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[On Hold] Doom 32x: Delta


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Turns out I didn't post a video Wednesday. Also, would you guys mind waiting for all episodes to be released at the same times, or would you prefer Episode 1 to be released right away?

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1 hour ago, VGA said:

I will try out the first episode on Retroarch if you release it.

Then, I will probably release the episodes seperately here, then once all 3 are finished I will release them in one bundle on RHDN.

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Great news everyone, Wednesday's video is out! (...finally)

E1M7 caused me a lot of trouble, but now its all good and the geometry is ALMOST intact! Textures are though. I redesigned the outside area of E1M8 a bit to be less laggy as well as slightly tweaking the number of pinkies and barrels in the opening room. (As well as the music! Although thats Alex's work)

Episode 1 WILL be released tommorow and not today as there still are a few bugs that are in need of being fixed unfortunately. In the meantime, enjoy this preview video! As stated before, each episodes will be split (Mainly due to lack of space for all textures in one ROM) into different patches, which will also allow the secret levels to be included! As for the classic E2M8 and E3M8, they won't be present due to lack of Cyberdemon and Spiderdemon, but will instead be replaced by the Jaguar version's replacements of E2M8 and E3M1 albeit slightly tweaked of course.


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In your video it is still the original music for E1M8, right?

Edited by VGA

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3 hours ago, Dexiaz said:

Sounds not good. BTW, is this possible to change music in 32x version? Never knew it.

By changing it, they mean replace the song in the rom. I think.

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7 minutes ago, VGA said:

By changing it, they mean replace the song in the rom. I think.


Well, I thought exactly about that. And that's surprising

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6 hours ago, VGA said:

I am a little confused, how is this project different from



e-Doctor's """""Ultimate""""" edition is unoptimized with lag occuring in large areas, and unlike THIS version, it only features the original 32x textures instead of the PC ones. Doom 32x Delta is gonna be a mix of as little cut content as possible while still keeping the framerate decent and including the PC textures, for the TRUE ultimate version.

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Nice, I'm waiting for a release to load in an emulator.


Are you testing on a real 32X?

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1 hour ago, VGA said:

Nice, I'm waiting for a release to load in an emulator.


Are you testing on a real 32X?

I do not have a real 32X.

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Well, I said I would release today in the morning, but somehow THIS happened.



great. Apart from that we're set for release today so expect me to bump this again for the Episode 1 release!

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1 hour ago, Roebloz said:

Oh and if anyone has any feedback, feel free to send it to me.

Hey, I finished 3 maps, pretty good so far, I see it has the unlocked selector, that's good :D


I've made a savestate and will continue later or tomorrow.

Edited by VGA

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Hello. Alex here (yes, THAT Alex). 


So, about that music glitch: that's not me, that's probably my HEX editor being drunk (or maybe I just misclicked somewhere there).

In the future, I want to move the ending to the level 8 instead of 15, but I need some time. I have university, and the exams are nearby, so it may take a bit longer.

Also, I now know how to edit demos, and there is plenty of fun stuff there: you could toggle IDDQD and give yourself all the weapons - things you couldn't do on the PC version. I may write a converter soon, but there are some differences (for example, on PC you could change your weapon to any number, here you could only "scroll" them) so it may not happen. I wonder if I should release my own version of the "Doom 32X hacking notes" file...


Anyways, thank you all for your support and interest, I haven't been this happy for a long time :)


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4 hours ago, VGA said:

Hey, I finished 3 maps, pretty good so far, I see it has the unlocked selector, that's good :D


I've made a savestate and will continue later or tomorrow.

Did you finish MAP01-MAP03 or MAP00-MAP02?

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30 minutes ago, Roebloz said:

Did you finish MAP01-MAP03 or MAP00-MAP02?

I just started normally on the E1M1 map! There is a MAP00?

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11 hours ago, VGA said:

I just started normally on the E1M1 map! There is a MAP00?

I said that there is one in the edited first post!...Although it has the difficulty of Hectic from D64, so maybe finish Episode 1 before trying to reap MAP00s rewards.

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I finished episode 1 just now, running in Retroarch with the Picodrive emulator using savestates, I died 2-3 times lol, those hitscanners are way more dangerous than in vanilla it seems. It ran pretty smoothly and I enjoyed it! Although I played in HMP difficulty and it may run a bit worse in higher difficulties due to more enemies.


The only bug I have to report is that in level 7 that big pillar doesn't go down properly. The sound kept playing infinitely but it never lowered. Thankfully there is nothing there needed to finish the map. Go to 2:24 in this video to see the part of the map I am talking about





As for the music, a couple of the tracks were atrocious, you know the ones that have long notes, they sound totally off. Maybe re-use the songs that sound good?


EDIT: Also, the teleport sound effect is not fixed in this hack, is it? I didn't hear it. Well, sometimes sounds just don't get played in the 32X port. so maybe it was random.

Edited by VGA

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2 hours ago, VGA said:

I finished episode 1 just now, running in Retroarch with the Picodrive emulator using savestates, I died 2-3 times lol, those hitscanners are way more dangerous than in vanilla it seems. It ran pretty smoothly and I enjoyed it! Although I played in HMP difficulty and it may run a bit worse in higher difficulties due to more enemies.


The only bug I have to report is that in level 7 that big pillar doesn't go down properly. The sound kept playing infinitely but it never lowered. Thankfully there is nothing there needed to finish the map. Go to 2:24 in this video to see the part of the map I am talking about





As for the music, a couple of the tracks were atrocious, you know the ones that have long notes, they sound totally off. Maybe re-use the songs that sound good?


EDIT: Also, the teleport sound effect is not fixed in this hack, is it? I didn't hear it. Well, sometimes sounds just don't get played in the 32X port. so maybe it was random.

No, the teleport sound is not fixed. Could you please tell me the names of bad songs? I'll try to fix them in my spare time

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Well, the Sign of Evil track sounds broken, in this hack it plays in the boss level at Level 8. I seem to remember some other song sounding bad on another map but I am not sure which one, even after warping around the maps just now. Maybe it was a part later on in a song. Also, I warped to level 24, is there no song there?

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11 hours ago, VGA said:

Well, the Sign of Evil track sounds broken, in this hack it plays in the boss level at Level 8. I seem to remember some other song sounding bad on another map but I am not sure which one, even after warping around the maps just now. Maybe it was a part later on in a song. Also, I warped to level 24, is there no song there?

So, about level 24: I'm gonna tell you a story how I see it. Mind you, I'm an amateur, so I might be wrong. 


The situation is next: there's an array of songs in the code. You may choose ANY song: from Intermission to Sweet Little Dead Bunny for ANY level covered in that array. The ting is: there are 24 maps, and our array only covers MAP00-MAP22 (or 21, I can't remember now). So, on the missing maps there's no music because either it's not in the array or because it reads invalid values after the array which correspond to no song. I may experiment with them, but I'm afraid that it'll screw up something that is not visible yet. 

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1 hour ago, VGA said:

Why isn't the array like the original? Doesn't it normally go up to 24?

Well, I honestly don't know that. Maybe it was intended to have less levels, maybe it's an oversight, maybe the array has 24 slots, but the last slots are filled with garbage data

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Wait, why isn't the secret map at slot 17? That's where the music plays (which is again Sign of Evil)

In Doom Delta 32X it is at slot 24 and that's why it plays no music, I think.

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1 hour ago, VGA said:

Wait, why isn't the secret map at slot 17? That's where the music plays (which is again Sign of Evil)

In Doom Delta 32X it is at slot 24 and that's why it plays no music, I think.

In the source code, it's 24. I would LOVE to chage it to 9, I spent hours with HEX editor, but, alas, I had bad luck. But I still didn't give up, he-he-he! As soon as all this university stuff will easen, I'll try again

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