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Are there any maps from the IWADs you happen to enjoy, but other people probably don't?


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I have never seen anyone praise E4M9 but I think it might be my favourite of the secret maps in D1. It's pretty easy and symmetrical but I just find the tech base textures with the orange sky attractive 

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I agree with OP about E2M9, it's a fun map to attempt some infighting, and overall it's a weird little alcove of nonsense, something I expect from a secret level.


5 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I constantly see people bad mouthing e4m1, e4m2 and map23 so often these days and for the life of me I have no idea why.


E4 has been pretty divisive in general for as long as I can remember. I love it though.

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5 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I constantly see people bad mouthing e4m1, e4m2 and map23 so often these days and for the life of me I have no idea why. I swear this is a semi-modern phenomenon, like some time within the last 10 years everyone just agreed the maps sucked and I simply missed the memo. They’re very fun maps imo, some of the best.

How could anyone speak ill of Hell Beneath and Perfect Hatred? To me those two are clearly among the best IWAD maps, the former for extremely tight, finely-tuned design and the latter for its bold originality. Honestly, people have no taste.

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Map 12: Crater from TNT.  I rarely see anyone mention this map unless it's to say that the "crater" itself is poorly drawn.  That may be true, but this map has such a great atmosphere otherwise.  For me it really nails that eerie sense of being on your own in an isolated, hostile facility.

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1 minute ago, Omniarch said:

How could anyone speak ill of Hell Beneath and Perfect Hatred? To me those two are clearly among the best IWAD maps, the former for extremely tight, finely-tuned design and the latter for its bold originality. Honestly, people have no taste.

"2hard4me", I guess

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Just now, Salmon said:

Map 12: Crater from TNT.  I rarely see anyone mention this map unless it's to say that the "crater" itself is poorly drawn.  That may be true, but this map has such a great atmosphere otherwise.  For me it really nails that eerie sense of being on your own in an isolated, hostile facility.

MAP06: Open Season does that, too. Especially with the music, it's a lot more eerie and mysterious.

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Ive always liked Limbo and Sever the Wicked, two UD maps which everyone seems to dislike. I dont know if theres anything in Doom 2 I like that others dont, doesnt everyone like Suburbs? That was always my favourite in the set for the huge monster hordes you can whip up.


TNT is where my opinion vastly differs; I like Metal, I like all three of Drake's maps, and I like Habitat.


Plutonia all blends together for me, I dont really remember anything past the opening set of maps, the secret levels, the one Living End ripoff with the infinite chaingunner, and the big city level at the end.

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From the four IWADS, the one i found myself replaying over and over during all this years, is TNT: Evilution.

As today, i can't find any bad map on it, maybe annoying, but no one is bad as all of them, even Habitat the so called worst iwad map ever, has some interesting and detailed visual cues that help to create a sense of place and storytelling as no other iwad.
That alone just take it to eleven for me.
And everyone here already know my long lasting love to TeamTNT and all their projects.

Beside that there is one map that when i played it for the first time blowed my head as i didn't know it was even possible.
I'm talking about TNTmap20: Central Processing.

It starts as a techbase map, and gradually unfolds as a big corrupted twisted things, to then shows how the starship has become so corrupted that hell is transfigurating itself inside it.
Just amazing!

Probably the biggest and most sprawling map made on any IWAD.
Love it atmosphere and it oddeness all the same.

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Doom II


Map 09 - The Pit: It's a pretty enjoyable map if you play with the vanilla lost soul limit. The red key room is bullshit, but that's the only real blemish. 


Map 17 - Tenements: It's one of my favourite maps in the game. I don't get why it's so reviled. 


Map 23 - Barrels O Fun: I get why people don't like this. I find it to be an excellent troll map. 


Edited by paturn

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1 hour ago, Salmon said:

Map 12: Crater from TNT.  I rarely see anyone mention this map unless it's to say that the "crater" itself is poorly drawn.  That may be true, but this map has such a great atmosphere otherwise.  For me it really nails that eerie sense of being on your own in an isolated, hostile facility.

Crater is my favorite Evilution level because to me it's basically quintessential Evilution. Hitscanners, weirdly-designed outside areas, a few attentions to detail, and its spaced well and cool.

E3M7 Limbo is another favorite of mine. People bitch about it's maze and teleporter system, but they're really not difficult to figure out at all.


MAP09 Abbatoire of Plutonia barely gets any love but it's an incredibly fun map. First level in Plutonia to have an invulnerability sphere and it's in a fun area as well. The monsters that teleport in are going to the crushers to make it more fun. And the last area actually isn't too troublesome if you prioritize the chaingunners and circle the area well.

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When I first played Doom 2 I loved MAP08: Tricks and Traps and also MAP23: Barrels o' Fun. I also enjoyed TNT Evilution MAP12: Crater, it was such a large map with plenty of space to run around and some nice sewers, a big dark outdoor area.

Edited by pcorf

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8 hours ago, Nasesrtyhcfhk said:

I have never seen anyone praise E4M9 but I think it might be my favourite of the secret maps in D1. It's pretty easy and symmetrical but I just find the tech base textures with the orange sky attractive 


And not to mention it was the source for Super Turbo Turkey Puncher 3.

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I actually quite liked TNT's MAP08, all things considered – it feels high energy and tough, but not unreasonable; the rooms filter you forward in a pretty nice way, and aside from the maze at the start and the dark room, you generally have plenty of room to move around, and moving around is fun. It certainly feels better than the big stupid courtyard in MAP03 where you can either get sniped by 45 Chaingunners in the wide-open space or cornered by 20 Shotgunners in the side passages.


Though if it didn't basically feed you an obvious secret blur sphere before the big final shootout I wouldn't be nearly so eager to compliment it. The map would instantly be three times better if it just replaced all its Shotgunners with Imps or Revenants or something. Hitscan sucks.

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I have no idea why people dislike E2M9 so much, I honestly love that map, was a huge adrenaline rush the first time I played it, being surrounded by 4 barons at once is bound to catch any first time player off guard. And I honestly love the cacodemon room. The only thing I don't like is the ending where you have to open doors with keys just to open more doors with keys, and it's kind of annoying, but that's a small blunder on an otherwise good map.

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I don't know why, but I really enjoy both the 4th map in Doom and the 4th map in Doom 2. Command Control and The Focus just do it for me. Well-designed, brief bite-sized maps. I prefer the music in Map 03, more than the track in Map 04, but Kitchen Ace is tops. 

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I sometimes see people say they hate Tricks & Traps, and I can't agree at all, it's a great gimmick map. Then there's The Chasm, I can see that one, as it forces you to slow down, but personally I don't mind taking slow approaches in Doom, so that doesn't bother me, I find it a big and fun map to explore.

E4M1 is great to me, it instantly throws you into a wild gunfight and you barely have any tools to work with besides what the shotgun baldies drop, health and ammo is tight, so you can't afford a lot of mistakes. I actually tend to use E4M1 for testing changes and updates I do for a gameplay mod project.


Looking at TNT, a lot of people don't care for Drake O'Brien's levels, that's another I can see, because they're really goddamn long. I don't mind all the exploring though, they have a lot of atmosphere. I do think that the stupid hurtfloor spiral gantlet in Mount Pain is really bad though, that really drags down the level a lot.

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On 11/12/2020 at 2:08 PM, Midnight_00 said:

I've always really liked Steel Works. Not sure it's disliked, but I've never really seen much praise for it either.

TNT: Evilutin map14: Steel Works is a masterpiece on atmosphere and contextual storytelling.

In map12: Crater, the player boards the Starship, in map13: Nukage Processing we found about the waste dispossal area of the ship, and then on map14: Steel Works we know about the giant furnace that fuels the engine of the Starship.

And map15: Dead Zone... holly shit! Thats a way to show how the ship was overrun completely and is now deadly silent, and deadly non less...

Edited by P41R47

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Probably the chasm. And considering how much I genuinely dislike a lot of Sandy's doom maps, I'm pretty surprised that this was the one I didn't mind.


Yeah the narrow walkway thing was kinda dumb, but everything else about the map was fine. I like the blue room with the waves of pinkies.


I also love the Industrial Zone. That's easily my favorite of Doom 2's open-ended city maps. A lot of fun verticality and tense encounters.

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On 11/11/2020 at 4:12 PM, Doomkid said:

I constantly see people bad mouthing e4m1, e4m2 and map23 so often these days and for the life of me I have no idea why. I swear this is a semi-modern phenomenon, like some time within the last 10 years everyone just agreed the maps sucked and I simply missed the memo. They’re very fun maps imo, some of the best.


I also love the Icon of Sin since it’s 99x more fun and challenging than the Doom1 bosses, but hatred for the IoS is a long established thing unlike the 3 maps I mentioned above.


I tink Romero's E4 maps, both E4M2 and E4M6, are probably the best work he's ever put out in hindsight.

Edited by Budoka

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Now that I've completed TNT, I must mention Shipping/ Respawning. It's not great, but it's not terrible either. The visuals are nice (for 90s standards)

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On 11/11/2020 at 5:40 PM, Jaws In Space said:

E3M2 it's in my top 5 favorite maps from Ultimate Doom, but most people seem to not like this one.

Slough Of Dispair is a wicked map!

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