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What is the best Doom map ever? (IWADs, Slaughtermaps, TCs, anything).

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What do you think is the absolute best map ever? I can't really truly say, but I think it might be MAP32 of Plutonia for innovation and brutality and MAP09 of Doom 2 for innovation and unique design, along with Sunlust MAP30 for merging insane difficulty with stunning visuals and Ancient Aliens MAP24 for some really good looking visuals.

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I know what my favorite is, and it's Sunder Map15, but that doesn't mean it's the best. If you're asking what we think the greater community would consider the best map, maybe Alien Vendetta Map20? I don't know.


Also try to search the forums first before you post questions like this. People have likely already answered this question before and are sick of seeing it pop up time and time again.

Edited by Arbys550

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The best map is subjective to everyone.

Some people can say a classic one, like the map 20 of Alien Vendetta. Others might say Thunderpeak Powerplant. Others might like the map 16 of Scythe 2 with that freaking Mr.X or even E1M1 of our old loved Doom 1....


Heck.....even Nuts can be chosen as the best by someone...

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I cant think of one single map I've had as much fun with as Hellrun for Doom2. By modern standards it's pretty toothless, but I had never played a slaughtermap - even a proto one, before Hellrun. The visuals have held up very well compared to most other mid 90's wads, especially among single-map releases. I return to it every year or so for another fun run though. I've somehow yet to get bored of it.

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I found Endgame MAP07: Water Treatment Facility a surprisingly beautiful map with superb atmosphere.

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I haven't played a whole lot of custom wads yet, but my favourite level so far is probably Map 8: 54-pit from the Japanese Community Project. I really liked the whole "haunted techbase" theme it had going, and the part in the bathroom where imps start teleporting out of the mirror is the most memorable thing I've seen in doom so far. Also the automap is a comic, which is a nice touch.


Map 24: Tough Skin River, from BTSX1 would be a close second. Most climatic finale I've seen to any WAD so far.

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My personal favourites (Official games/wads) are:


Doom 1: E3M7 (puzzle), E2M7 (design), E3M9 (Best secret level in Doom 1), E2M9 (most funny level in history)


Doom 2: I don't remember XD

But MAP31 is maybe best secret level in classic doom games

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For my personal no. 1, I'll go with No End In Sight E4M6 "Sanctuary of Filth" for its extreme originality and colossal vision. Despite playing NEIS through three times as of this writing, I've only ever beaten that level once on UV.


Second place would go to another No End In Sight map (yes, I am exactly that sad), that being E3M7 "Netherworld Fortress", for being the platonic ideal of a secret-heavy hell-labyrinth. I also find the many doomcute touches, especially in the hell restaurant area, disproportionately endearing.


Actually, so many of my favourite maps are from NEIS that I think'll stop right here. CASTEVIL.wad is an honourable mention, for being on of the first giant, secret-heavy labyrinth levels.

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I can't choose one map in particular, but Scythe 2 and Valiant are probably the most fun experiences I ever had with Doom.

Edited by Noiser

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Map 10 : "Soulscarred Universe" from Dark Resolution 2008.




One of my favourite hard maps. The music contributes to the oniric but brutal atmosphere.


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Misri Halek, MAP20 of Alien Vendetta. That level won the first place of "Top 100 Memorable Maps" for reasons. It does have some flaws, such as confusing progression, inescapable pits, etc. But the atmosphere, architectural design and details, exquisite sector lighting, great choice of music, all of them make the level highly memorable.

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Probably MAP24 of Scythe 2. I'll concede that I was really high when first playing it, but the Daggerfall music along with the map itself made a beautiful first experience.

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I like every single map in CXV.wad and B4NM.wad


For the IWADs....


My favorite Ultimate Doom maps so far is all of E3 and E2, E1M9, E4M2, E1M8, E1M3.


All of Doom II especially the city and hell levels.

Edited by DownloadTheseSweetViruses

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UAC Ultra's known for its gray and grittiness, but Skagway (penultimate map) owns them all, with going across a dangerous-aired hellscape with radiation suits and lots of plodding combat.

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E1M1 of Doom 1/ Ultimate Doom. Not only is it the first and most memorized map of Doom. It was made by Romero as the final map before Doom's release. This was a good idea as E1M1 shows most if not all of the capabilities the doom engine had. Floors of different elevations, projectile enemies, projectiles that change height, elevators, doors, stairs, harmful liquids, and skyboxes, and esentially 3d in general (excluding rooms over rooms).


But thats objectively. For MY favorite map, I dont yet have one.

Edited by PSI Boredom Ω

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From my favourite WAD (yet) Plutonia


Map 15: The Twilight: The map is quintessential Plutonia. On a blind run, it's downright sadistic with it's nasty traps. But once you learn the map and figure out a proper route, it's one of the easiest maps in the WAD. 


Map 32: Go 2 it: This map is Plutonia on steroids. Enough said. 

Edited by paturn

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From those I played I think those are the ones that impressed me most:


- Sunlust MAP19 ("Blood Geometry") - the one with the weird Archvile lift fight - and the final fight with one of the best Baron usages.

- Eternal Doom MAP26 ("No Parking") - a bloody map with unusual puzzles and fights

- Valiant MAP27 ("Rocket Zone 2") - very creative combat setups and awesome visuals


Honorable mentions go to Eviternity MAP32, Alien Vendetta's "Killer Colors" (MAP31) and Memento Mori 2's MAP19 "The Shaft".

Edited by erzboesewicht

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