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Weapons stay after dying? (DOOM 2)

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I just found out that for some reason, on Doom 2 Hell on Earth, my weapons stay in my inventory after I die. If I remember correctly, the all of my weapons except the pistol should be gone if I die. I use GZDoom to play all of the classic Doom games, I tried replicating this problem in Final Doom, but it seems like this problem is only present in Doom 2. Again, I use GZDoom to play all of the classic Doom games and I did not remember turning on extra features so I don't know why this is happening, any help to fix this will be appreciated.

Edited by DoomSlayer69
Wrong English.

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GZDoom auto-saves by default on every level entry.  In order to get the classic Doom behavior, you have to change the disableautosave variable.  I don't know if any doom compatibility presets govern this variable.

Edited by AlexMax

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12 hours ago, AlexMax said:

GZDoom auto-saves by default on every level entry.  In order to get the classic Doom behavior, you have to change the disableautosave variable.  I don't know if any doom compatibility presets govern this variable.

But I also have autosave on for Final Doom, but when I die in Final Doom, my weapons will still be gone, like the way it should be.

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3 hours ago, DoomSlayer69 said:

But I also have autosave on for Final Doom, but when I die in Final Doom, my weapons will still be gone, like the way it should be.

It's in the GZDoom settings:

Miscellaneous options > number of autosaves (0) (or, enable autosaves (no))

It's also in the .ini

(search for autosavecount)

You can also change the disableautosave variable, like what is @AlexMax is saying.

Edited by HitBoi64

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