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20 hours ago, Duskztar said:

Been playing through it and it's absolutely fantastic, hunting down the secret shrines and figuring out how to get the artifacts in the new maps has been a blast so far, this is some really great stuff!

Thanks. Comments like this mean a lot. Glad you're enjoying it.


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The Remaster version will have a slightly edited title map.
Menu backpic will take advantage of the higher res available. Its high res... whilst trying to remain in keeping with the game.
Legal and Photosensitivity warnings will be replaced with a very brief story. And a full credit list.






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Another enhancement in the Remaster edition 'which counters the fact there is no mouse look'
All poems are now clickable and show a very clear 256x256 wall texture. Easter egg notes have also been increased to 256x256 to make them clearer. The poem in Ascension also displays clearly on the screen for a few seconds.

So no need to shuffle about trying to read floor textures with text.


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For all those who wish the remaster edition included mouse look and jump... well clever ole Immorpher made these jump pads.
I shall be including this DM map at the back of the wad. Taking the map total to 55. Yes I know you cant play DM in Doom 64 because of the lack of any multi player support. But hey... one day maybe. 



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I just want to say that I've been playing this and the reduced light of the levels looks fantastic in a pitch black room using my 77" OLED TV. I used to think it looked too murky with my old monitor, but with the right setup it looks great.

Edited by molecicco

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Yes it does seem to depend on the monitor being used. Ive had a couple of people send me screen shots of Reloaded asking weather it's supposed to be so dark... stating they can hardly see anything. Yet on my monitor their screen shot look's perfectly fine to me. Even so I highly recommend playing Reloaded in a dark room. That's the proper way to play any doom game after all lol 

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 6/5/2022 at 5:50 AM, AtomicFrog said:

yes I know you cant play DM in Doom 64 because of the lack of any multi player support. But hey... one day maybe. 

It was always weird to me that they didn't have coop starts in d64 seeing as how doom has native 4 player support and the n64 has 4 controller slots.

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10 hours ago, gwain said:

It was always weird to me that they didn't have coop starts in d64 seeing as how doom has native 4 player support and the n64 has 4 controller slots.

From interviews by Aaron Seeler (lead programmer), I believe, they thought Doom players wouldn't enjoy split screen as they could screen cheat from each other. But to me, I would think the major reason was time crunch. They had to almost redo all the levels after feedback and they were running far behind the deadline of the N64 launch. So I think the cut multiplayer to reduce delays, and the screen cheating was an easy thing to tell consumers. People rather hear multiplayer was cut due to a design choice rather than them trying to get the game out faster haha.

But from what I remember in that same interview, he remarked that cutting multiplayer was a bad choice. Initial reviews criticized the lack of it, and later that year Goldeneye showed how much it can add to a game. This in fact prompted work on a Doom 64 sequel with multiplayer, until Midway decided to shift the team to Quake 64 entirely.

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/19/2022 at 1:33 PM, AtomicFrog said:

Thanks. Comments like this mean a lot. Glad you're enjoying it.


well i finally got a fire under my ass to try to play your version. i decided to break down and play it via steam. i gotta say, the work you did from what im seeing so far is no less than amazing. the geometry, sector lighting, expansions of the levels etc is very detailed. i dare say it rivals the brutal version so far. fantastic work man. im having a blast so far. i cant imagine what this will look like if and when it gets the CE treatment. excellent job :)

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I already completed Doom64 with the remaster about 1 year ago and I started playing it again with this awesome mod using Doom64-EX Plus.

Just completed the first 3 maps and it's been awesome so far! Doom64 has such special ambiance and immersion not found in any other game.


Assuming mlook is not a factor, would you recommend to use this RELOADED version or the new one working with the remaster ?

Currently using mlook as I'm used to it, although I initially played stock Doom64 in the remaster without it.


Getting the best experience in Doom64-EX Plus required some tweaking:


- in Windows compatibilty settings for DOOM64EX-Plus.exe,  I had to set 'Scaling performed by' to 'Application' to make the game render properly at 4K

- had to enable 'Options > Setup > Framerate > Smooth' to make the game not feel low fps (despite displaying 60 fps)

- to have mouse super responsive, had to disable in-game vsync and set a frame cap to 60hz with RTSS (60Hz monitor)



Edited by bobbie424242

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14 hours ago, bobbie424242 said:



I already completed Doom64 with the remaster about 1 year ago and I started playing it again with this awesome mod using Doom64-EX Plus.

Just completed the first 3 maps and it's been awesome so far! Doom64 has such special ambiance and immersion not found in any other game.


Assuming mlook is not a factor, would you recommend to use this RELOADED version or the new one working with the remaster ?

Currently using mlook as I'm used to it, although I initially played stock Doom64 in the remaster without it.


Getting the best experience in Doom64-EX Plus required some tweaking:


- in Windows compatibilty settings for DOOM64EX-Plus.exe,  I had to set 'Scaling performed by' to 'Application' to make the game render properly at 4K

- had to enable 'Options > Setup > Framerate > Smooth' to make the game not feel low fps (despite displaying 60 fps)

- to have mouse super responsive, had to disable in-game vsync and set a frame cap to 60hz with RTSS (60Hz monitor)



Due to some major differences in how EX and Remaster handle macros I dont think the Remaster wad is going to run perfectly in EX. And may even crash.
For the most part the wads are the same.
Although after converting the EX wad to run on Remaster... I have continued to work on this new version.
So it has better lighting in places and a few new additions. 

The EX wad is mouse look and jump 'friendly'
The maps have been edited so you should not be able to break or cheese the maps by using these additional functions.

Edited by AtomicFrog

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  • 1 year later...

This topic is dead.
And people reading it should be aware that Reloaded... Ascension... RR... moved on to a different topic.
Everything here is very out of date. 
Pls go to this topic

This old smelly sock can be closed.

Edited by AtomicFrog

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