lead to disaster,
only to then be the last man standing to fix those disasters by disobaying orders.
Now he stands alone. A hired gun. A bounty hunter who fights for not gold or fame. But to uphold his own values.
Having lost everything dear to him at the hands of Hell, and the bungling mistakes of the UAC. He answers to no one.
Even so, the UAC know the value of such a man. And know when all else fails, it is he they can call upon.




Kaiser... Creator of EX and the guy whome without, this project would have not been possible.
AtomicFrog... Sad ole man with too much time on his hands.
Immorpher... Reworked all the tracks. Made some custom tracks. Made some textures. Created the new ShotGunner Pallete.
GiraffeMan... Created the Intro Map Track and co-built Carousel of Chaos with that sad ole man.
Footman... Converted the TC maps to EX, which were then added to this project.
Sector666... The wise ole Yoda of everything Doom 64, without whome we'd all know nothing.
Dexiaz... Decomplied the macros for me coz I struggle to tie my own shoes.
Impboy... Did some stuff with music that then allowed the above to do some stuff with music. 
Mike64... Made that animated flesh texture.
MuHut... Allowed me to use his artwork in Club Doom. 'Awesome artwork!' thanks!
Agony ZENITH... Thats his blood stained door in Staging Area. Play Tester.
WhiteySnakey... Some very cool PSX style Monitor textures. Play Tester.
Demon(Bobbie)... Dark wooden plank texture. It got used a lot in the later levels.
^"/"/J... The 'Victory' cluster picture is their artwork.
Others... All creators of artwork I've found on Google Image Search and used in this project. If you see something of yours used, then let me know and you will be credited.
          It's often difficult to find a name to credit when using stuff found in Google Image Search. So if you're work isn't credited then let me know. 



Edited by AtomicFrog

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Its a remake of Doom64.. all the phobos levels plus a few more
Showing what Doom64 would have looked like if it wasnt so restricted by file space.
Uses a lot more lights and shadows... and overall a lot darker than the remaster.
Has additions made to the levels... new macros... secrets etc.
New weapon and pickup sprites.
Includes the TC level Crisis.

Works with EX. Not the remaster as it uses custom textures.

Edited by AtomicFrog

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Ive made a small addition to this project. New hub sprites for the ChainGun, ChainSaw, and BGF.
Limited as to what I can do as I cant add assets to EX... only used what's already there.
Still... the heavy weapons all now include doom guys's hand.
If the BFG looks odd to you... it probably because you've always envisaged it to be held more conventionally at around chest height.
Where I envisage it to be super heavy and held at waist height.
You get used to it ;) 


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List of changes to sprite.. that are not obvious. Green/Blue Armor... ridges added and the bottom of the sprite reworked as it looked unfinished. Shotgun and Super Shotgun. Sprites were swapped as there was a mistake in the original depicting the Shotgun to be the shorter of the two. Shotgun now looks like a pump action. Super Shotgun now looks like a double barrel sawn off Shotgun. Hud changes that are not obvious. Plasma Rifle, UnMaker, and BFG have been narrowed. I did this first to the BFG because it was as wide as it was long. Which doesnt play well with already rather dodgy sprite prospective. This is turn made the Plasma and UnMaker look huge. So they got the same treatment. Description changes.... In Reloaded the 'Chainsaw' is now an excavation tool. Used to cut rock. Hence the twin blades. I can't see why the UAC would have Chainsaws as weapons for their military personnel... nor why they would have them as tools on Phobos. With that said... just refer to it as a Chainsaw lol


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This is my attempt at completing Absolution Reloaded... on watch me die... fully powered Unmaker... and I used the artefacts to shut the portals.
No longer the complete pushover it used to be.


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Presently working on 'TerrorCore' I find a lot of the hell maps to be to bright... and after making the Phobos levels much darker the hell levels look even brighter than before.
So I'll be using a lot of custom sky defs to add deep fog. This darkens the map and shortens the distance the player can see. So adds to the tense horror vibe.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have returned to Doom 64 Reloaded to eventually face "Hectic" and the "Trail of Pain"! As always I oogle at some of the new features, which even more have been added since the recording of this video.


Edited by Immorpher

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  • 4 months later...

maybe you could put some of this info into the original post so that people don't need to go through replies to find it.

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30 minutes ago, Mr Masker said:

maybe you could put some of this info into the original post so that people don't need to go through replies to find it.

Done... I stuck the link to the updated wad in my opening post


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1 hour ago, AtomicFrog said:

Done... I stuck the link to the updated wad in my opening post


i was moreso talking about what the mod actually is

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28 minutes ago, Mr Masker said:

alright that should do, just put a couple screenshots and that should be all

Ive added a short video instead



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Ive made three new Gib sprites that will replace some in EX... ones I was never too keen on.
Trouble with EX is you cant add assets... only change them. 
Feel free to make use of these as you wish.





Edited by AtomicFrog

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